View Full Version : pic

04-28-2008, 08:07 AM
One more time,I haven't figgered out yet how to post more than one,but I am happy that I can post one.

Hey I did it!!!

04-28-2008, 08:56 AM
Taylor, how does one get the attached thumbnails to come up for viewing? All I see is a white box that says "attached thumbnails". No picture. Clicking on it doesn't work. I've had this problem with some other postings as well.

04-28-2008, 10:01 AM
I have to figure this out too. Sounds like the kids want me to back off on buying a camera as they want something to give us. Understandable as I had a heck of a time buying presents for my folks. One thing with Pyrodex was that I had better luck with the Supreme or whatever they called it. Mathews used to be very fussy with it in his book on cartridges. Sabots and slugs should follow. Just a suggestion. You obviously have minute of deer at 50 yards and possibly some opportunities.


04-28-2008, 11:37 AM
Manage Attachments,then you have 2 different places to look for pics,I chose "browse",and it takes you to where ever your pics are. I had to compress them,so they would fit.I had a teenage son help me. Upload and don't forget to "submit thread".Don't backspace because it will erase what you have done.

I can hit a 100 yard target,not really minute of deer,but wounded.These shots are with iron sights.I will mount a scope and try again.and later try some 777 to see what happens. I did give up on round balls,even though I can get minute of deer.