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02-13-2016, 06:23 PM
Just saw on the news that Justice Scalia has passed. Leaves the court 4-4 conservative/liberal now.

Godspeed Sir

02-13-2016, 06:25 PM

Associate Justice Antonin Scalia was found dead of apparent natural causes Saturday on a luxury resort in West Texas, federal officials said.
Scalia, 79, was a guest at the Cibolo Creek Ranch, a resort in the Big Bend region south of Marfa.
According to a report, Scalia arrived at the ranch on Friday and attended a private party with about 40 people. When he did not appear for breakfast, a person associated with the ranch went to his room and found a body.
Chief U.S. District Judge Orlando Garcia, of the Western Judicial District of Texas, was notified about the death from the U.S. Marshals Service.
U.S. District Judge Fred Biery said he was among those notified about Scalia's death.
"I was told it was this morning," Biery said of Scalia's death. "It happened on a ranch out near Marfa. As far as the details, I think it's pretty vague right now as to how," he said. "My reaction is it's very unfortunate. It's unfortunate with any death, and politically in the presidential cycle we're in, my educated guess is nothing will happen before the next president is elected."
The U.S. Marshal Service, the Presidio County sheriff and the FBI were involved in the investigation.
Officials with the law enforcement agencies declined to comment.
A federal official who asked not to be named said there was no evidence of foul play and it appeared that Scalia died of natural causes.
A gray Cadillac hearse pulled into the ranch last Saturday afternoon. The hearse came from Alpine Memorial Funeral Home.
Scalia was nominated to the U.S. Supreme Court in 1986 by President Ronald Reagan.
Staff writers Vianna Davila, Tyler White and Richard A. Marini, John MacCormack and Guillermo Contreras contributed to this report.

02-13-2016, 06:32 PM
The worst possible news for our country just now. Pray that McConnel et al will find the spine to resist the left's full court press to confirm another of BHO's libs for life.

02-13-2016, 06:44 PM
his eagerness to jump on national tradgedies before the ink on the story is dry, don't count on him waiting.

02-13-2016, 06:51 PM
The worst possible news for our country just now. Pray that McConnel et al will find the spine to resist the left's full court press to confirm another of BHO's libs for life.

McConnel will betray us again.
Count on it.

02-13-2016, 06:52 PM
I will add this.

He went to his place of Peace, in Peace.

02-13-2016, 06:53 PM
Anyone that has been threatening to "sit out the election" because the "perfect candidate" didn't get nominated better take a hard look now...with Scalia gone and Obama chafing at the bit to taint the court for generations...then Ginsburg right on the cusp of retiring and possibly one more appointment due in the next presidential term our whole way of life is on the line...if Hillary get's elected and there are 2 or 3 ultra liberal Justices appointed..forget all about the Constitution..forget about owning guns..forget anything but socialist rule..

square butte
02-13-2016, 06:57 PM
The stakes were already very high - But have just gotten so much higher it's hard to put into words.

02-13-2016, 07:05 PM
I had the great privilege of meeting Justice Scalia on 3 separate occasions where he spoke, and the unbelievable experience of actually sitting at a table dining with him and another ~10 people for 2 hours. He was a truly nice human being. He was a true Constitutional Scholar, committed to the original intent of the US Constitution. The most memorable point he made while we ate and talked was when he said (me paraphrasing) "The American People become so wrapped up in issues they care about that they believe their issue must be protected by the Constitution. We (the Supreme Court) are often forced into hearing and ruling on issues. Most of what the Supreme Court hears and rules on has no basis for being a Constitutional Issue, but because the American People demand it, we find these issues before the Supreme Court."

I will pray to my God that he will influence the next Supreme Justice appointment to be the best thing for our Republic.

02-13-2016, 07:13 PM
I will pray to my God that he will influence the next Supreme Justice appointment to be the best thing for our Republic.


02-13-2016, 07:15 PM
I fear for our Republic.

02-13-2016, 07:30 PM
Yes I'm sure there are a Few Muslim's in the ranks waiting the chance...Potus will be so happy

Harry O
02-13-2016, 07:59 PM
EVERY ONE of the 2nd Amendment cases were 5-4. He was one of the five. We were hanging by a thread before. The thread broke.

02-13-2016, 08:26 PM
Maybe O'Knucklehead snuck in some bad mushrooms .........

Three 44s

02-13-2016, 08:34 PM
With a congress controlled by the lamest bunch of 'winners' we've ever seen, this is a slam-dunk for O.

02-13-2016, 08:38 PM
You can't say Sen. McConnell and say spine in the same breath without gagging. If you think Argentina is the model for the future of our country, you will be happy. Big O can now pack the court with anti-Constitutionalists and we can proceed toward authoritarian kleptocracy.

02-13-2016, 08:40 PM
my condolences for his family.

02-13-2016, 09:03 PM
If the scumbags get another libocommie in we as a nation are done unless their are enough balls to have a revolution.

02-13-2016, 09:12 PM
We are so deep in a mess now.

Plate plinker
02-13-2016, 09:18 PM
Phone calls boys make the phones ring. The weasels need to know we are watching this. No disrespect to actual weasels.

Gaseous Maximus
02-13-2016, 09:18 PM
IMHO, if an Obama nominee is confirmed, its pretty well all over. It won't matter much who is elected president from here on.

02-13-2016, 09:26 PM
I can not describe the blow to us this is , it is more than bad . Pray , we have lost a great friend . The justices named will determine our fate in a short while , go to work , study up , do your best .

02-13-2016, 09:41 PM
OK fellahs. Deep breath. GOP is currently in control of the House and Senate. The Senate must approve any nominee. The process is slow. It would be entirely possible to delay any candidates approval until the election.

Now if we lose that election, we are screwed anyway. First things first.

ol skool
02-13-2016, 09:48 PM
Thank you Justice Scalia for your devoted service to the Bill of Rights and Constitution and what you've done for this great nation.

This is more important than the presidential election. I mourn for his family, but I mourn more for our freedom, liberty and nation. This is a disaster.

Look up Janice Rodgers Brown. I think Scalia would approve...

02-13-2016, 09:50 PM
Could not have happened at a worst time .

02-13-2016, 09:52 PM

McConnell says he intends to wait until after the election. For the moment.

02-13-2016, 09:55 PM
Phone calls boys make the phones ring. The weasels need to know we are watching this. No disrespect to actual weasels.
Already contacted my republican senator. Thought about writing to the other (Casey -D) but he's a pile of excrement to begin with. And I've already told him that.

Bad Water Bill
02-13-2016, 09:58 PM
Just heard on the radio.

Many politicians feel that the NEW president is the one to select Justice Scalias replacement.

Lets pray that they have the spine and the intestinal strength to demand just that

02-13-2016, 11:04 PM

McConnell says he intends to wait until after the election. For the moment.

I have the utmost confidence in McConnell.
I am absolutely certain he will betray us.
He will give Obama this Justice in return for a promise to maybe give us some miniscule something we don't need.
Worthless piece of filth.

02-13-2016, 11:07 PM
Wow, we lost a good guy. It's scary how much power one man can have and this situation brings it home. Stakes are high on this one, very high. I don't like the odds so our hand will have to be very well played. I wish I had more confidence in our Senators.

02-14-2016, 12:40 AM
America is on the cusp of history... we can either restore the republic or go quietly into the dust bin of history as a failed state... because if the court goes liberal civil war is a guarantee!

02-14-2016, 12:51 AM
He was one of the good ones. May he go with God.

How long can his replacement be postponed?

ol skool
02-14-2016, 01:34 AM
He was one of the good ones. May he go with God.

How long can his replacement be postponed?

Answer: The Senate is in recess. Our Comrade in Thief can appoint a Justice TOMORROW until the Senate gets around to it sometime when McConnell decides it feels good to think about doing something about it, blah, blah woof woof... (for all us Hendrix fans out here)

Obama's Marxist tool can rule on confiscation of union dues for 'fair share', EPA control of CO2, AR 15's, states rights issues, among others.

I love the union dues fair share argument. I am required to pay dues or 'fair share' extortion to the NEA to keep my job. The NEA has NOTHING to do with our wage and benefit discussions on a local level. In fact our local teachers DO NOT WANT the NEA do show up, open their mouth and ***** the good work our local folks accomplish. I keep wondering why I can't buy the good people that work on local issues dinner and a movie, but I gotta pay $1,000 a year to my union to line the pockets of commie politicians...

Gawd this place is so corrupt...

02-14-2016, 04:48 AM
Back when I left law enforcement I had to give up carrying a firearm all the time. I felt sort of naked. Sort of exposed. Not completely dressed. I feel the same way now that Justice Scalia is no longer there protecting my Constitution.

ol skool
02-14-2016, 05:09 AM
Yup, got that right.

02-14-2016, 08:34 AM
RIP Sir,you will be missed.
I believe that "o" can nomiate all he wants but will get nowhere .there will not be any one confirmed until after the elections.

square butte
02-14-2016, 08:38 AM
Recess Appointment is where we will get hit. It's been done before. Eisenhower did it. Trust in McConnell to put the senate in recess.

02-14-2016, 08:43 AM
Justice Scalia was a good steward of the the original intent of the meaning of the Constitution - as intended by its framers.

I believe he can now look the founding fathers in the eye without shame - as I believe they are all together now.

"What would you say... if they were standing here today?"

02-14-2016, 08:59 AM
The takeover of our country has been a long time in the making, it was really just a matter of time when our leaders abandoned the Constitution. The founding Fathers were very wise and put in place a mechanism for the people to have final control, it is called the convention of states. All hope is not lost even in this dark hour.

02-14-2016, 11:34 AM
It is with great sadness that the conservative side of America lost a great friend in Justice Scalia. I hope and pray that the Republic is able to weather this storm and that the conservative majority of this nation can put enough pressure on the Senate to wait until we have a new President to fill the vacancy. The nation needs that time to heal
the really strange thing is this my 1941 post, I am sure many here remember that year and what it meant for America. Rest in peace Justice Scalia you will be missed dearly and my his family know he was loved by a lot of people they will never know

02-14-2016, 01:27 PM
Recess Appointment is where we will get hit. It's been done before. Eisenhower did it. Trust in McConnell to put the senate in recess.

Though Eisenhower did appoint Warren and he was confirmed...there has not been an appointment that was confirmed by a lame duck President for some 80 years...that precedent was in place when LBJ tried to appoint Abe Fortes and was denied the confirmation....The Senate has precedent to not confirm any "apointee" nor nominee if they have the stones to do what they were sent to the Hill to do...that is "stop Obama".

02-14-2016, 09:23 PM
Have to admit that there is something to be said for passing peacefully in your sleep during a hunting trip. That is going out in style. We should all be so lucky.

02-14-2016, 10:52 PM
All the senate has to do to stave off a recess appointment is meet Monday to discuss anything, then meet again Wednesday and Friday!. Only needs 2 senators there to do it to make it a temporary recess where Obama does not have the power to appoint.

02-14-2016, 10:56 PM
^^^ Exactly. Very little is necessary to avoid a recess.

02-15-2016, 08:14 AM
+1 plate plinker. We all must burn up the phones to the Senate as soon as obozo picks a replacement.

02-15-2016, 09:31 PM
What? Everyone hasnt already contacted their Senators AND Congressmen????

02-15-2016, 10:12 PM
Conspiracy theories had to start soon. And, although lots of people poo-poo the tin foil hat crowd (me included), I trust the federal government way less than I trust Lucifer. First thing I thought of when I heard about Justice Scalia was, "I wonder if he died the same way Marilyn Monroe did."

The following is, "food for thought".


02-15-2016, 10:29 PM
Not only the second amendment but all the illegal executive orders will stand. I fear for our nation.

Bad Water Bill
02-15-2016, 10:41 PM

Dr Michael Savage said tonight on his radio show that the judge was found in his UNWRINKLED bed wearing UNWRINKLED night clothes WITH A PILLOW OVER HIS HEAD AND FACE.

Now let the ???? begin.

02-16-2016, 02:48 AM
Not going to bother... Franken and Klobouchar? 2 of the farthest left dems you can get? And NO I did not vote for them!

What? Everyone hasnt already contacted their Senators AND Congressmen????

Bad Water Bill
02-16-2016, 03:46 AM
Not going to bother... Franken and Klobouchar? 2 of the farthest left dems you can get? And NO I did not vote for them!

I know just how you feel

Mine are Dick "diapers" Derbin and turncoat Mark Kirk.:takinWiz:

bruce drake
02-16-2016, 04:04 PM

02-16-2016, 06:34 PM
What? Everyone hasnt already contacted their Senators AND Congressmen????

No point. They're both anti-gun libs.


02-17-2016, 05:05 PM
I put a pillow over my head pretty often. Blocks out light and a little noise.

02-18-2016, 01:14 PM
OK fellahs. Deep breath. GOP is currently in control of the House and Senate. The Senate must approve any nominee. The process is slow. It would be entirely possible to delay any candidates approval until the election.

Now if we lose that election, we are screwed anyway. First things first.

Like we can depend on them anymore…after 911 they passed a 3,000 pages plus "Homeland Security Abomination"…OVERNIGHT!

We are so screwed that...

02-18-2016, 01:19 PM

Dr Michael Savage said tonight on his radio show that the judge was found in his UNWRINKLED bed wearing UNWRINKLED night clothes WITH A PILLOW OVER HIS HEAD AND FACE.

Now let the ???? begin.

From Infowars.com...
It is alarming, Scalia was the offsetting vote between the socialist and conservative judges…O-BlaBla puts a socialist in, even temporarily and there is no telling what he can do to further wreck this country. The Justice was not so sick that he couldn't hunt, he went down there on his own to this private celebrity ranch.
*A U.S.Marshall took control of the investigation and he had 'no training' in investigating homicides.
*Local Police are locked out of the scene.
*The official Coroner was NOT available to process the scene.
**It's handed to a Judge Bebee who was unavaillable to go to the scene.
***It's handed to a Judge Cindrella who made the 'death' determination by 'Phone call', not at the scene.
*Then there is the way he was found with the 'pillow' aspect.
*They did a rush to embalm him.
They report that O-BlaBla is trying to smooth this over…coverup sounds good there…and...he will be playing golf instead of attending the funeral.
The only person left to blow this open and get some kind of investigation going is the Texas Governor, Gregg Abbott…he just might do it also…There's no love lost between Texas and the Federal Government.

There is going to be a lot of sheeple with egg on their faces when this opens up!

and………………………………………….Don't Mess with Texas!

AND…Infowars.com was the only news agency to actually send reporters to Marfa to look into this!

02-18-2016, 06:07 PM
IF, there was hanky-panky at work in causing Justice Scalia's untimely demise, the Zero would likely have nothing to do with it; he's too exposed, too obvious and too low-level. I would be more inclined to believe this kind of evil doings to be ordered in a very round-about, disconnected and untraceable way by someone with lots of money, power and motive. Someone like Soros.

02-18-2016, 06:24 PM
IF, there was hanky-panky at work in causing Justice Scalia's untimely demise, the Zero would likely have nothing to do with it; he's too exposed, too obvious and too low-level. I would be more inclined to believe this kind of evil doings to be ordered in a very round-about, disconnected and untraceable way by someone with lots of money, power and motive. Someone like Soros.

Correct…that's a good angle…any way I look at it, it'll be one of the GLOBALIST SOCIALIST…after all someone gives a 'nod' and evil swings into motion!

02-19-2016, 02:27 PM
:sad:Does any of this conspiracy **** help? Anyone? Give it a rest. The man was 79 years old. Is a heart attack really out of the question ABOVE some wide ranging conspiracy?

02-19-2016, 09:24 PM
:sad:Does any of this conspiracy **** help? Anyone? Give it a rest. The man was 79 years old. Is a heart attack really out of the question ABOVE some wide ranging conspiracy?

I'm always suspicious when one of the extraordinarily rare good men in government suddenly turns up dead. Especially when he dies during one of the rare instances when his security detail is not with him.

If it was say, Biden, would he be pronounced dead over the phone, followed by little, if any, investigation? Not bloody likely.

02-19-2016, 09:59 PM
I put a pillow over my head pretty often. Blocks out light and a little noise.

People with heart disease tend to pile up pillows when they sleep, it makes breathing easier for some reason. It IS one of the questions they ask a patient when they suspect heart disease. IMO I find it unlikely that a person with advanced heart disease, in congestive failure would sleep with a pillow over the head. It would decrease oxygen making it very hard to breath, the heart is already having a difficult time at that stage. So yes, it is very troubling.

For the record I sleep with about three pillows under my head, I am uncomfortable laying flat. And there is no way I could sleep with a pillow over my face. Not saying it means foul play, but it is not normal for heart disease.

02-20-2016, 12:23 PM
Yeah…just keep it up with the heart thing, if that helps you sleep at night, fine…I can't see how you guys can overlook all the other details surrounding his death and not have the tiniest suspicion. Could be that you have forgotten all the underhanded things that Gov. does and 'rolls right along'…
Nothing to see here, move along folks!
If you can't smell the odor in this one…well…I think you have your ear plugs installed in your noses!

02-20-2016, 01:08 PM
Yeah…just keep it up with the heart thing, if that helps you sleep at night, fine…I can't see how you guys can overlook all the other details surrounding his death and not have the tiniest suspicion. Could be that you have forgotten all the underhanded things that Gov. does and 'rolls right along'…
Nothing to see here, move along folks!
If you can't smell the odor in this one…well…I think you have your ear plugs installed in your noses!

Suspicion, it is pretty hard to not have some suspicion. The heart thing, well, if a killer did not use something acting on the heart condition then shame on them, clearly the best way to make it look natural.

Thinking that it was a government conspiracy is silly it would not have been the government, more likely a leftist extremist or gun control group or individual. I mean really, you thinking like a CIA, FBI, NSA, EPA type government plot??????

All that said I still think natural causes is the most likely cause of death. If someone was to have him killed so that Obama could appoint a liberal judge they should have done it 6 months or more ago. I mean really, if you thought you could do it and get away with it why wait until now. We have know for years that the Conservative majority in the court was threaten by the growing age of the membership, everyone had expected another justice resign or die before Obama left office. If Obama had lost the 2012 election I expect that Scalia would have retired long ago. He as a real patriot for trying to hang around as long as he did, it might have cost him years off his life.


02-20-2016, 01:38 PM
Let's put it this way, it would have taken little effort to kill him with his disease. That would also have made authorities less likely to investigate. The problem is motive, there is more than enough motive for his demise to warrant a autopsy. It does not matter that he was ill, and had a short time left, murder is still murder. There should have been an autopsy, no matter what his physician said. If he was not there at the time of death to declare it then it should be determined by forensics.

02-22-2016, 01:13 AM
God Bless Scalia. God help the rest of us. Even with a Republican president, no guarantee we get a strict constructionist in. Still too many Dems and Rinos in the Senate. But if Hillary/et al send a name to the Senate, guaranteed it will not be a good one.

02-22-2016, 10:43 AM
"They 'smoothed over 911' and almost the entire world believed it…except for a few. Now there is 29 pages of that 'Official Report' that have been 'redacted' and nobody has access to that material…This Scalia murder…oops…I mean natural death…is but a 'hiccup'…SO…"Move along folks, nothing to see here!"

02-22-2016, 09:07 PM
…SO…"Move along folks, nothing to see here!".....

THAT much is true. :roll:

Nose Dive
02-22-2016, 10:29 PM
Brave brilliant Justice. At least he died here in Texas.

Nose Dive

Cheap, Fast, Good. Kindly pick two.

02-22-2016, 10:36 PM
Yeah…just keep it up with the heart thing, if that helps you sleep at night, fine…I can't see how you guys can overlook all the other details surrounding his death and not have the tiniest suspicion. Could be that you have forgotten all the underhanded things that Gov. does and 'rolls right along'…
Nothing to see here, move along folks!
If you can't smell the odor in this one…well…I think you have your ear plugs installed in your noses!
If the gov't is so powerful and so adept as to cover up virtually anything, wouldn't they be able to falsify an autopsy result? Scalias body could be subjected to all of the latest and greatest examination methods and if They didn't want you to know the truth, you would never know it.
On the other hand, if The Truth was that he died of natural causes you would accuse them of manufacturing the official report.
That's what I hate most about this Konspiracy Krap: It goes around in endless circles never proved or disproved to anyone's satisfaction.

02-23-2016, 05:53 AM
If the gov't is so powerful and so adept as to cover up virtually anything, wouldn't they be able to falsify an autopsy result? Scalias body could be subjected to all of the latest and greatest examination methods and if They didn't want you to know the truth, you would never know it.
On the other hand, if The Truth was that he died of natural causes you would accuse them of manufacturing the official report.
That's what I hate most about this Konspiracy Krap: It goes around in endless circles never proved or disproved to anyone's satisfaction.

Just forget about Conspiracies like Georgie Jr. said for you to do. You seem to be delighted living in this world just the way it is. When the SHTF don't get caught jumping into my foxhole goof!

02-23-2016, 09:16 AM
With all the people surrounding the Clintons during their meteoric rise and enrichment, who died under "mysterious circumstances," I can't see how it'd be surprising if Scalia were killed intentionally, especially after he's been a rather substantial thorn in the Clintons' and the liberal's side.

Any study of the Clintons' rise to power and riches pretty much HAS to give rise to suspicions. Whoever their "mechanic" is, seems to be rather competent and versatile. That too is far from far-fetched.

The words "plausible deniability" seem to be strongly drawn on when it comes to the Clintons and their machinations. I'm not much of one for conspiracy theories, usually, but ... well, we wouldn't have the word "conspiracy" if they didn't really exist at times. And if it's not valid here, it missed a pretty darn good chance! That's my thoughts on it, anyway.

02-23-2016, 04:10 PM
You seem to be delighted living in this world just the way it is. When the SHTF don't get caught jumping into my foxhole goof!
Obviously this is the first post of mine you've ever read.
Just as obvious is that you believe everything is a conspiracy and that your ability to comprehend what you read takes a backseat to your paranoia.
Good luck.

02-23-2016, 04:12 PM
With all the people surrounding the Clintons during their meteoric rise and enrichment, who died under "mysterious circumstances," I can't see how it'd be surprising if Scalia were killed intentionally, especially after he's been a rather substantial thorn in the Clintons' and the liberal's side.

Any study of the Clintons' rise to power and riches pretty much HAS to give rise to suspicions. Whoever their "mechanic" is, seems to be rather competent and versatile. That too is far from far-fetched.

The words "plausible deniability" seem to be strongly drawn on when it comes to the Clintons and their machinations. I'm not much of one for conspiracy theories, usually, but ... well, we wouldn't have the word "conspiracy" if they didn't really exist at times. And if it's not valid here, it missed a pretty darn good chance! That's my thoughts on it, anyway.
I don't actually know how Scalia died, except for the fact that I wasn't involved.
All we have to do is say the word 'conspiracy' and someone will be along shortly with a handful of theories.

02-23-2016, 09:17 PM
Obviously this is the first post of mine you've ever read.
Just as obvious is that you believe everything is a conspiracy and that your ability to comprehend what you read takes a backseat to your paranoia.
Good luck.

"I might have remembered something you said before…but…I don' think I ever read anything you ever said that was 'memorable'. You seem to be about a beat and half off center…so…go back to your tinker toys and stop disturbing the adults."

02-23-2016, 09:25 PM
"I might have remembered something you said before…but…I don' think I ever read anything you ever said that was 'memorable'. You seem to be about a beat and half off center…so…go back to your tinker toys and stop disturbing the adults."
You and Gunoil, see if you can get a refund for those defective crystal balls. And check your HVAC system, the air in your bunker is getting thin.

02-23-2016, 09:41 PM
Apologies to the other members here, but I'll let my remarks stand for the Mods to sort out. I'm off this thread.
OS OK: This is not "The Pit." Read the rules, take your attitude elsewhere.

Bad Water Bill
02-23-2016, 09:49 PM
Apologies to the other members here, but I'll let my remarks stand for the Mods to sort out. I'm off this thread.
OS OK: This is not "The Pit." Read the rules, take your attitude elsewhere.


Again this is a family thread and should be answered as such or go elsewhere cause I B sendin Girty there ta adjist yer attitude..

02-23-2016, 09:55 PM
With a government that mostly runs on "contributions" (bribes & payoffs), politicians who routinely violate their oath of office, high placed gov't officials who place and store our national secrets on a unsecure private network. It is always good to speak of and consider conspiracies within and surrounding that government. It reminds them that they are being watched and listened to; just as they have been tapping into our communications, reading our mail and eavesdropping on us.

Those who are so naive as to believe that the federal gov't has never, with malice, engaged in (conspired) illegal or unconstitutional schemes against fellow politicians or citizens, you need to take off the rose colored glasses, grow up and start drinking deeply at the pool of reality instead of sipping at the Koolaid.

Although I still think it's wrong to assume a conspiracy in every shadow or every unusual event. With a government that runs on greed, politicians who rarely, if ever, propose or pass legislation without a bribe or payoff of some sort, it is likely more accurate to assume a conspiracy than not.

Yes, I know; our gov't is far better than many. But then again, my ex was a little less loathsome than Hitler. See, just because you can find something worse, doesn't mean what you have is acceptable.

02-24-2016, 07:34 AM
smokeywolf, were our ex wives, sisters??

With a government that mostly runs on "contributions" (bribes & payoffs), politicians who routinely violate their oath of office, high placed gov't officials who place and store our national secrets on a unsecure private network. It is always good to speak of and consider conspiracies within and surrounding that government. It reminds them that they are being watched and listened to; just as they have been tapping into our communications, reading our mail and eavesdropping on us.

Those who are so naive as to believe that the federal gov't has never, with malice, engaged in (conspired) illegal or unconstitutional schemes against fellow politicians or citizens, you need to take off the rose colored glasses, grow up and start drinking deeply at the pool of reality instead of sipping at the Koolaid.

Although I still think it's wrong to assume a conspiracy in every shadow or every unusual event. With a government that runs on greed, politicians who rarely, if ever, propose or pass legislation without a bribe or payoff of some sort, it is likely more accurate to assume a conspiracy than not.

Yes, I know; our gov't is far better than many. But then again, my ex was a little less loathsome than Hitler. See, just because you can find something worse, doesn't mean what you have is acceptable.

02-24-2016, 01:48 PM
Last night I watched some conspiracy loonie opine that Scalia was offed by some great unknown conspiracy. His evidence was that it was hard to get a judge to go to the ranch and pronounce him dead. The County Judge was finally contacted and she handled it by phone. There was no autopsy . That was his evidence for foul play.

The guy had no idea the way these things are handled, nor the remoteness of the location. To drive to that spot in Presidio County would take hours with the last hour on dirt roads.

Scores of times, I have either been with people when they died or called shortly after they have died at home. The Funeral Homes is called, who in turn calls the police who show up and see if there is any evidence of foul play. If the person has been under a doctor's care, the doctor is contacted. The body is then taken away and the doctor signs the death certificate without viewing the body. Nobody shows up to pronounce anybody dead and there is never an autopsy, unless the police report indicates foul play. Unless the family wants a private autopsy, one ordered by a judge, will be large cost to the county, so they are not routinely done, unless there is strong evidence to suggest foul play.

In Scalia's case a judge was contacted, the Feds (FBI and U.S. Marshall's Service) helicoptered in and saw no indication of foul play. Scalia's doctor was contacted and he informed them he was in poor health. The family didn't want an autopsy, so the Feds took the body by vehicle to El Paso, where it was prepared for shipment back to the family. Considered the extreme remoteness of the place where he died, this is pretty much the way things happen in Texas. There was nothing strange, untoward or suspicious about any of this.

02-24-2016, 02:11 PM
Your point is absolutely solid and well taken Char-Gar, but it still doesn't mean there's zero possibility that it couldn't have been a killing. I don't believe it probably was, but there's no logical way to discount the possibility of it. We simply don't know, and never really will. The only thing we CAN know is that whichever way it was, we've STILL got to go on without him, and that gives rise to the question of what we do next. And personally speaking, I don't look for it to be very smart. That just doesn't seem to be a very likely option these days. Yeah, I'm jaded and disillusioned and pessimistic, but it's not badly founded, really. I just haven't given up the ship yet.

I just can't do that. We're in the fight of our lives now, and nobody seems to even want to man the "guns." That just isn't destined to end anywhere good for the country. It's my belief that we're seeing the prophesies unfold as we sit and munch our popcorn, and help it proceed along its merry way in every way we can. And that's the "hell" of it for us who understand it the way the Bible tells us it's all gonna' go. We have to sit and watch it as it transpires slowly just as predicted, and in ways we never imagined it would be.

All I know for sure, is that whichever way it really was, God can and will deal with it very fairly and properly, and to a higher standard of "justice" than any of us here can muster up.

It seems all of us WANT to know things that we can't possibly know nowadays. So instead of just wondering and harboring reasonable questions, or even suspicions, we convince ourselves of things that we WANT to believe, rather than stick with real, solid logic and rationality. If there's anything more common today than wild claims put forth as truths, I don't know what it'd be. And the more we trend toward that, the worse things tend to get. Most rational folks would find a clue in that, but not many seem to WANT to do that. I think it's always been clear that our willfulness is what generally gets us in trouble, and our devotion to it has never been higher. How could our results be any different, given that, than what they've been? And how could our future be any different unless and until we abandon the stuff that clearly doesn't work, and replace it with something that always has, even if not quite "perfectly" all the time?

These are the REAL questions posed by Justice Scalia's death, I think, but they're not very popular at ALL!

02-24-2016, 10:12 PM
Oh my God Char! Your actual personal, real world experience is just going to RUIN all the fun for the conspiracy theory wack...er... believers!!!!

02-25-2016, 12:09 AM
Another good one Charles

02-25-2016, 04:55 PM
Oh my God Char! Your actual personal, real world experience is just going to RUIN all the fun for the conspiracy theory wack...er... believers!!!!

I am married to the love of my life whom I have known since 1950 and that red headed woman will bite on any tom fool conspiracy theory that comes down the pike. She is highly intelligent being a retired college professor, but she is not a critical thinker when it comes to these things. She believes what she want to believe and thinks she can intuit the truth in complete disregards of any facts to the contrary.

02-25-2016, 05:00 PM
Your point is absolutely solid and well taken Char-Gar, but it still doesn't mean there's zero possibility that it couldn't have been a killing. I don't believe it probably was, but there's no logical way to discount the possibility of it. We simply don't know, and never really will. The only thing we CAN know is that whichever way it was, we've STILL got to go on without him, and that gives rise to the question of what we do next. And personally speaking, I don't look for it to be very smart. That just doesn't seem to be a very likely option these days. Yeah, I'm jaded and disillusioned and pessimistic, but it's not badly founded, really. I just haven't given up the ship yet.

I just can't do that. We're in the fight of our lives now, and nobody seems to even want to man the "guns." That just isn't destined to end anywhere good for the country. It's my belief that we're seeing the prophesies unfold as we sit and munch our popcorn, and help it proceed along its merry way in every way we can. And that's the "hell" of it for us who understand it the way the Bible tells us it's all gonna' go. We have to sit and watch it as it transpires slowly just as predicted, and in ways we never imagined it would be.

All I know for sure, is that whichever way it really was, God can and will deal with it very fairly and properly, and to a higher standard of "justice" than any of us here can muster up.

It seems all of us WANT to know things that we can't possibly know nowadays. So instead of just wondering and harboring reasonable questions, or even suspicions, we convince ourselves of things that we WANT to believe, rather than stick with real, solid logic and rationality. If there's anything more common today than wild claims put forth as truths, I don't know what it'd be. And the more we trend toward that, the worse things tend to get. Most rational folks would find a clue in that, but not many seem to WANT to do that. I think it's always been clear that our willfulness is what generally gets us in trouble, and our devotion to it has never been higher. How could our results be any different, given that, than what they've been? And how could our future be any different unless and until we abandon the stuff that clearly doesn't work, and replace it with something that always has, even if not quite "perfectly" all the time?

These are the REAL questions posed by Justice Scalia's death, I think, but they're not very popular at ALL!

The Mexicans have a quick and easy way to explain things that don't have answers or ready explanations. They just blame "Las Brujas", the witches. I find that is a much more satisfying explanation of Scalia's death than all the theories rattling around. So, it might has been "Las Brujas", but it there was human involvement, it was probably the Knights of the Mystic Sea that did him in.

02-25-2016, 09:04 PM
Ooooh....another Knights Templar movie in tne works! :D