View Full Version : Encore 6BR custom shop barrel

02-12-2016, 08:19 PM
Found a new in box tc custom shop barrel. The guy knows it is labeled as a 6br barrel but does not know if it is 6br Remington or 6br Norma. Anyone know what it would be? If it is 6br Remington does anyone make dies for that chamber anymore or just the Norma? Thanks. Do not know exact age of barrel but Ed with edstc has it so I assume its faiy new

02-13-2016, 03:41 AM
My Encore 6PPC Custom Shop is chambered to 6PPC Norma. You may want to buy some Cerrosafe and do a chamber cast.

Doc Highwall
02-13-2016, 11:52 AM
I believe all the custom shop barrels chambered in 6mmBr are the Norma chamber. My Encore 6mmBr barrel takes the Lapua brass no problem, and so does my shooting buddy's.