View Full Version : Shameful - VA deny's 90 year old Vet treatment

02-08-2016, 07:57 PM

VA demands proof World War II combat vet with Purple Heart served in military
Published February 08, 2016

The Veterans Affairs Department refuses to pay benefits to a World War II vet in his 90s who was wounded in combat and earned a Purple Heart.

Fox 2 Now in St. Louis reports that after Emil Limpert submitted an application for benefits to the Department of Veterans Affairs he was told he needed to provide more proof that he was in the military.

“I get this letter that says we can’t accept it because we’ve got no record of you being in the service,” he told the station. “I guess I’m the unknown soldier.”

He was wounded in a foxhole in the Philippines in 1944.

“There were four guys in there, and two guys got killed,” he told the station. “And then the other guy, he got his leg… Oh, hell. I guess he lost his leg. It was slit in four places where a grenade hit between us and I got one in my leg.”

Limpert said he waited until now to apply for benefits because he is down to nothing.

He and his wife live in an assisted-living facility outside St. Louis.

“We got rid of our car, we got rid of our house,” he said. “I got rid of money I had in bonds and stocks and now I need help.”

His application included plenty of documentation, including discharge papers, the names of his foxhole pals and the X-ray of his wounded leg. The proof also included his Purple Heart and two Bronze Stars he received in the Pacific.

Fox 2 reported the VA letter asks Limpert to submit affidavits from fellow service members, most of whom are dead, or the location of the hospital where he was originally treated.

“There ain’t no hospital,” he told the station. “We were in the jungles.”

The station reported that Limpert’s military records were apparently among the millions destroyed in a massive fire in Overland, Missouri, in 1973.

The station also reported that it sought comment from the VA in Washington without success.

Limpert has now turned to his local senator for help in the matter.

Guess that's one way to get rid of the backlog at the VA.

I hope he is treated better now that has involved the Lame Stream Media and politico's.

02-08-2016, 08:06 PM
He'll most likely get better treatment at the local hospital anyway. They won't run him all over the place to different VAs for treatment either.

02-08-2016, 08:16 PM
45 Years ago and I am still hearing the excuse "Your Records must have been lost in the fire". My 3 weeks of NPD (No Pay Due) as a young Marine because of the supposed records fire (until they found them and I was paid), is a non-consequential memory compared to a WW-II Vet in his later years being abandoned by the US bureaucracies. A sad state of affairs.

A few years ago I was approached by a Veteran concerning his desire to get "Prescription Drug" assistance through the Department of Veterans Affairs. I helped him research and contact a variety of sources. He had served for four years with a tour in VietNam. Bottom line was that he made exactly $172.00 too much annually to qualify for VA Prescription Programs.

We can fund bums sitting on their BUMS, we can fund Bonuses for VA dept employees, but we have trouble doing the right thing for many Veterans. Seems Socialism rewards those who have no values and no personal responsibility in life.

02-08-2016, 10:20 PM
This past year, we have gone through the process of trying to get my 94 year old mother in law some VA assistance based on my father in law's service in WWII with the 34th Division - he went in as a replacement in N. Africa, the invasion of Italy and then on in to Germany. To put it bluntly, he earned whatever benefits he was entitle to or his widow. If it were not for the help of our county's Veteran's Affairs Office, we would still be seeking help from the VA. My M-in-law is in assisted living, her assets are fast dwindling and she needs the financial help. Thanks to the young Gulf War vet who handled our claim and paperwork, she was finally granted monthly assistance. But, we are still waiting on the retroactive amount that is due from the time of application until the time of it being granted. I consider her to be one of the "lucky" widows who got what was due to a widow.

I'm not a vet but I have always been very supportive of those who served. What really ticks me off is that there are many many instances such as the one the OP listed, where WWII vets or their widows, now in their 90s, need VA assistance in order to help cover their financial obligations for health care, assisted living, nursing homes, etc. They need it NOW, not a year from now when they could possibly be deceased while the VA plays their "games".

We have heard a lot about the VA and what the presidential candidates will do "if I am elected President". A lot of this is the typical political BS aimed at getting the veteran's vote. Let's hope that whoever wins, they carry through and do as they say they will. From the very time when the VA was formed during Harding's Administration, there has been corruption and mismanagement . . . with the vets paying the price. I have known several people, nurse, etc. who went to work for the VA because they really wanted to make a difference but they soon became disillusioned and quit because of the way things are often done within the VA structure. After the last black mark against the VA over long waiting periods, the current Administration promised a change . . . another lie as far as I'm concerned as only several Administrators were fired instead of a thorough "house cleaning" and getting somebody in charge who "cares" more about the vets and their families and less about their pocket book and how much they can make.

As already mentioned . . . the "entitlement programs" of the current Administration pays billions to those who don't want to work and who are often third and fourth generation welfare . . . the only service to our country that they have done is to go to pick up their monthly checks. Yes, I have heard that there have been some improvements in the VA, but the OP's posting just points out to how ridiculous the bureaucracy has gotten when it comes to helping veterans or their family when more than enough documentation has been submitted for proof.

In my mother-in-laws case, it was a good thing that I had a photostat of my father-in-laws discharge. Had I not had it, I'm sure we would still be fighting for benefits for her. And in the case of those vets whose records were destroyed in the fire - it is not their fault. Regardless of the cause of the fire, it was and is the responsibility of the Federal Government to protect and preserve those records. Funny how the Govt. can hide behind a fire and destroyed records but demand that a 90 plus year old veteran or widow present the discharge of the veteran after seventy years?

Sorry to get on a soapbox here . . . but we ALL, veteran and non-veteran, ought to be outraged by the treatment that many of our men and women are receiving at the very hands of the Government that they fought for and sacrificed for. In the end, make your vote count in the next election . . . and then follow up with letters demanding that the action they promised during their campaigns to clean up the VA be accomplished.

02-09-2016, 12:23 AM
We aplied for assistance for Dad and Mom a couple months ago. Just got a letter asking for a certified copy of dads DD-214. They don't want to accept the photo copy of the original. Plus the bank has a checking account interest deal that pays like 1/10 of one percent. We failed to show the interest received on the account, so they also need that. Typicle gov. bs, now we send in this info. and another 90 days before they answer us, which they will probably want something else meaning aNOTHER 90 DAY DELAY. They already have an origanl copy in their records where he was first applied for va medical, I wonder why that one doesn't work sense it is in their records already. Just the regualar hurry up and wait.

02-09-2016, 02:14 AM
Have the vet contact his senator and/or representative in congress- this generates a dreaded "red folder". It's amazing how fast that gets a response.
Loren (former VA employee)

Rick Hodges
02-09-2016, 07:55 AM
Amen to contacting a Rep. or Senator. I got the royal runaround when I turned 65 and had to sign up for medicare. Soc. Sec. made an error and couldn't get it corrected...they saw the error, but said be patient...eventually it will be corrected. Meanwhile my blue cross was being cancelled (because I was not enrolled in medicare). I was without health insurance for 6 months and they were still dragging their feet. I contacted my senator and it was straightened out within a week. It is a sad state of affairs but it is a reality....the gov't and its bureaucrats respond to political influence, not to doing what is right.

02-09-2016, 08:04 AM
And you can bet your bottom dollar that some upper mgmt scabs will get their big bonuses for the outstanding job the VA is doing!

02-09-2016, 08:17 AM
I'm beginning to realize that an illegal alien can get more benefits from our - no-equal-justice-under-the-law - government then an honorably discharged veteran can get.

02-09-2016, 08:45 AM
I'm beginning to realize that an illegal alien can get more benefits from our - no-equal-justice-under-the-law - government then an honorably discharged veteran can get.

I agree and it is TOTAL Bull ****. ILLEGALS get way more than any REAL citizen. 605,000 drivers license issued in CA to ILLEGALS. They no longer have to prove they are citizens. MORE BS

02-09-2016, 09:38 AM
See how it works, tell the fed your tax records got lost in a fire , you will get back to them in 90 days. It is truly disgusting to watch this happen over and over to our vet's.

02-09-2016, 11:10 AM
The only grip I have about is having to travel to Houston VA for care.I have a choice now to go or go to the emergency room and sit with the illegals and dopers.It is all screwed up.

02-09-2016, 11:57 AM
Not sure what it is called but, why not give each Vet a card and they can use it at ANY local Dr or hospital. Is that too easy for the dum a** gov understand?
I drove my Ole Bud from Lima OH to Dayton OH for cancer treatments etc, learned abunch about the va then and how most guys hated how they were treated and messed over for benifits and that was 15 20 yrs ago.

cajun shooter
02-09-2016, 12:51 PM
I was sent home in 1968 IIRC from the Army Hospital in Leesville, La. Thetold me that there was nothing else they could do for me after they opened up a 14 inch incision to the right side of my back. I had to learn to walk and stand erect again. I fought through the pain for many years and said to hell with the the US Government, I could take care of myself.
That proved true until I hit about 55 and started having severe back pain and was not able to work or walk. I tried to get help from the VA and was run all over the place for years, finally I received a letter stating that I had never served in the military as they had no such records about me.
I had to pay for several years to receive my needed medical care. I became a insulin dependant Diabetic along with other serious health problems like a collapsed diaphragm on my right side that requires me to breath with oxygen at times during the day.
I can't say much more as I tire easly and I need to close. Later David

02-09-2016, 12:56 PM
It is an embarrassment on the global level. Shame on them.

02-09-2016, 01:33 PM
And the care I receive at the VA Hospital in Fort Wayne, Indiana and at Indianapolis, IN is outstanding to say the least.

Just received last week a set of the latest hearing aids. They are fantastic.

Going in tomorrow for pulmonary tests, likely will end up on oxygen.

02-09-2016, 01:39 PM
Years ago I was told my records burned in that fire. Problem was I was still on active duty when that happened! I do get treatment from the VA now and fortunately a doctor when I was out-processing noted a medical condition and put it in my records that it was duty related.
It has been a challenge here at the Phoenix VA but I am grateful for help I get. One has to stay on top of what is going on. If I'm referred to another department I get the name and phone number so if there is no contact soon I can call. This seems to work well.

lefty o
02-09-2016, 04:12 PM
if you are a vet and ever think you may need help, it pays to get in the system ahead of time. the VA is a gvmnt run entity, aint nothing smooth or quick about it. if you wait until your destitute, guess what, your still not gonna get instant help.

02-09-2016, 04:18 PM
if you are a vet and ever think you may need help, it pays to get in the system ahead of time. the VA is a gvmnt run entity, aint nothing smooth or quick about it. if you wait until your destitute, guess what, your still not gonna get instant help.

Correct Lefty, I tell Vets this all the time, they usually reply, well I don't need anything yet.

Well "yet" don't cut it.

02-09-2016, 05:43 PM
I ran into that "Records Fire" B.S. when I was trying to get proof of my dad's service in WWII for a memorial plaque. Luckily, he was in the U.S. Army 10th Mountain Division and they have a very strong association that has complete duplicate records held in the Denver library. I even have copies of random muster sheets with his name on them.

The way our idiot government treats servicemen and veterans I'm amazed that they can find anybody willing to volunteer for service these days...

02-09-2016, 09:47 PM
A few years ago the #2 son (Police Officer in Las Vegas) picked up a "Street Person" in need of medical treatment (who was a former US Service Member. So, since Nellis AFB was the closest hospital he took him there. At the time, Nellis AFB Hospital was also the VA Hospital in Las Vegas. The Doc's on duty took care of the "Homeless Man"; but one of the Senior Hospital Officers (LtCol - Woman) came to the ER and read the #2 son (Metro Police Officer in Uniform) the riot act and demanded he take the guy to another Las Vegas Hospital immediately. Son finally won the argument based on the "Homeless Man's" being eligible for VA benefits and emergency services at the facility; BUT she demanded the son leave IMMEDIATELY while she waived at the sticker on the ER Glass door with the "NO FIREARMS" symbol. No exception to the "No Firearms", even for a Police Officer in Uniform. Guess he should have left his pistol laying on the sidewalk. Idiocy abounds, and has become prevalent in the Medical Community.

I wish we could return to the days of a Family Doctor like my Grand Dad had, Dr Gray would periodically take my Grand Dad out on fishing and hunting trips the last few years when he was struggling with Leukemia in the late 1960's.

02-09-2016, 10:06 PM
Not sure what it is called but, why not give each Vet a card and they can use it at ANY local Dr or hospital. Is that too easy for the dum a** gov understand?

That would eliminate thousands of bureaucrats so it will probably never happen.

“With a total 2009 budget of about $87.6 billion, VA employs nearly 345,000 people at hundreds of Veterans Affairs medical facilities, clinics, and benefits offices and is responsible for administering programs of veterans’ benefits for veterans, their families, and survivors. In 2012, the proposed budget for VA was $132 billion.[1] VA 2014 budget request for 2014 was $152.7 billion. This included $66.5 billion in discretionary resources and $86.1 billion in mandatory funding. The discretionary budget request represented an increase of $2.7 billion, or 4.3 percent, over the 2013 enacted level.[2]”


02-10-2016, 10:25 AM
He should consider himself lucky he will not be 'treated' by the VA.

02-10-2016, 10:23 PM
He should consider himself lucky he will not be 'treated' by the VA.

Went to the Fort Wayne VA Hospital today. Main reason was my appointment with the Pulmonary Specialist, spent approx an hour with her, ended up having a couple of chest X-Rays and am now wearing a 24 hour EKG tester. Treatment was excellent and through.

Granted there are some VA units that have problems, big problems. I really do not think anyone can find a private health care unit that does not have problems of one kind or another.

BTW, just got a new pair of hearing aids from them. If I would have had to buy them, about $3000.

Lets not use a white wash brush to paint ALL VA's as bad.

02-10-2016, 10:24 PM
He should consider himself lucky he will not be 'treated' by the VA.

And you know this how?

lefty o
02-10-2016, 11:19 PM
usually if you can manage to get your foot in the door, actual treatment isnt too bad.

02-10-2016, 11:22 PM
Right! I got my foot in the door 15 or 16 years ago.

deep creek
02-10-2016, 11:34 PM
If you have problems with the va, contact a dav member and have them look into it .that is disabled american vetrans they do good work.

Bad Water Bill
02-11-2016, 10:13 AM
As many know I have posted info on how to get your DD214 for years.

Born in 1936 AT HOME and NEVER needed a hospital visit since I have been extremely fortunate.

Now looking at my 80th in a short time I finally decided to file for my DD214 and saw a PHD that sat in his office 4 days a week.

He must have spent at least 6-8 minutes on his puter filling out my request form and told me it should 4-6 weeks till my NEW DD214 would be in my mail box as my records are lost.

Well 3 months went by and 0 was in my mailbox so I called the well paid PHD to see just what to do next.

His answer was that his only job was to fill out the forms and after that it was up to me to call the main office in St Louis and see when I could possibly expect my copy of records that the gov was supposed to have available at all times.

Well 3-2 is now my new date to look in my mail box.

Yes eliminating him and hiring a highschool graduate to do everything he does could save the VA a ton of money.

By the way VA Hines hospital was under construction in 1918 and DONATED by the Edward Hines Lumber Co in 1921 to the gov to help our vets.

I stopped there a few years ago and saw the same old wooden floors,RADIATORS and single pane windows that the Hines family had installed almost a century ago.

Yes this is the way we are treated in Chicagoland.

02-11-2016, 10:31 AM
Bill, that's really to bad, and inexcusable.

To late now for you, but I remember when I got out of active duty to take my DD214 to the County Courthouse and have it registered. Saved me a bundle of time and headaches.

The VA Hospital in Fort Wayne is the standard red brick Government structure most of us vets would know, and it's got the typical Officers housing close by. Other than its age it's a fine building, well kept and with some of the finest equipment.

Maybe this will help some new guy's just getting out as far as getting their records registered, a second fail safe never hurts.

02-11-2016, 10:53 AM
And you know this how?

Umm Im gonna go with using various VA facilities in 3 states since 1992 when I got out. I keep hearing there are good places to go, just never seen one. Fla was hopelessly over crowded. The VA does not build according to population, Fla has alot of retired vets, but does not build more to suit them. I had avoided the VA for a long time before getting desperate and going in 2002.

Where to start. They had instituted the requirement to have a card to go to the VA, had been getting disability since 92, but still had to prove I was a vet. They said call we will send you the paper work, 4 mo later no paperwork. Called several more times, no results. Finally got a new person, you always know as they are actually helpful. Told me the trick was to walk in, stand in front of the womans desk, she would do it on the spot. And was right,m took 5 min. The woman demanded to know who told me that, obviously cant have people helping vets now can we. Great Im in the system, so now it was only a 6 mo wait to get to see a primary care doctor, and them after that another 6 mo for a specialist. Good thing I wasn't actually sick. Was technically homeless at the time, the homeless coordinator made alot of promises, not one did he actually do. Filed my appeal, waited a year.

Moved to KY. There was a hospital 30 min from my house, no thats in a different district, so I had to drive 2 1/2 hrs to a different one. Same thing, yank you around, half the time don't even know why your there.

Now I am in TN, use the Murfreesboro hospital. Have acres of beautiful green grass that has to be mowed, a chronic shortage of parking. VA cops roll around in big SUVs looking for tickets to give out. Couple acre campus they need brand new SUVs. The mental health department is only manned by interns who English is a second language. I never saw the same person 2x. Had appointments that lasted 5 min, your alive, taking your meds, not gonna kill anybody, see you in 3 mo. Surely gonna get results that way. Then I couldn't go anymore. Im a single dad, son was not in school yet. So he had to go with me, well I cant bring him, he might hear something, so don't bring him back. I needed some glasses, get 100%. Well after 8 mo of waiting, they finally sent me some paperwork to go to a civilian eye doctor. Only problem is nobody will take it. Guess they don't want to be yanked around by the VA for months to get paid. So the exam and glasses came out of my pocket. They did eventually call, ask why I had not used the paper work. Oh but you can go here, yea 2 hrs away, further than the dang VA hospital, 2 trips, one for the exam, other to pick them up.

Recently I went in, checked in and waited, and waited, and waited. The doctor just happened to come out, oh what are you here for. Never told the doc I was there, then sent me a letter saying I had missed the appointment. Miss a couple and they flag you in the computer making it harder to get an appointment or not get one at all. They pay me $34 to drive over there, pretend to help, I pretend they are, everybody is happy. Fortunately I am physically healthy so have no need for them. Tho last time I went in for a physical, the overweight nurse told me I was overweight. Sure I take diet advice from fat people. Besides I hit the gym 3 times a week, eat healthy, cut out the sodas, yet I am 'overweight'. They send me these huge bottles of muscle relaxers for my back.

I was dating a woman a while back who got her 'dream job'...the VA. I rolled my eyes, oh no she was gonna make a difference. Sure good luck with that. A registered nurse, had her answering phones. Asked me after a week how anybody works there without being an alcoholic. A chinese fire drill is an organized affair compared to the VA. She did not last long, realized pretty quick nothing was gonna change. You become part of the system, or you leave. They will ask me if I have insurance, really if I had insurance I would go see real doctors. Just as their little scam of giving vets a card they can use outside the VA, good luck using it. Its all kabuki theater, try to make the investigations go away, see were pretending to do something.

Unfortunately the only solution is to gut the VA, fire EVERYBODY. Anybody there is corrupted by the system. Unfortunately as pointed out thats alot of unemployed people. People with zero work ethic. The doctors who work there cant get real jobs in hospitals, people there pay for treatment and expect to be helped. I went to the VA once for a severe sinus infection, never actually looked in my nose, took 3 min said it was alergies. I have never had alergies, it eventually went away on its own. Fortunately I got a letter saying I am covered under the ACA, even tho getting 100% disability I do not file taxes, so a bit pointless to send it to me. It only took them a year to change a dependent status.

So yes I have a little experience with the VA.

02-11-2016, 11:28 AM
Well you answered my question. Sorry to hear of how it seems to work for you.

Thank God my experiences with the VA is completely different. Yes they do require a card now, no big deal, heck I need to renew my drivers license every 4 years and for all intents and purposes is a card.

I'm able to go to a VA facility 12 miles from my home but instead use the VA hospital 60+ miles from my home, reason is I happen to like my Dr. there and is additional tests "x-ray, labs, stress test, etc" are needed I'm right there and can get it done right then.

I also go to Indianapolis for speciality care.

I do get millage for all except primary care which could be handled by the location 12 miles from my door. That's reasonable IMO.

I've had surgery performed in Ft. Wayne and stayed for approx. a week, I have no complaints.

Truly sorry about your experiences.

Super Glad mine are completely different. No idea why the difference.

The doctors who work there cant get real jobs in hospitals, people there pay for treatment and expect to be helped.

In reply to this, the specialist I see in Indy, he has been with the VA for 20 years now and also is a Professor at IU Medical, part of Indiana University.

I think that would more than qualify him as a REAL Dr.

02-11-2016, 01:09 PM
The VA has its occasional fluke and success. I see the trolls in forums, argue with you all day how great the treatment at every VA facility is. How poor treatment is the exception vs the rule, contrary to the various investigations we see on the news. The VA was screwed up when I first went in 92, I didn't go long, they got what they wanted, I went away and didn't come back. The shrinks advice to me at the time was to go become a mercenary somewhere.

I have no issues with the card, its the process to get one. Im pretty sure if I get a check from the VA, I am in the computer. No I had to prove I was a vet all over again. I really feel for some of the other vets, the not so healthy ones. See them sitting alone in a wheel chair, come out an hour later still sitting in the same spot. They have little choice. I dont even want to imagine how bad the nursing home over there is.

The VA offered to fix my carpal tunnel, not in a million years, I wouldn't let them put a band aid on a cut much less get near me with a knife.

02-11-2016, 01:24 PM
I'm only pointing out the fact the treatment I "note that 'I'" get at the VA here in No. Indiana & Indianapolis.

I even said I was sorry you do not get good treatment, and I truly am.

Like you say, it's obvious "hate using that word" that the VA overall has major problems, but for some reason they do not effect me.

As far as the card went, I popped into an office years ago because I say a sign they had ID cards available. I remember the guy punched my info into a computer, snapped a picture, a few days later I got the card in the mail.

Am I a troll regarding this thread? Sorry if you feel that way about me. Only relaying my experience.

Man alive, I'm one sorry little guy.

02-11-2016, 02:22 PM
Malcolm Randall here in Gainesville uses the same docs and specialists they use across the street at UF/Shands. Good docs. I;ve had mostly good service there, but lately they have been dropping the ball a little.

02-11-2016, 07:01 PM
No trolls will not admit there is ANYTHING wrong with the VA, and will argue with you how its better than a civilian hospital. That there has never been or will ever be anything wrong with the VA.

Yes that was the way to get the card, walk in, they put it in the computer, take your pic and your done. But thats not the way they want you to do it. They want you to do it their way where they can drag it out and ignore you as long as possible. I never did get that paperwork in the mail in Fla even after several more calls, and a year it had not arrived. It was the nice girl on the phone who said 'don't tell them I said this...' that let me on how to get something done. Not that I got far with the card, only once I let them know I had nothing better to do but screw with them did they finally do something, squeaky wheel gets the grease. Tho also can get you in trouble. I got arrested at the former naval hospital in Orlando when I went in for my evaluation. Those VA cops get a bit bored so create situations so they have something to do. Had a gun in my car, technically its a federal installation, even tho you just drive in off the public street. Took a call from the head of the place to say 'well hes here for a eval maybe you should give it to him'.

Now I go get my $34 in travel pay once a month, waste some time, and every 6 mo they draw blood. Sometimes I get a reminder of an appointment, sometimes I don't, other times I get 5 reminders. Used to be I went to one window got my travel pay voucher, then another window for the cash. But I guess they were over worked. So now neither person speaks to you, you fill out the form 6-8 weeks later its deposited in my account.

I got divorced in Nov of 2014, sent in the paperwork in Feb 2015, got an email saying it would be done in Aug 2015. Finally got a letter last week it was done Feb of 2016. Just to take my ex off as a dependent. I am wondering if I will get a check next month as they over paid me for a year, usually they just take it. Send me a form after the fact saying I can dispute it, and will only take a year for an answer.

02-11-2016, 07:11 PM
My grandfather ran into just this problem years ago. He went ashore at Omaha, fought across France and had his back broken crossing into Germany. Years later there was a problem with the VA getting benefits of some kind and they asked for proof he had been injured. He had no records and The VA was no help as his records were indeed burned up. My grandmother had a black and white photo of him in a hospital bathrobe standing in front of a military hospital in England where he was treated. That photo was all the proof it took to get all of his benefits.
The problem is that there are so many scabs, fakers and cheaters out there that the VA once in a while decides to check on someone. If everyone was honest this would not happen. Sadly it does all too frequently which makes it tough for us actual vets to get what we were promised. I'm sure it will get worked out.

Despite all of the real problems the disaster the VA is today my grandparents never expressed dissatisfaction with the VA Hospital in White River Junction, VT. Of course, growing up during the depression and being part of the greatest generation I never heard them complain about much of anything either.

square butte
02-11-2016, 07:46 PM
The White River Junction VA Hospital has quite a good reputation here in VT & NH

02-11-2016, 08:09 PM
The White River Junction VA Hospital has quite a good reputation here in VT & NH

Yes, it was 100 miles south of us but they gladly drove down for treatment

02-11-2016, 08:20 PM
Those VA cops get a bit bored so create situations so they have something to do. Had a gun in my car, technically its a federal installation, even tho you just drive in off the public street. Took a call from the head of the place to say 'well hes here for a eval maybe you should give it to him'.

It is a federal installation and should have sign's stating "No Firearms Allowed On The Property" at least mine does. The same goes for Post Office Property. That is the law, like it or not, same as speeding down the street when you leave, it to is the law.

But I guess they were over worked. So now neither person speaks to you, you fill out the form 6-8 weeks later its deposited in my account.

Here you walk up to the window, guy askes for your last name & last 4, hands you a slip of paper and 5 days later, there's your travel pay in your acct. Simple, quick, & efficient.

No trolls will not admit there is ANYTHING wrong with the VA, and will argue with you how its better than a civilian hospital. That there has never been or will ever be anything wrong with the VA.

Sir, not once have I made that claim, only gave you my personnel experience.

How bout all the trolls claiming there bad experience with there VA by not following the rules. Just a thought!
Now that doesn't say or claim you are not following the rules, or that you are a troll.

Folks that are reading this, remember all this is my experience, with the VA I go to in Northern Indiana and at the VA hospital in Indianapolis. No experience with anywhere else, its very clear there problems elsewhere. Man am I ever thankful here where I'm at and for the care I get.

God Bless!

lefty o
02-11-2016, 08:31 PM
id just let it go, there's no doubt we all have different experiences with the VA, just like anything else, but some seem bitter and dont get the fact you have to work the system, just like when you were in the military.

02-12-2016, 10:10 PM
The VA offered to fix my carpal tunnel, not in a million years, I wouldn't let them put a band aid on a cut much less get near me with a knife.

With an experience like yours, I don't blame you. Here's mine;

Back in 2004 I was laid off, so my company insurance was gone. So I decided to see if my veterans benefits were available. A stop at my county VA office brought out the records that I left there back in '69 just after my discharge (USAF). They contacted the local clinic, which scheduled an appointment with a NP. It was 4 months out.

Usual thorough physical, blood, urine, and thumping, listening. Blood test came back, elevated cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes. A1-C was 8.5 glucose was 215. PSA was elevated, prostate was enlarged but no lumps. PSA kept going up, finally after a biopsy showed cancer, it was removed in 2010.

Since then and up to the fall of '14 I had a catheterization of my heart. Immediately after the test was done the doctor that ran it said "you're headed for heart bypass surgery, no way out of it". Within 20 minutes I was talking to the surgeon that would do the surgery. 12-17-14 was the day I got split open, 3 arteries were bypassed. Since then all is well, heart is strong again.

I couldn't be happier. While it sometimes takes time for them to react to a new ailment, it is taken care of. If it's an emergency, it happens right away. The local clinic is in Appleton 20 miles north. The hospital I have the major stuff done is in Milwaukee, while the main building is hardly new, it serves the purpose. The staff is all professional, and courteous. Since I do have a 30% disability, I get travel pay that pays for any trip. They just built a new clinic in Green Bay, all shiny and new, it's just about filled with all the doctors and staff. It was needed for northern Wisconsin and the U.P. of Michigan.

Oh, they just within the last year went with a computer linked terminal, (kiosk?) that does all the checking in and retrieval of appointments. Then when done for the day, you can check in for travel pay which is paid to the same account where the disability payments are paid, takes about 3 days to get them.

02-15-2016, 11:12 AM
I'm beginning to realize that an illegal alien can get more benefits from our - no-equal-justice-under-the-law - government then an honorably discharged veteran can get.
I feel the same way!

02-15-2016, 03:40 PM
The VA is never going to change, the horror stories go way back. It hasn't improved any since I first went in 92, they have investigations, promise change, then they go back to whatever they were doing. They would have to gut the place, fire everybody and start from scratch. The mentality is deeply ingrained in people there. I have meet a few who worked there, past tense, they all say the same thing. You become part of the system or find another job.

02-15-2016, 05:38 PM
Sorry you have such a problem Getting along with the VA. Your negatively may very well be your problem.

Suggestion, go elsewhere!

Bad Water Bill
02-15-2016, 07:57 PM
Several years ago my friend AND DISABLED vet sent me a story of a Nam vet that lost both legs there.

The double amputee vet was collecting LESS than an illegal female was collecting.

She was collecting 2 X more because she had 4 illegitimate children and was collecting food stamps in addition to her "WELFARE CHECK.

Nowhere did the story mention any of the other benefits she might have been collecting as well.

Yes Illegals are treated much better.

02-19-2016, 04:13 PM
Trump says nobody gets fired in Gov. but stats show VA has most firings of any Dept. Of course many are appealing.

02-19-2016, 04:51 PM
Well in fairness you can't really double up at the VA. They say 50% thats it. Cant go to another VA and them not know about it. Welfare, well often different agencies, and pretty easy to game the system. I knew piles of people in KY, living together, but wouldn't get married due to the benefits. Some were getting $600 a mo in EBT. I was dating a girl, she was getting EBT, it was a bit screwy. Its not like you can really live off that, most of her friends would run out 2 or 3 weeks thru the month, then just went without. But we did the math, for every $1 at a job, she lost $1 of EBT. But how much of that work $1 was ate up in taxes, Fica etc? So a $100 a week paycheck, meant no EBT, but now your in the hole driving back and forth and child care. And why so many simply stay on it.

Now a cousin of mine thought he would double up, got disability from the VA, then went and applied for SSI. Got away with it for a while. You would think both being part of the same govt, it would pop up in about 10 seconds on a computer. No it took them several years to figure it out. VA money is way more than SSI, he got greedy. Last I heard they cut off his VA, and were garnishing his SSI to pay back the VA. Grumbled about it a while as he sold off stuff to survive. Probably still mad about it.

02-19-2016, 08:56 PM
Case in point;

Today I went to the new Green Bay WI. clinic for a cardio appointment. But there was no cardiologist there! I knew there wouldn't be, just 3 nurses and a video monitor. On the video monitor was a cardiologist in the Milwaukee VA hospital. She asked me how I was doing, part of the follow-up from the 12-17-14 CABG surgery. BP, temp, heart rate, % 0-2 saturation was taken. Then the nurse put on headphones as did the cardio doc, the nurse passed a stethoscope over my heart and checked my lungs. Hows that for up-to-date-technology!?

They're interviewing cardiologists for the position at Green Bay. The one that WAS there happened to be my old cardio doc from back in '02 who installed a stent in my LAD. He retired and moved to California to be with his kids.

End result was to increase/double my cholesterol drug and keep up with the planet fitness exercises I just started. I did NOT realize how bad my physical condition is/was. Also they want a new echo cardiogram, that will be done on 3-9-16 while I'm up at GB for a catheter change. They often combine appts. so you don't have to travel twice, even though I get re-reimbursed, it's still wear and tear on the car and interferes with my retirement freedom.[smilie=l:

02-20-2016, 12:21 AM
snuffy, looks as if you are getting good care, as am I, really glad to hear that. We all know some VA's had/have problems, but things can't be turned around overnight.

Best to you.

02-22-2016, 09:10 PM
I am what's considered a "Vietnam Era Veteran", as I served from August 1969 to February 1978, but was never in Vietnam or combat. As I always had health insurance from my jobs, I never even considered using the VA. I felt that was reserved for our fighting Men and Women, not someone who sat in the rear with the gear. In March of 2015 my wife took me to the emergency room for severe back pain. Later that day I was admitted with sepsis. I was intubated for 10 days, and as I reached the 20th day of hospitalization, my insurance co. said they could not pay for more hospitalization. So I was transferred to a nursing home, and my wife applied for Medicare, Medicaid, and VA benefits. All were approved, but I did not request any action from the VA until September of 2015. It took about 45 days to be scheduled with an appointment for a Primary Care Physician in the closest VA hospital to my home, Martinsburg, WV. Dr. Henderson is young, but very attentive and interested in my problems. The main reason I went was back issues. I have severe spinal stenosis and have had c2-c7 replaced with titanium rods and pins with a formed spinal column, and clean out of bone spurs and crud done on L1-L3. I was scheduled for an MRI within 2 weeks. Dr. Henderson reviewed the results of the MRI, and I was then scheduled for a consult with a Neurosurgeon in the Baltimore VA Center, this time about 3 weeks. At the same time, I have Hereditary Hemochromatosis (google it :) ), and asked about having my phlebotomies done through the VA. I have been going to the Martinsburg VA since November, once a week to have a pint of blood drawn, and once a month to see the Hematologist to see if I require further treatment.
My point to all of this is that my experience with the VA has been extremely positive. I am, however, quite certain that many facilities provide sub-standard care for our vets. This is shameful and must be corrected, but as others have said, you find this even in the civilian world. Having retired from the Federal Government, I know only too well how hard it is to institute any type of change in Federal Agencies. Not only does the mindset at the VA upper level need to be changed, the problem facilities need to be pointed out and changes implemented. The easiest way to do this is with the election of a new President. The plum list in DC needs to be done away with, and the new administration must install qualified caring people to operate the various agencies. Since we all know how likely this is to happen, I'll stop here. Don't give up folks, when you give up your done.
Semper Fi!