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View Full Version : Looking for 1986 American Rifleman article re:Broomhandle

02-07-2016, 11:46 AM
Hi all, I am trying to locate the particular issue of American Rifleman, published in 1986, that has an article on "Reloading for the .30 Mauser"; does anyone have an old collection of back issues they can flip through? Thanks, in advance


Ballistics in Scotland
02-07-2016, 12:30 PM
If you know the month, try eBay. All months of that year are available individually, as well as lots of 11 and 7 months which are a good gamble and can't get you less than a lot of interesting reading at a very moderate price.

eBay has found me the following. We live in the age of miracles:

The sole missing magazine from "The British Empire", a bound partwork I collected in 1965.

Volume 10 of Arthur Mee's "Children's Encyclopaedia" which I left in my grandfather's leaky shed when I was eight.

A 1931 "Popular Mechanics" with an article on desert exploration by Major Bagnold, who founded the Long Range Desert Group in wartime ns of Mars.became NASA's consultant on the sand formations of Mars.

A 1951 "Wide World" with an article by Thurlow Craig, my favourite writer on shooting, fishing, animal behavior and South American revolutions.

02-07-2016, 12:51 PM
Yes, problem is I don't know the month. I have done some due diligence before hand: scoured eBay and the article is either a small sidebar article, or a small piece under their monthly handloading section, too small for most people to mention. Of the few 1986 copies listed, none of the sellers have posted pics of the table of contents of those issues and a picture of the cover doesn't suffice.

Outside of eBay, googling different combinations of American Rifleman and .30 Mauser have come up with nothing. I don't even have an author's name I can look up, just that reference photo I posted which, incidentally, came off eBay.

It's likely not new info, but I'm curious to see what they had to say anyway.

02-07-2016, 01:26 PM
It is on page 14 of the February 1986 issue. The article consists of two columns the length of page 14 and is continued on page 69 where it takes up the whole page. If you would like I can scan the two pages and send to you.

Have Fun,


02-07-2016, 06:55 PM
Jim many thanks again for locating the article *and* for the actual article itself!! It did turn out to be new info too...