View Full Version : Thursday night musings...

02-05-2016, 02:26 AM
While our apartment is getting finished being built, we're living in an extended stay hotel for the month. Sitting here in the hotel easy chair, eating popcorn and reading my bible, I've been musing over the last couple weeks. The summary is we've come to a strange land, just as Abraham did. Hebrews 11:8-10 speaks of this, how Abraham obeyed God and went out to the land of promise. My wife and I heard from the Lord clearly about coming down here to Texas. Leaving our families, support network, job, familiarity...we followed after the leading we had on the inside.

Once here, the words of Jesus are comforting us. In Matthew 6, Jesus instructed us to not be concerned about what we could wear, or what we would eat. Instead, He instructed us to look at the birds and the grass and see how our Heavenly Father has clothed them and fed them. How much more important to Him are we, His children? Rather than be concerned with tomorrow, Jesus instructed us to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. In doing so, all of our needs would be taken care of.

All that said, there's got to be some folks out there in CastBoolits land who are in a position where they may be concerned about "tomorrow". Be encouraged with the council of Jesus- seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all of the things you have need of will be added to you.

02-05-2016, 08:38 AM
GOD is always faithful, It's the power that leads and guides our paths just as your family has followed where HE leads. Your family is in our prayers.

02-05-2016, 10:31 AM
Great post, tinhorn! The only time I've done anything like that was when I was in the Navy, but I can still identify, and very much sought solace in the same scriptures. It's a humbling thing, but I think humility is the great hallmark of a real, true Christian, so that's a good thing. Being humble and always striving keeps us ever mindful of just Who is really in charge of it all, and keeps us mindful of our place in the mix we always face.

Congratulations on your move, and I wish you very well. It takes a special kind of courage to do what you've done, but maybe, just maybe, you might actually attract some of your old core group to TX with you? Where these things lead isn't always apparent to us mere mortals.

02-05-2016, 11:21 AM
Well, it wouldn't surprise me to see a couple specific people follow us down. I agree about the humility. At the most base point of our faith, humility has to be present. Without humility, a person will never even come to Christ because we must first humble ourselves and acknowledge that Jesus is Lord and we are not.

We're excited to be here, and excited to serve our new community. It's a walk of faith, no doubt, but an adventure at the same time. I've tasted and seen the goodness of God many times in my life, and have no doubt whatsoever that He is our provider. I really hope this situation can also bring encouragement to others who may be in a place of "out on the water", spiritually speaking.

02-05-2016, 11:50 AM
Thanks for the post and God bless.

02-05-2016, 12:40 PM
Pretty country there and your close to the coast ! Thank you for the post !

Preacher Jim
02-05-2016, 01:44 PM
i have 5 times followed the Lord to move to strange lands, not once has the Lord not fulfilled His promise to provide our needs or bless the work we were called to do. He does not have to tell us why just what He wants us to do and if we will walk in faith He will bless our being faithful to Him.

02-06-2016, 01:48 PM
BTW, tinhorn, if you're close to the coast, I don't know if you're a fisherman, but if not, you might find yet another lil' adventure in that. And the best part is that with the economy like it is, boats are cheap now! I bought a 17' aluminum bass boat with 70 hp. Evinrude and bow mounted electric motor for $2000 not long ago! Lots of people are selling used boats now because they were overextended, and can't make enough now to pay for stuff, so they're selling it for what it takes to pay off their loans, or similar type things. I think you might really enjoy coastal fishing. I'm mainly a fresh water fisherman, but will be doing more salt water fishing in summer, simply because of that sea breeze that's always blowing at the coast. It's just more bearable there during our hot and often muggy summers here. And it's really pretty easy to learn salt water fishing. With the new depth finders that paint a picture of what's below, you ought to be able to load the boat rather quickly and easily if you learn the tides and when to fish them. Some spots are good on incoming tides and some on outgoing, and finding them is a real adventure, and almost as much fun as fishing them and loading the boat afterward. Plus, there's some really fine eatin' out there, too. I suspect this might help bring you yet more satisfaction in the move. But you may already have taken that into consideration, and have it all pegged out already?