View Full Version : For you Hollywood Press fans

02-05-2016, 01:55 AM
Saw this one on Gun Broker.



02-05-2016, 02:52 PM
That looks like a 12 station universal III.

Take care


02-06-2016, 09:16 AM
i thought it was this one for a minute but looks like a different press in the same area of the country


did you guys see this one
http://www.ebay.com/itm/Hollywood-reloading-press-/141894006556?hash=item21098ab71c:g:BO0AAOSwpzdWsSe w

good luck to him
if he does sell it it will make mine that much easier to sell
i think im going to sell 1 or 2 of my hollywoods this year
i dont like seeing things go unused

02-06-2016, 06:33 PM
GONRA sez that's for the Advanced Hollywood Press Fan.
My 1958 era Hollywood and later same but higher with the reinforcing bar in front have served me Just Fine.

Found out decades ago its best to use the largest press you have
to resize necked cases - and get any kind of headspace uniformity.

Have found that the largest Lee press verks Just Fine too.
Bought mine for the odd die thread size for 12 ga. brass shotshell experiments.
After that / now use it for all my "scrap dealer / range pickup" brass case prep.