View Full Version : Jelly Beans!

02-05-2016, 01:31 AM
Thanks to all of you that have contributed information on these forums, a new caster like myself appreciates it. After casting a few batches, I decided to try the powder coating idea. Then of course I had to try some designer bullets. These are my jelly bean boolits. A guy just has to have some fun now and then. I guess the reason I wanted to say thanks was because of the amazing amount that this site offers. I have reloaded for years, and always just bought bullets from other places. I like to have more of myself in what I do, so I decided look into casting. Read a few stickies here and bang, I have a starting place for my alloy. I few others and I can get my pot temp up to snuff. Then read some on molds and apply it, and that dang mold starts actually putting out something that looks as good, or better than the ones I had been buying. Of course you can't stop there, so off to the coatings stickies! How many years would it have taken me to stumble onto #5 plastic containers, with black airsoft BBs, and do some exercise with it for a while, pop it in the toaster oven, and Bang, we have colored Boolits! I don't post a lot, because most of my questions are already answered in the stickies. My only advice I could give is just scroll up and read. I am new enough that it would not be a service to be giving any other advice. But, I can post a thank you, so here goes!
Thanks for all your help!

http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a263/Friar_Tuck_/Firearms/IMG_20160204_231138834_zpsvlm3bp0l.jpg (http://s13.photobucket.com/user/Friar_Tuck_/media/Firearms/IMG_20160204_231138834_zpsvlm3bp0l.jpg.html)

02-05-2016, 04:08 AM
Oh, those are pretty! Good work!

02-05-2016, 04:37 AM
I think you just increased the blood-glucose level in my body...

What is the combination for these? They look nice.

02-05-2016, 04:55 AM
Nice looking jelly beans, this site is great and has more info than any 10 books combine.

Welcome aboard and please keep posting your results.


02-05-2016, 09:25 AM
Thanks guys,
The color is a bit off in the picture, but it is just red and black powder. I started with the solid color and then just dusted some of the other color on top. I have a batch of new powder colors from smoke here on the way, so I should be able to do a few more combinations soon.

02-05-2016, 09:35 AM
Welcome and nice job. And I'm glad you trade the stickies! That's the reason they are there and people skip over them.

02-05-2016, 10:38 AM
new members like you that do a little research can go a long way here:lovebooli

02-06-2016, 10:12 AM
They look like Halloween treats. I wouldn't give them to trick-er-treaters though. :)
