View Full Version : Ill have a beer instead

Driver man
02-05-2016, 12:16 AM
Phew, Its 90deg in my casting room and I was hoping to cast some boolits from the pile of moulds I have just aquired. Its hotter outside so Ive decided to have a beer instead. Its just gone 5.15 pm Friday and we are having a long weekend with a holiday on Monday. I hope it rains a bit and waters the vege's especially the tomatoes bulging on thier vines and then Ill celebrate that with another beer. Should be a good weekend.

02-05-2016, 12:20 AM
Let me join you in a toast to solidarity mate, I believe Ill have one too,,,,,,,:grin:

Driver man
02-05-2016, 12:23 AM
Let me join you in a toast to solidarity mate, I believe Ill have one too,,,,,,,:grin:
Cheers. Ill have another

Bob in Revelstoke
02-05-2016, 01:53 AM
It is only -5 here with a little snow. It is never too hot or too cold to have a beer.

02-06-2016, 10:07 PM
Huh... I wonder if Im closer to New Zealand than Selkirk Mountain. Sure a lot closer in temperature! :D

02-06-2016, 10:41 PM
Balmy 40 degrees for our February thaw. Wife decided wine went with nachos instead of beer, but in the same "spirit" so to speak... cheers.

02-06-2016, 10:55 PM
I had a beer this evening.
It started raining here as well...but it suppose to get cold and rain is to turn to snow, and then get real windy...Blizzard warnings in my county for tomorrow morning, all day, and into the evening.

Driver man
02-06-2016, 11:50 PM
I had a beer this evening.
It started raining here as well...but it suppose to get cold and rain is to turn to snow, and then get real windy...Blizzard warnings in my county for tomorrow morning, all day, and into the evening.
Better make sure you are stocked up with enough beer then.

02-07-2016, 12:16 AM
I'm beginning to notice a theme here! I guess that deserves a beer.

Driver man
02-07-2016, 12:23 AM
I'm beginning to notice a theme here! I guess that deserves a beer.
Ill drink to that.

02-07-2016, 12:40 AM
Woodworking and beer for the last two days. Cousin needed a chest for her son to take to the fair to store his things for showing an animal. I designed it then supervised over a number of beers while she builds it. Staggered pine boards with oak pegs to bind it together with a plywood liner then toasted with a torch and waxed. Should finish it up tomorrow. Something built with your own hands to give as a gift just does something for me. Love running my fingers over a hand built woodworking project. Something of the builder always remains, be it a month or 800 years.

Driver man
06-29-2016, 07:33 AM
Time for another beer

DerekP Houston
06-29-2016, 08:16 AM
Time for another beer

phew, I've been drinking em for 4 months waiting for you to come back and join me for one! Cheers.

06-29-2016, 12:14 PM
Time for another beer

A six pack sure lasts you a long time. I hope its 8% or above

06-29-2016, 07:02 PM
We were in Bisbee yesterday, walking in the 100 + heat. Walked around the corner and there was the "Old Bisbee Brewing Company " Let's go in! Tried 7 samples, then settled on a 20 oz IPA. Yes, beer is good!

06-29-2016, 08:17 PM
Mmmmmmm. Beer. Cheers mates!

07-01-2016, 03:42 AM
I probably haven't had a beer in a year or more, there is a couple in the fridge but they are likely bad by now. lol Actually they haven't been there for all that long, as I generally keep a few for when a friend wants one.
Earlier in the week I was visiting some friends and family that had driven up from New Mexico and Indiana and drank one, it tasted so good a couple days later a friend I was visiting offered me one and I drank two. I think I am turning into a downright alcy. lol

07-01-2016, 05:03 AM
I probably haven't had a beer in a year or more, there is a couple in the fridge but they are likely bad by now. lol Actually they haven't been there for all that long, as I generally keep a few for when a friend wants one.
Earlier in the week I was visiting some friends and family that had driven up from New Mexico and Indiana and drank one, it tasted so good a couple days later a friend I was visiting offered me one and I drank two. I think I am turning into a downright alcy. lol

Better watch it, starmac. With drinking like that your next stop is Meth

Driver man
07-01-2016, 06:20 AM
I like to age my beers too. I will keep a 6pack on ice for up to a year before drinking them. Im gonna have a whiskey right now with a beer chaser.

07-01-2016, 11:07 AM
I probably haven't had a beer in a year or more, there is a couple in the fridge but they are likely bad by now. lol Actually they haven't been there for all that long, as I generally keep a few for when a friend wants one.
Earlier in the week I was visiting some friends and family that had driven up from New Mexico and Indiana and drank one, it tasted so good a couple days later a friend I was visiting offered me one and I drank two. I think I am turning into a downright alcy. lol

Out of town friends will be our downfall. I long retired coworker was passing thru town so we got together at a local bar. I had a couple beers, they tasted great, I had not had a beer in months. Next time I was in the store I bought a six pack. Things had been slow at work so it took a few days off. Wife got on my case for not bathing and sitting on the patio drinking beer in the afternoon. She told me that would not be ok when I retire :-)


Driver man
10-16-2016, 08:41 PM
Its beersies time again

10-16-2016, 10:25 PM
Drinking a homebrew English Brown Ale!

10-17-2016, 04:16 PM
When I retired for the last time back in `03 my work buddies took me to a `Big Buck`s Brewery` not far from work. After a great dinner of vension tenderloin with all the trimmings came the sampling of all their different brews. I sorta lost count of how many I `sampled` at about number 12. I was told they delivered me home to a fuming Frau for the condition I was in. The next afternoon when I finally fell out of bed made me take the oath of `no more again`, I haven`t had a brew since.Robert

10-17-2016, 05:08 PM
Crud I am in NW Texas and temp yesterday was 99 so join the club, sure wish we had four seasons we have two Hot and Hotter :drinks:

Driver man
10-17-2016, 05:14 PM
You had better have a cold beer then.

Driver man
11-15-2016, 10:56 PM
Its been a real tough week. Time for a beer or two.

Driver man
06-26-2017, 01:52 AM
The All Blacks beat the Lions on Saturday so I had a beer to celebrate. Decided to carry on.

06-26-2017, 07:04 AM
It's a pity, I don't drink.

06-26-2017, 07:32 AM
In the mid to high 90s today. Almost too hot to BBQ.

mold maker
06-26-2017, 08:12 AM
I can't even remember the last brew I had. Diabetes sure cramps your lifestyle.
I do however remember how good it was on a hot day.
Someone have one for me, and tell me how much I would have enjoyed it.

06-26-2017, 08:30 AM
I quit drinking alcohol 18 1/2 years ago. Don't really miss it, except on a hot day, after completing a job.

On an unrelated subject, not only did I quit drinking 18 1/2 years ago, but I have been married....you guessed it.... 18.5 years.

Some say the two are related.

I don't see the connection......

06-26-2017, 01:40 PM
I quit drinking alcohol 18 1/2 years ago. Don't really miss it, except on a hot day, after completing a job.

On an unrelated subject, not only did I quit drinking 18 1/2 years ago, but I have been married....you guessed it.... 18.5 years.

Some say the two are related.

I don't see the connection......

I thought it worked the other way around, that marriage led to drinkin'. [smilie=1:

06-26-2017, 01:49 PM
I quit drinking alcohol 18 1/2 years ago. Don't really miss it, except on a hot day, after completing a job.

On an unrelated subject, not only did I quit drinking 18 1/2 years ago, but I have been married....you guessed it.... 18.5 years.

Some say the two are related.

I don't see the connection......

I would rather be drinking .. in moderation of course ..

Driver man
06-26-2017, 04:28 PM
Well, NZ has just won the America's Cup. Time for a Whiskey

06-26-2017, 07:54 PM
America's Cup, to New Zealand, AGAIN... Same old,same old...got to be getting stale news...!! Onceabull

06-26-2017, 08:26 PM
Congrats! NZ had a better boat and made few mistakes in the finals. Well done. Have one on me.


06-26-2017, 08:33 PM
I can't imagine a day without beer. Must have been that 3 1/2 years I spent in Germany starting a 18. I generally have one or two a day unless I'm cutting grass or grilling then it may be a few more. :drinks:

Driver man
06-26-2017, 10:03 PM
I can't even remember the last brew I had. Diabetes sure cramps your lifestyle.
I do however remember how good it was on a hot day.
Someone have one for me, and tell me how much I would have enjoyed it.

Diabetics can drink beer or spirits in moderation with no ill effects (a bottle of beer or a couple of nips)as there is no carbs (sugars) in it.

06-27-2017, 12:10 AM
Love my homebrew! Working hard on my outdoor kitchen/brew shed to make it easier to brew. This is the keg fridge, I should get a new pic, I have the third tap handle installed.



Driver man
06-27-2017, 01:43 AM
I bet you get lots of visitors

06-27-2017, 03:23 AM
Friends over tonight to help work on the brew shed, served up 4 pitchers as we worked! Best part of home brew is 2+ cases of beer cost me a whopping $12 or so! And I can brew a wide variety of beers and usually have 3 kinds on tap. My house ale that is most popular I brew 11 gallons at a time, IPA's and stouts 5 gallons at a time. With 10 kegs I can have some backup carbonating outside the fridge, and dark beers like stouts benefit from a 4 month aging in the keg at room temp. Right now I have 4 kegs that are aging, Barleywine, Chocolate Milk Oatmeal Stout that tastes like red velvet cake, a regular stout, and an experimental Morat which is a mulberry mead. The mead takes a year to be good, 2 years is better! Stout at least 4 months and 6 is better. Barleywine can vary but I am guessing 12 months plus for this batch. These are all high abv beer/mead that are 10% alcohol minimum... the last batch of Morat I tapped at 6 months and it was very good but needed more time, nobody complained at Christmas at Mom's house where it was gone in a day(45 people... yes I have a big family). I brought 2 kegs, my house ale and the mead and both were gone by the end of the 3 day get together.

mold maker
06-27-2017, 01:14 PM
Diabetics can drink beer or spirits in moderation with no ill effects (a bottle of beer or a couple of nips)as there is no carbs (sugars) in it.

Last time I looked (a long time ago) there was carbs and alcohol both in there. I can eat birthday cake in very small pieces without the icing, but shortly thereafter they show up in my blood tests.
Some folks can exercise enough to burn up the carbs, but my age doesn't allow it.
Dr told me if it tasted good, walk to the bathroom and spit it out.

Driver man
12-04-2017, 11:10 PM
Whew, Its about 80deg at the moment. I started to mow my lawns yesterday but the heat beat me and I just did a small part of the back. Now when I mow my lawns it requires me to first find the lawn mower and then fix it. Usually minor repairs but in this instance the carburetor had disintegrated and posed a challenge. The mower is an Australian made Victor two stroke which I picked up used at a good price a few years back and had done good service . Parts were missing and I reasoned that that had happened when I last used it without noticing and it must had kept running until I turned it off ,that being the case it might just start. After the usual round of cleaning the plug and spinning it a few times to get things circulating I gave the pull start a few hard pulls and no result. I have a can of "Start You Bastard" (that's its true brand name) and gave it a squirt which produced good results with the engine firing into life and revving its guts out for a few seconds then stopping. A quick look at all the plumbing of the carby showed a crankcase breather feeding into an area that used to be part of the throttle control . The needle valve and float section was intact and in the remaining part of the carb so I plugged the CC hose into the vacuume line which feeds somewhere into the engine. Gave the primer about a dozen pumps and pulled the starter rope. Instant success with a good running engine but with limited throttle control. Anyway the lawns had been ignored for sometime so I attacked them with vigor for a short time. As my vigor flagged my thirst increased so I stopped for a beer having done just a small part of the back. The beer was so good I decided that I would have another and then being very responsible decided that using machinery after having a beer was setting a bad example to anyone and thought I would have another beer so I did. I have planted a small selection of Maori potato (purple), butter beans (DwarfCherokee) and green beans (Dwarf French Harvester) about 3 weeks ago and as this is in an area where the deer got to them last year I covered them with chicken coop wire. The seed potato really took off and are starting to flower and about half the beans poked their stalks out of the ground and everything looked good. Until today, I went out to finish the lawns and checked on the garden and couldn't see the beans. The wire netting was there but the beans were gone ! The potato plants were untouched. Closer investigation showed the wire netting was no longer fastened to the post in one corner and the staple had been pulled out. No tracks at all altho there are deer droppings around various parts of the section. I have refixed the netting and strengthened everything . Ill replant the beans tomorrow. In the meantime the lawnmower started easily and I went over the lawn at a half cut and then lowered the catcher and did them again. I noticed a clunk thump from the catcher that sounded out of the norm so inspected the catcher contents. I am going to leave the mower carburetor as is as I have found the missing pieces, they are no longer serviceable. As its unseasonably hot I have decided its time for a beer

12-05-2017, 01:39 PM
If you're in the Baltimore/Wash. D.C. area and like beer, I have a brewery and one of its brews to recommend: Union Craft Brewing, particularly their Old Pro, a sour beer that's wonderfully refreshing in hot weather and great with spicy food!

Lloyd Smale
12-05-2017, 05:56 PM
20 degrees and snow here today.

12-05-2017, 06:06 PM
60s and sunny.....but cooling off tonight. Probably have to switch from beer to bourbon.

Driver man
12-14-2018, 05:08 PM
Well another year has gone by, I've cut the lawns a few more times and invested in a new mower. I've shifted the garden to another area to try and avoid the deer and possum invading the plots. The summer has started with temperatures sitting in the mid seventies and low humidity and everything is so green. The dawn chorus of birds starts around 5.30am and leads into bright warm golden days in my valley. Its 10 in the morning and I'm sitting on my deck with a cup of coffee contemplating the day , listening to the chirp of birds and the babble of the stream running through the bush and alongside the house. I might have a beer later.

12-14-2018, 05:31 PM
Well good for you, I might as well join you in a cold one myself. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Texas.


12-14-2018, 06:43 PM
I have one mic ultra in the frig, think I'll drink it.

12-19-2018, 11:46 AM
Had four bottles of Broon (Newcastle Brown Ale) yesterday evening. Still my favorite; even though it is no longer brewed in Newcastle.

12-20-2018, 11:14 AM
At the end of most days I can be found sitting in the open shop door enjoying a beer. Most of my friends know this and pretty often a few of them will stop by.

12-20-2018, 11:28 AM
I have a screen porch at the back of my office. Back in the day it became so much of a gathering point, that I had to put up a dark screen on the side facing the street. Gathering would start about 4:30 pm and go on for a spell. Beer was in good supply. Thank goodness for a wet county!