View Full Version : Lost recipe

02-04-2016, 11:56 AM
I posted a recipe using creamed corn with venison and I can not find the thing in the house.
Did anyone copy it?
I would dearly like to get it back.

02-05-2016, 04:20 AM
Nothing on this site...

02-05-2016, 09:58 AM
OK, thanks. We must have a ghost in the house, stuff just goes away.

02-05-2016, 12:21 PM
Cyber space ghost got it.

02-05-2016, 03:26 PM
It's not a ghost....it's a black hole that goes through our world and connects to that other dimension.
I have at least one in my house, I think it's behind the dryer.....why else would I have so many socks with no match......two go in, and danged if but one comes out. Ghost don't need socks. And whatever falls behind the dryer...it's gone, you never see it again...spooky I tell you!
There must be another in the house, I put stuff away, go to get it and IT'S GONE ! Can't find it for heck or high water.....black hole, yessirree bob !

02-05-2016, 06:55 PM
It's not a ghost....it's a black hole that goes through our world and connects to that other dimension.
I have at least one in my house, I think it's behind the dryer.....why else would I have so many socks with no match......two go in, and danged if but one comes out. Ghost don't need socks. And whatever falls behind the dryer...it's gone, you never see it again...spooky I tell you!
There must be another in the house, I put stuff away, go to get it and IT'S GONE ! Can't find it for heck or high water.....black hole, yessirree bob !

I agree with this post !!

02-06-2016, 12:34 PM
More to it.The man I bought my house from smoked like a fish. I had to wash all the walls and ceilings before painting from the tars. I built an addition out front and would be on the couch, smelled cigarette smoke, night after night. One night I said, "John you are not allowed to smoke inside, go outside." It stopped.
I have heard footsteps upstairs when in the basement where there is no space to walk.
One night I woke up because I had to pee and was on my left side, I heard the floor at the bottom of my bed creaking from someone very heavy walking, came up behind me and hands on each shoulder forced me deep into the bed. Funny it did not scare me.
I have been down the road on a friends property before daylight and seen a white figure walking his drive, went behind a tree and was gone. Dave had something whisper in his ear at the same house.
I lost a trapping shovel out of the garage long ago and searched everywhere for it, never been found.
I hope the sucker likes my recipe!
My Dad heard chains under his bed. He worked at a slaughter house and had to sharpen blades in a machine the cut hair from pigs. he went to crawl in and heard someone say "STOP, don't go in there" but he had to get his work done. He was stopped twice more and nobody was there. Then the machine started up. He found the super and maintenance man were arguing on the other side about the machine not working. They went up the stairs and pushed the button.
He drove ice cream trucks and drivers sat and ate cones while trucks were loaded. He was about to pop the cone point in and was told to "STOP". He looked in to find a huge spider in the bottom.
When he was a kid, all the parents played cards and sent kids up to bed. The kids heard "let me out" and told the folks. They sluffed it off but soon heard it. Houses back then had a door so you could walk under. A man took a lantern and went under. He came back out with his hair turned white. He heard it under his feet. When the house was torn down, they found a skeleton under the dirt.
I lived in haunted houses. I was a kid and went to bed with my feet hanging out from under covers, too hot. Something cold took hold of my leg. I could feel a hand. You don't know what is out there.
Some are pure evil but others are just good people that died or Angels.
I believe in Bigfoot too, had an experience in Ohio where they are called Grass man. Yes they are real. I can tell the story again if you want.