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View Full Version : Flir securty system

01-30-2016, 11:00 PM
please excuse the all lower case typing, I had left shoulder surgery ang cant use the left hand.

a while back I was asking for imput on a camera system and settled on a flir hardwire system with 2tra storage and cloud storage for 7 days the installer is having a hard time setting it up for me to login to the cloud with my laptop. he is useto most folks using a iPhone and there is an app for that. anyone have a suggestion for me to relay to him?

viewing has great resolution,, I have a 40 inch 1080 dpi monitor with all 4 showing or full screen with one camera.

looking for any and all feed back as to how to access with the laptop remote.


01-31-2016, 07:44 AM
Did he setup port forwarding on your router? How does this system connect to the Internet? The way I normally set them up is behind a router with the proper ports forwarded from your public IP address to the lan addresses of the system.

01-31-2016, 07:59 AM
he set it up so it is seen from an I phone ok. I just cant see it from the laptop remote.

01-31-2016, 09:08 AM
I suggest you go to the website of the company that makes the system and look for Windows application or FAQ on how to make it work.

if you have a firewall on your laptop turn it off and see if that works. If it does website should tell you how to set firewall.

hope thAt helps

01-31-2016, 10:32 AM
login to the cloud with my laptop Depends on the OS on your laptop. Older MS won't connect to the iCloud. Will need a cloud add-in or app to get to the cloud. Moe specifics on SW you are using? Win 7 has an app for iCloud where you use apple ID & password to et cess or you have to be allowed acess from the actual iCloud account. Call FLIR cust. service.

01-31-2016, 11:29 AM
thanks for the help. I have win 8 os.

01-31-2016, 12:37 PM
My advice was based on you wanting to see the system in real time. If you want to see what is stored on icloud that should be a pretty quick google.

The lesson here is to make sure these systems are compatible with what you use and that the installer knows how to make it work.

I had the opposite one time. I sold a system that the word apple was never mentioned and then after every thing was working and the customer sign off about a month later I get an angry call because the customers FIL can not access it from his ipad.

If I had known that was important I would have never sold him the system I did.