View Full Version : Success spraying Ben's LL

01-26-2016, 10:03 PM
Decided to give this a try.Using a small pump spray bottle,from eyeglass cleaner,the BLL sprayed really well.Set the bullets on a board with wax paper,spray an even coat all around.Nice,even coverage,no clumps,no fiddling with needle-nose pliers setting them on their bases.This has been working great and the spray bottle hasn't clogged.

01-26-2016, 10:08 PM
Interesting idea.

01-30-2016, 02:11 AM
I will have to give this a try. I set them on end after tumble lubing.
Setting them on end before would be even easier.
I happen to have a glasses cleaner spray bottle that I was thinking about pitching. It would be a good candidate for a recycle lube sprayer.


01-30-2016, 09:14 AM
That's interesting. I thought about this for spraying in tumble lube, especially if you are doing a coat over traditional lube.

In for the shooting results

01-30-2016, 09:49 AM
If you get clumps when using BLL then you used WAY too much. Standing them up after tumbling is NOT needed if younuse an appropriate amount.
I use about 50 drops to coat 100 bullets for 44 special- a 265 gr bullet. Yeah, that little.

Spraying is going to lead to wasting a ton of lube. Use an appropriate amount and tumbling works very well.

02-01-2016, 09:39 AM
I think the idea is to be able to stand them up before lubing rather than handling the bullets with lube on them. Cleaner that way.

s mac
02-01-2016, 10:47 AM
If you get clumps when using BLL then you used WAY too much. Standing them up after tumbling is NOT needed if younuse an appropriate amount.
I use about 50 drops to coat 100 bullets for 44 special- a 265 gr bullet. Yeah, that little.

Spraying is going to lead to wasting a ton of lube. Use an appropriate amount and tumbling works very well.

If you use Ben's method and dump them in a wire mesh box to dry there isn't much handling.

02-01-2016, 10:56 AM
True. I stand mine up too after tumbling. Just have not tried the mesh wire to date. I don't do hundreds of them either through and I'm sure if I did the mesh would be the way to go.

02-01-2016, 12:07 PM
if you heat the boolits up prior to lubing them they dry much faster too.
I use a hair dryer and will get them almost too hot to touch the 45/45 lube I use is about 100% dry in 20 minutes.

02-01-2016, 04:48 PM
Plus one, on what r5r said.
I stick mine in the toaster oven until they are almost too hot to touch. Then tumble lube and spread them out on wax paper to dry. I get a more even coat this way and they dry faster too.

02-01-2016, 04:58 PM
you can watch the lube just melt and run around the boolits in an even coating.
after sizing I can generally just re-heat them and add some mineral spirits to them and it re-coats the boolits without having to add a second coat.
but I do add some stuff [bees-wax and lanolin] to the 45/45 lube that isn't in the original recipe.

John in AR
02-06-2016, 09:51 PM
Full disclosure - even though I've been shooting for over forty years and reloading for over 30, I'm a TOTAL neophyte when it comes to casting. I'm going to start casting bullets strictly for close-in pistol use; range shooting on timers mostly.

Lazy perhaps, but I'm looking for the simplest, easiest, fastest lube method on bullets - all in .38spl and 9mm. My initial wanderings & readings led me to tumble-lubing with alox, but I'm thinking a simple spraying of Ben's LL might be the ticket.

Downsides to trying this approach...? Again, low-velocity, low-pressure handgun stuff is all I'm talking about here. Thx

02-06-2016, 11:07 PM
Lazy perhaps, but I'm looking for the simplest, easiest, fastest lube method on bullets - all in .38spl and 9mm. My initial wanderings & readings lead me to tumble-lubing with alox, but I'm thinking a simple spraying of Ben's LL might be the ticket.

Downsides to trying this approach...? Again, low-velocity, low-pressure handgun stuff is all I'm talking about here. Thx

If you want absolute easiest, fastest, etc. it starts with a call to Magma Engineering with a credit card- you want a Star. Second to that, it is the regular tumble lube method with BLL. Lay them on wax paper under a fan.

DTASBBPC is pretty close. I think 3-400 an hour is reasonable.

02-06-2016, 11:51 PM
This method would avoid dinged bases for those hard core bullseye shooters...

02-07-2016, 12:52 PM
I think that if you are squeezing pennies so hard that spraying on the lube is thought to be a waste of product then you are indeed frugal! For the cost of the floor polish can and the LEE Alox, I`ll spray and waste a bit of it! If doing the lube job the other way is your cup of tea then have at it.Robert

02-07-2016, 09:11 PM
This method definitely uses more product,but it allows me to apply a "very fast and even" coat.This works out well for my fussy need of an even application outside in the cool weather.I like to leave them outside until the solvents flash off,then bring them inside.

John in AR
02-07-2016, 11:27 PM
This method definitely uses more product,but it allows me to apply a "very fast and even" coat...
That's a big part of its attraction for me; the ease & simplicity of it. If it uses a bit more, so be it. We're talking pocket-change differences per thousand I would assume.

02-08-2016, 02:31 PM
You can also get little spray bottles at local wally mart that have an adjustable spray nozel,
I got one for spraying thinned Lee case sizing lube. Works great.
I never knew you could buy empty plastic bottles and tubes untill my wife showed me where they lived....usually a good selection in different sizes.

02-08-2016, 02:48 PM
If you get clumps when using BLL then you used WAY too much. Standing them up after tumbling is NOT needed if younuse an appropriate amount.
I use about 50 drops to coat 100 bullets for 44 special- a 265 gr bullet. Yeah, that little.

+1 to this.

John in AR
02-08-2016, 03:14 PM
Just to be sure I'm not missing something (because this sounds WAY too easy)...

Take a mixture of 60/40 (say 3 oz and 2 oz) of Alox to the Johnson's liquid wax, mix well in a spray bottle, spray on the sized bullets and let dry. That's really all we're talking about?

02-08-2016, 03:23 PM
Just to be sure I'm not missing something (because this sounds WAY too easy)...

Take a mixture of 60/40 (say 3 oz and 2 oz) of Alox to the Johnson's liquid wax, mix well in a spray bottle, spray on the sized bullets and let dry. That's really all we're talking about?

You just said the whole operation. Only difference might be is to have mixed the polish and alox in another container and pour it into the spray pump.Robert

02-08-2016, 04:16 PM
Yep, the Johnson's liquid wax contains a high volume of solvents which thins alox but flashes quickly.

John in AR
02-09-2016, 12:05 PM
Good deal. Just ordered some of the Johnson's liquid wax. For whatever reason (increased demand by people on this forum perhaps...? :wink:) it seems to be out of stock a lot of places and even discontinued at some places as well, so to be safe I ordered three cans. Figure I can always get more alox, but this stuff maybe not...