View Full Version : Wounded Warrior Project

Prospector Howard
01-26-2016, 09:19 PM
If this turns out to be true, then it just turns my stomach. Watch this video from CBS News and decide for yourself whether you want to support this charity. Of course it shoudn't even need to exist, if our tax dollars were spent on what really matters in this country; like taking care of veterans after they've sacrificed so much for their country.


01-26-2016, 09:27 PM
I have no doubt it will be found true. They are all about raising money, not helping Vets. They are also Anti-Gun.

01-26-2016, 09:51 PM
Have been hearing these rumors for at least a couple years now.

01-26-2016, 09:53 PM
I was actually surprised that they're 'sposedly spendin' 60% of what they rake in to support vets. I send the DAV a few bucks when I can so, it was heartenin' to see they get credit for spendin' 96% of what they take in on the vets.

Windwalker 45acp
01-26-2016, 09:55 PM
I support the DAV, but the WWP won't see a dime due to their anti-2nd views...

01-26-2016, 09:57 PM
You can check up on just about any "charity" organization at Charitywatch.org . Here's what pops up on Wounded Warrior;


Donated a couple of times until I found out that almost 50% goes to overhead, ect.

01-26-2016, 10:21 PM
This is really too bad, they started out well, and I have seen this before, the big buck start rolling in, they get hooked. I personally would be ashamed to do that to needy Vets and my Christianity would not let me work for them.
Ole Jack

01-26-2016, 10:29 PM
We took some soldiers duck hunting a couple years ago.....from the Warrior Battalion Unit at Fort Jackson. They are wounded soldiers, on the mend, under the care of our military, and each fully expecting to return to active duty. They ALL spoke very poorly of the WWP for many of the same reasons mentioned above.

When we initially started planning the hunts, we contacted WWP, and their very first reaction was to get the media involved. Turned me off in a hurry, so we started making some calls locally. The folks at Fort Jackson were jam up....and we got the opportunity to spend some quality time in the woods with some folks who truly earned it....and not a camera in sight. It was a beautiful couple days...and we killed a mess of ring necks, amongst a few other birds. And not one of our soldiers got used as a media prop.

01-26-2016, 10:56 PM
This has been out for some years now, but they must be well connected because nothing came of it then and am skeptical anything will come of it now. They prey on the public's need and desire to do right by our wounded troops. The fact that they do help a few keeps the money rolling in, no matter what these stories reveal.

Clay M
01-26-2016, 11:14 PM
My neighbor is involved with that organization . He had them come out and build a wheelchair ramp , and do some other work.
He owns guns, but I get the impression that he doesn't think anyone else should, except the military and the police.

01-26-2016, 11:25 PM
Best to make donations to DAV, VFW, American Legion, etc. All good organizations with proven track records.

01-26-2016, 11:25 PM
Here's the charity oversite page I use. It's a bit more in depth:


I do some charity rows during the year. Even though it's not much money it helps with motivation and the company that built the machines pays the money. www.concept2.com (http://www.concept2.com). 21million meters and counting.

01-26-2016, 11:38 PM
Don't overlook the smaller, local charities. They help close to home and have very little overhead.

01-27-2016, 12:15 AM
I refuse to support the WWP because of their anti gun stance.

01-27-2016, 11:38 AM
Their higher ups are very well paid and they are anti-gun and anti-hunting. They will help out Vets as long as they get to play the tune. They will never get a dime from me. Ever.

Bad Water Bill
01-27-2016, 05:55 PM
IIRC we had a loooong discussion and exposure of these pirates several years ago.

Perhaps someone with the expertise can retrieve that old discussion.

01-27-2016, 11:25 PM
Our very small United States Pistol Shooting Association club has an annual benefit event that for several years gave the money to WWP. We have about 20 active members and the benefit event raised over $3,000 every year. I thought that was a bunch for such a small club. When they said we couldn't use their name in association with the benefit event we found another charity that supports the Veterans.


01-27-2016, 11:43 PM
My cousin looked into them for assistance and was turned away !!! He was told to try another organization first. This was about 3 years ago.

bruce drake
01-28-2016, 01:46 AM
www.legion.org/ocw (http://www.legion.org/ocw)
Operation Comfort Warriors (a 501(c)3 Charity) is a non-profit grant program for ill or injured veterans which is administered by The American Legion. 100% of all donations are sent into a restricted-use grant fund while all operational and administration costs are covered by The American Legion.

01-28-2016, 11:00 AM
Big story on DailyMail today and WWP and how they spent 26 MILLION dollars on conferences and parties for the Execs. Also the CEO gets like 473K salary a year..............

01-28-2016, 12:12 PM
Our very small United States Pistol Shooting Association club has an annual benefit event that for several years gave the money to WWP. We have about 20 active members and the benefit event raised over $3,000 every year. I thought that was a bunch for such a small club. When they said we couldn't use their name in association with the benefit event we found another charity that supports the Veterans.


Our USPSA club had the same experience. They willing to take the money. Lots of other charities out there. One club here does a "Toys for Tots" shoot, bring a toy for your match fee.

01-28-2016, 09:14 PM
Had in the paper today(IIRC the figures) that out of 245 million raised one year, 124 million was used for other things besides helping vets.

01-28-2016, 10:03 PM
Here in Virginia we have the Virginia Veterans and Family Support program(formerly called the Virginia Wounded Warrior Program, changed for obvious reasons last October). Run by the Virginia Dept. of Veteran Services. 100% of money raised is spent on the intended purposes. If you're here in the Commonwealth, check 'em out.

01-29-2016, 07:53 AM
http://m1forvets.com/ Please!! check this link,NO anti gunners in this fine group.The wife and I volunteer every year since 2010 at CMP Camp Perry assisting these warrriors to the range to SHOOT. This organazation also includes a Distinguished Rifleman.

(https://images.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search;_ylt=A0LEV72bUatW8gQArAQnnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTEz ZjZpNzAxBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDRkZVSUMwXzEEc2 VjA3Nj?p=Distinguished+Rifleman+Award&fr=yhs-mozilla-004&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs-004)

01-29-2016, 02:42 PM
I guess my prior experience has left me a little jaded. I've read about what some of the idjit missionaries did over in Africa, and how their egocentrism was so dysfunctional there. And the way most "charitable organizations" are structured and run, they HAVE to have a lot of overhead, which weakens any contributions made to any of their efforts.

For my money, the Shriners, St. Jude and the churches, particulary the Catholic church, seem to do the best job of getting nearly 100% of the $$$ to the charity they support. I long ago gave up on the United Way, and wouldn't give them 10 cents now. A lot of the bigger orgs get their funds from simply being politically correct, and getting the big wheeler dealers and "community leaders" to help promote them and get donations. That kind of thing just upsets my country boy sensibilities, and I don't tend to respond very positively toward things that do that.

Our local church does a good bit for individuals that members find and refer to it. We have some good folks who are pretty good at "qualifying" them, and help to prevent cons from pulling their scams on us. When we find someone in genuine need, we can be pretty generous, and very helpful at forming a more permanent solution, and it's all 100% volunteer work. And there are many who ARE in legitimate need. It's those cons and the "sorry" types that have to be weeded out. We have good Christian charity, but there's only so much of it, and it just seems appropriate to try, at least, to separate the wheat from the chaff before supporting someone who very well might be running a con. There are quite a few out there doing just that, too. It takes a little art and skepticism, and occasionally, you just don't know, and have to go on your gut instincts. I suspect we've helped a few cons, but we've also given some deserving folks a break they really needed.

Some years ago, when my son was running his convenience store himself, a young, well dressed black man came to his store and said he was out of gas and on his way to Savannah to a job interview, one that he wanted very badly. And he had no cash with him, and didn't have a checking acct. He straight up asked my son if he'd be willing to let him have just enough gas to get him to Savannah for his job interview, and he's work out the rest from there. My son questioned him a little, and just decided to help him. He filled up the guy's tank with gas, and gave him $20 cash for meals to boot! About 90 days later, he got a letter in the mail and it contained a $100 bill and a letter from the young man telling him how much he appreciated my son's help, and let him know he did indeed get the job. It was one of the moments that made me very proud to have been my son's Dad!

The whole world around us is so full of cynicism that folks in real need, who intend to do better, but need a hand up, often can't find anyone who'll help. There's a lesson in it for all of us.

Then too, I was in Augusta 1.5 hrs away, on a sales trip one evening, and found I'd forgotten to cash a check. I had $2 on me, and you could get a burger then for $1, so I figured I'd get a burger and small coke to hold me until I could get home for something more to eat. As I approached the McDonald's, a young fellow looking forlorn and sitting on one of the cast perimeter markers, looked up at me and said, "Mr., could you spare a dollar? I haven't eaten a thing all day." I looked at his rather deadpan face, and tried to decide whether I thought it was showing real forlorness or concealing a yen for alcohol or drugs. I couldn't get a good read, and decided to give him the benefit of a doubt. I'd recently read something on charity, and how sometimes we can refuse someone in real need, so .... I gave him one of my dollars. Instantly, he jumped up and headed toward the liquor store right next to the McDonald's! All I could do was laugh out loud, and heartily at that! He looked back at me, puzzled. But I'd done the best thing I could have done in the situation, and he hadn't. I was satisfied with myself, and figured a dollar was no big deal to me, but apparently was to him. I went and got my burger, had a cup in the truck and went and ran it full of water at the outside spicket, and headed home. I WAS hungry when I got home, but there was plenty there for me to eat. I called it a good and profitable night, and knew I'd done as good as I could have under the circumstances. We all get took sometime and $1 is pretty cheap when it comes to lessons of that type.

I'm VERY picky about who I'll contribute to. I'll contribute to political campaigns, but I have to REALLY believe in those to make a contribution! BIG time! Other than that, I'll just try to keep a little stash on me to help someone in genuine need, or give to the church or the Masonic children's home here, or the Shriners. I always try to give blood to the Red Cross, too. There are still some excellent and very worthy charities out there, who really need our help.

01-29-2016, 03:42 PM
I wouldn't trust the organization with a dime. On another forum a member posted where he contacted them to donate some guided hunts to some vets. The company asked him what the hunts were valued at so he told them. Then the person representing the charity said they would rather he donate that much cash instead.

01-29-2016, 03:52 PM
"I wouldn't trust the organization with a dime."

​Or a nickle.

Bad Water Bill
01-29-2016, 04:50 PM
IIRC in the last discussion we had there were photos of a parade where they had the wounded vets and a train was coming by and they ran away leaving some of the vets laying on the tracks.

Yeah the only they deserve in my opinion is the waste I flush.:takinWiz:

01-30-2016, 05:13 AM
Odd this came up today, it seems a lady I know of worth several million and leaveing everything to charity, just changed her will. Too bad as it could have helped a lot if they were on the up and up.

01-30-2016, 07:34 AM
WWP has been nothing more than a money making scam for quite some time on the order of The Susan Komen Foundation, you know, the pink ribbons and buses? Vet's have known this for some time and I think I have posted not to donate to them on this site before. If you want to help vets donate to a local veterans charity and make sure to research them first.

01-30-2016, 09:34 AM
Basically if they are running piles of TV ads, thats a good indication their full of it. TV ads cost money, companies pay for ads to increase sales. So its more of a business than a charity. The people at the top rake in piles of cash, because of their 'leadership'. Tho if something goes wrong, suddenly they were out of the loop and not really that involved with decisions.

I have seen in other forums, where vets have gone to WW for help and gotten little, sort of like the VA. Lots of money, but little actual results. Funny how it works, many will give to vets thru charity, but in person want little to do with you. Soothes their soul to give to vets, but they really do not want to be bothered by them. And plenty will line up to screw them over.

I had to shut up one of my cousins the other day. A FB post he had made, this would be the fat lazy cousin who lives on disability, flunked out of Parris Island. He is usually posting about how he hates when people are democrats or getting stuff for free. He had little to say when I reminded him he gets free stuff. He had posted a pic of a veteran, calling him a traitor. That would be the vet who signed up, went to war, shed blood for this country vs the patriots like him who sit at home nice and safe.

01-30-2016, 12:57 PM
If they can afford every other commercial spot on FOX news and pay Trace to do them, they are NOT using the donations for vets. And who wants that stupid blanket? Another waste of money for vets. Give them the blankets!

My money definitely does NOT go to them. This came up several years ago. And the anti-gun thing sours the deal even more.
