View Full Version : Why open carry

01-24-2016, 08:17 PM
Well if you like barbeque (and who doesn't) how about a 25% discount.
I bet the antis are whining over this, but I would sure eat there if I got the chance. I wonder if he will ship a couple of Barbeque plates. lol

CYPRESS, Texas — The brisket at Brooks’ Place arrives with a deep smoky bark that the grill master here lovingly refers to as “black gold.”

The line outside the barbecue joint, little more than a trailer and a few picnic tables parked outside an Ace hardware in this Houston suburb, starts building midmorning. Customers need only bring a solid appetite and a bit of time.

And a gun, if you’re looking for a discount.

Out back, a generator hums rhythmically and post oak logs are piled next to an upright barbecue pit, enveloped in a haze of savory smoke. There are signs banning pets, short shorts and sagging pants, and another with a picture of a handgun. “Firearms welcome,” it reads.

“We felt a need to tell gun owners you don’t need to worry about being judged,” said owner and chef Trent Brooks, sitting near another sign that said, “Thank you for carrying your gun today.”

Brooks is so gun-friendly, he affixed stickers to the walls of the trailer with pictures of targets saying, “Nothing inside worth dying for” and “If you can read this, you’re in range.” He advertises concealed handgun classes on the restaurant’s menu and website, and has offered numerous discounts to gun owners and first responders during his seven years running what Texas Monthly rated among the 50 best barbecue joints worldwide.

After Texas became the nation’s most populous state to permit gun owners to carry handguns openly, or “open carry,” Brooks offered a 25 percent discount to those who took advantage of the law, which took effect with the new year.

Brooks, 45, a sturdy, bearded man who was raised by a father who kept a gun at home for protection, has a concealed handgun license and became a gun rights proponent after two break-ins at his restaurant.

“In Texas, we have a saying: It’s better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it,” he said as he sat at one of the picnic tables on a weekday morning, wearing a Dallas Cowboys hat (he’s a big fan) and red chef’s smock.

Brooks supported the new open carry law for practical reasons: He said it protects gun owners from being charged with a crime for accidentally exposing their guns.

He rejects concerns that, as an African-American man, openly carrying a firearm might put him at risk, especially with police.

“I’ve stood up here hand in hand with police,” he said.

Although he doesn’t plan to carry a gun every day, Brooks said he wanted the flexibility.

“Before the open carry law took effect, if the wind blew and your gun was exposed and someone saw it, you get accused of a crime,” he explained. “Now, if I go into Lowe’s and I reach up to a shelf and my shirt comes up, I’m not charged with a crime.”

Not everyone sees it quite that plainly. Soon after Brooks offered the open carry discount, his wife noticed a threat posted on their Facebook page.

“I’ll shoot up the place on Saturday” (New Year’s Day), one person wrote. “Let’s see how your gun toting patrons will stop me.”

Brooks had received his share of Internet criticism, including some posts by people who vowed never to dine at his trailer because of his stance, but this was his first threat. Determined to stay open, he contacted the sheriff’s office and hired two off-duty constables to stand guard.

When the day came, no attacker materialized. Instead, Brooks fed 300 people, including about 200 gun owners carrying openly on their hips.

“We had people walk up here just to shake my hand and say thank you for standing up for our rights,” Brooks said as he prepared to serve lunch, including ribs, deer sausage, brisket, smoky barbecue-infused baked beans, cranberry almond coleslaw, and bacon, onion and garlic potatoes.

Jake West, 38, of Cypress, a pipe maker, arrived with his wife and ordered generous plates of brisket and deer sausage.

“I came because it’s pro gun. You know you’re going to be protected,” West said, noting that lists posted online show which businesses do and don’t allow open carry.

Texas3006.com tracks businesses that have posted signs banning open carry. So does the gun control advocacy group Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America.

“I don’t like to give my business to ones that won’t let me have them. I see the signs, I just go the other way,” West said.

Nearby sat Branden Eagle, 28, a Realtor, weekly customer and gun owner who opposes open carry. What he’s not opposed to are Brooks’ ribs.

“I don’t think we should be living like the Wild West,” Eagle said. “I think a law enforcement officer should be the only one with access to open carry. On the first day, I saw people trying to show off with .45s on their hip.”

But at another table, oil field worker and gun owner Vincent Facundo, 32, of Houston said he supported open carry precisely because that’s how things were done in the frontier days.

“It takes us back to the Wild West. If you go into a business and try to rob them and there’s three guys with guns, you’ll think twice,” he said.

As the lunch hour wore on, dozens of customers slathered heaping plates with jalapeno-infused barbecue sauce and two white-haired women arrived, both wearing handguns on their hips. Most patrons didn’t even turn to look, though one asked to snap a cellphone photo.

“We wanted to show our support” for the restaurant, said Mary Shelton, 67, a retired product manager at nearby Hewlett-Packard. She and her friend had heard about the discount — and the threat — and decided to make their first trip to Brooks’ Place.

Her friend, Sherry Dickson, 69, a retired elementary and middle school teacher, glanced at Brooks’ various warning signs and smiled.

“I also appreciate his sign for pants,” she said.

01-24-2016, 08:27 PM
Do you happen to k.ow which Ace Hardware his place is at? I live in that area and would like to meet him. Maybe get a sliced beef sammich. ;)

01-24-2016, 08:43 PM
I'll be in Texas in March. Know where I'll be eating lunch one of those days! I don't open carry because I think it gives up an advantage of supprize. But, like the owner, I sure like that we don't have to worry if it prints.

01-24-2016, 09:00 PM
I fully support open carry, but I personally prefer not to. Never been much of an attention seeker. But for a 25% discount on world class Q, I might be persuaded to strap one on!

Wonder if it's 50% off if you wear two.....

DerekP Houston
01-24-2016, 09:23 PM
Hell that is literally right up the road from me, gonna have to hit it for lunch this week. I'm not a huge open carry fan, but to each their own.

01-24-2016, 09:46 PM
I make it to Houston more often than I like, may have to check him out. I used to know a Trent Brooks, haven't seen him in quite a while.

01-25-2016, 05:02 AM
I mostly conceal mine when off duty, but I could care less if people open carry or conceal theirs. I'm just glad we have the option, cause to me, it is just a matter of how you choose to dress. This whole OC or CC argument should be no more controversial than weather you or I will wear boots or sneakers today. Who cares? I'm just glad it is finally up to all of us to decide for ourselves instead of being told how to dress.

Don Fischer
01-25-2016, 05:45 AM
I don't open carry anywhere unless I'm out handgun hunting, not a whole lot. Come to think of it, I don't even open carry out plinking! I think there are people genuinely afraid of gun's, for whatever reason, they are. I've no desire to get into their face. Now concealed carry is a different subject. Should have my permit soon and it goes everywhere with me. Carry all the time here at home and around town.

for the guy that made the threat to shoot up the BBQ place, how many people are gonna announce something like that? Damn few if any!

Sam Casey
01-25-2016, 11:03 AM
Be careful in Texas. There has been open carry in MI for many years; one of the first states to pass such legislation. You rarely see it, even in the field. About the only time you hear about it is when someone gets arrested for carrying a "concealed" weapon when a jacket or sweater "inadvertantly" covers the weapon. I recommend getting a concealed weapon license if one is inclined to carry a handgun. I have had one for years so I can stick 22 in pocket of my vest or jacket when bird hunting. Rarely carry for self defense.

01-25-2016, 11:41 AM
Be careful in Texas. There has been open carry in MI for many years; one of the first states to pass such legislation. You rarely see it, even in the field. About the only time you hear about it is when someone gets arrested for carrying a "concealed" weapon when a jacket or sweater "inadvertantly" covers the weapon. I recommend getting a concealed weapon license if one is inclined to carry a handgun. I have had one for years so I can stick 22 in pocket of my vest or jacket when bird hunting. Rarely carry for self defense.

Only concealed license carriers can carry open in Texas.

At least for now.

01-25-2016, 11:56 AM
In a holster, not in your pocket

Clay M
01-25-2016, 12:27 PM
Concealed weapons only for me.
My personal opinion is that it may be offensive to those that are relatively neutral on gun control.

Since I am not looking to make converts for the other side, I don't do it.

Where I live it is rarely done ,but perfectly legal.

01-25-2016, 12:33 PM
Only concealed license carriers can carry open in Texas.

At least for now.

Well that is not exactly true, only for modern firearms. Non felon adults can still carry antique firearms, and long guns open carry without a permit.

01-25-2016, 12:35 PM
There's a lot of wisdom in the KYPIYP doctrine. Out There, well-dressed (and that doesn't mean all tacticooled out either) open carry has its place, but too often it's done poorly or for the wrong reasons, and that only serves to make enemies. Top used to tell us not to skyline ourselves...that's good advice in general, too.

01-25-2016, 04:08 PM
I carry concealed most of the time. the one time I open carry is in the summer when I ride my harley through Gettysburg. I love the looks I get from all the people from non free states like ny.nj and md.

01-25-2016, 04:14 PM
Top used to tell us not to skyline ourselves...that's good advice in general, too.

I like it...

01-25-2016, 04:23 PM
Even though I never open carry, I love the fact that NC is an open carry state. That just means that I don't have to worry about "printing" or an "unintentional display of a concealed firearm". Also great that if any wanted to open carry, they legally could. I have lived here since 2002 and have seen only one person open carry and that was in a big grocery store. I watched him for a bit to see if anyone said anything to him, happy to say that no one did.

01-25-2016, 06:01 PM
Delaware is a open carry State (NO Permit required) with the typical exceptions and a few cities have banned OC within city limits.
I don't open carry has nothing to do with offending anyone (don't really care, They expect everyone to accept them as they are so they need to return the favor) The less anyone knows about me the better.
The law in De. is Brandishing accidental exposure dose not count.

01-26-2016, 01:36 PM
Do you happen to k.ow which Ace Hardware his place is at? I live in that area and would like to meet him. Maybe get a sliced beef sammich. ;)
The name of the business is in the o/p ... Brooks' Place.
If you Google that name, you get his website.

Anything else you need done?

01-26-2016, 02:55 PM
If you are in central Louisiana, stop by Bergeron's Boudin & Cajun Meats & Reastaurant in Port Allen and open or concealed carry will get you a discount. Good boudin and andouille to boot !

01-26-2016, 04:42 PM
I will need to start making a list of places to visit when traveling!


01-26-2016, 09:40 PM
I don't open carry because of concerns of "offending" people or making them uncomfortable, I couldn't care less about sissies getting all butthurt about seeing a gun. And I don't really worry about being targeted because I'm armed either.

The main reason I don't OC is because I have no desire to be harassed by every Barney Fife cop that crosses my path. Even though it's legal and they know it, there's too many cops out there that feel they need to get in your business about it. I don't need that BS. Or the inevitable MWAG calls by nervous ninnies.

Bottom line is it's my business, and I don't like others sticking their noses in my business.

PS Paul
01-27-2016, 10:03 PM
The name of the business is in the o/p ... Brooks' Place.
If you Google that name, you get his website.

Anything else you need done?
Perhaps you could recommend something from the menu, MC? Ha ha!!

01-27-2016, 11:48 PM
Perhaps you could recommend something from the menu, MC? Ha ha!!

That is super easy, in Texas, if you find a black guy with a barbrque pit in a parking lot, or even just sitting on the side of the road, it is ALL good vittles.

01-28-2016, 01:47 AM
Come on, Starmac, you're not supposed to stereotype like that, regardless of how correct it is. Don't take my word for it though, cause I have met very little BBQ I haven't liked, regardless of who was cooking it. Well, I will make an exception for my parents, but that is just cause they insist on killing their meat, and then burning it to death at least 3 more times before it ever gets near a plate.