View Full Version : Why are so many members BANNED from this site?

01-23-2016, 10:16 PM
While I am doing searches, I seem to run into many posters that are banned. It seems that they have good thoughts or ideas in their posts but now they are gone.

Is it easy to get Banned?

What gets a person banned?

I hope I do not get banned for asking:oops:.

01-23-2016, 10:21 PM
While you are searching, look at the 'Terms of Service'.

This topic has been getting a lot of 'press' lately. A forum search will pull those up, too.

There is one subject, in particular, which has lead to more banning than all others combined. That is contained within those 'banning' threads, also.

Hope this helps, just trying to stay 'neutral'.

01-23-2016, 10:51 PM
Thank you Hannibal. In light of the TOS, I would have to guess the answer to my query would have to be a disagreeable attitude.

Some people just can not help themselves.

01-23-2016, 10:56 PM
Agreed. Speak to your fellow Cast Boolits member as though they were one of your parents, and you shall have no trouble.

01-24-2016, 05:00 AM
Speak to them like they were face to face with you and not safely behind a keyboard somewhere else.

01-24-2016, 09:51 AM
^^ This and also treat them as you want to be treated - Golden Rule.

01-24-2016, 10:08 AM
Using the delete key BEFORE posting can be your friend too

01-24-2016, 10:43 AM
using the delete key before posting can be your friend too

01-24-2016, 11:19 AM
Type your rant then read it a couple of times let it soak in then either hit the delete or cancel key.Be awre of your brother caster feelings also.

01-24-2016, 11:22 AM
Act like an adult... 'Nuff said.

01-24-2016, 11:43 AM
While I am doing searches, I seem to run into many posters that are banned. It seems that they have good thoughts or ideas in their posts but now they are gone.

Is it easy to get Banned?

What gets a person banned?

I hope I do not get banned for asking:oops:.

Because they can't follow the terms of service. While the member may contribute good info, it does not make them "above the law".

Mods don't ban at the drop of a hat either. It is discussed behind the scenes and there is an infraction system.

01-24-2016, 12:40 PM
Know when to walk away, ignore if necessary. Arguing with a fool only drags you down to his level.

01-24-2016, 12:44 PM
Speaking in generalities you almost never see the bad behavior of those who got banned because the moderators get on it quickly and delete the offensive behavior and usually issue an infraction. So you can have the opinion that Joe Shmoe is a great guy when in reality he is dealing with some character issues and doesn't know how to behave himself.

You have to try hard to get banned on this site. Those bans aren't handed out on a whim. You can trust the moderators on this board. There is oversight and multiple opinions are sought before banning takes place.

mold maker
01-24-2016, 12:56 PM
All I know is that lots of the knowledge and good advice that brought me here to start with is no longer available. Folks I considered friends are gone, not because they wanted to leave.
Your site and your rules. If you get carried away that's all that will remain.
Intolerance works like a concealed carry permit in a nudist camp.

01-24-2016, 02:16 PM
Thank you one and all for your responses and answers. I can see I have touched a tender spot, this was not my intention with what I thought was a benign question.

Funny the different forums should be mentioned. Within a few days of my coming here, a poster berated me as being of little value to society because I had not visited a particular forum. This was directed at me after I replied that I was new and had not visited the Religious and Political forum, and did not really care, or feel any need to do so. I almost left then and there, but I needed the information that was presented on the site. I guess I am just selfish that way.

On the Delete/Cancel/Backspace buttons...Very useful. I try to read the posts that I put on any board to decide of they are of value and inoffensive to even the thinnest of skins and have used those buttons with abandon. It seems that a lot of times it is the longest posts that get deleted. Fortunately for you, I have little of value to add so you aint missin' nuttin'. Hmmm...does this one qualify???

01-24-2016, 02:57 PM
All I know is that lots of the knowledge and good advice that brought me here to start with is no longer available. Folks I considered friends are gone, not because they wanted to leave.
Your site and your rules. If you get carried away that's all that will remain.
Intolerance works like a concealed carry permit in a nudist camp.
They were warned after every infraction, have you seen some of the ****storms that have erupted on these boards? Intolerance is not our problem. They may not have wanted to leave but they can't be allowed to stay if they can't behave. There were some members whose opinions I respect but their attitudes were terrible so I put them on ignore.
Membership is a hair over 40,000. It's not hard to find someone knowledgeable and respectful.

01-24-2016, 03:17 PM
Corbinace: nah, just relax. Read and study the art of casting freely. Ask "stupid" questions if you need to and if someone responds with bad attitude, skip that response. There is always some other member that will give you the info you need.

The PIT and political / religious discussions are great entertainment if you have a thick skin. If you get offended easily, stay out.

It really is as easy as that.