View Full Version : Cross Builder

01-20-2016, 10:36 AM
Just a video I like .


01-20-2016, 11:07 AM
Thank you Boaz, I put that on my favorites.

The cross was a gruesome, horrible death. Many died on crosses, but no one suffered and endured what Our savior did on that cross. I truly believe that Jesus, being sinless, could not be killed. "The wages of sin is death." He had no sin.

Of His life Jesus said "no man taketh it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have the power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of My Father." JOhn 10;18

No matter how brutal the scourging and the torture, Jesus could not die until He had done His purpose. He took all sin, all punishment, all the penalty, on Himself, something no mere human could endure. He was God in the flesh, he would not, could not die, until "It is finished!" Then did Jesus consent to give up His spirit and die. He made the choice when life would leave His body.

That is what makes His atoning death so different than any other person. We die when our body parts have failed or trauma, desease, etc. overcomes our systems. We can only take so much.

No so Jesus, he would not, could not, and did not die, until all was accomplished in his mission to save all who would come to him and accept Him as Savior.

He stayed alive by His own will, by the power given Him by God the Father, being sinless, He alone and no one else could accomplish this. When all was fulfilled, He said, "It is finished. Father into your hands I commit my Spirit."

Three days later, Jesus took up His life again and arose!

smoked turkey
01-21-2016, 12:57 AM
Amen! Thanks for posting.