View Full Version : Help with Vintage RCBS Uniflow

Sam Casey
01-18-2016, 05:23 PM
Bought a very nice early RCBS Uniflow; still in box with metal drop tubes, etc. Has larger rifle cylinder. Tried to disassemble and all comes apart nicely except large nut under measuring screw lock ring will not budge. Think the nut is part of the "bushing" that needs to come out to free the measuring screw. Don't want to break anything. Am on my 3rd day soaking "bushing" threads with Kroil; but nut is still holding tight. Any suggestions? Thank you.

01-18-2016, 06:26 PM
I've bought a few eBay specials. Even some rusty ones were not too bad to unscrew.

Other than some heat, I'm at a loss. Should not be any thread lock, etc from the factory.

Is there anything special you are trying to do (micrometer adjust. small drum?)

Sam Casey
01-18-2016, 06:59 PM
Being an EB "special", just trying to see if all is well inside. Now that all is wet with Kroil, it will need a nice warm water "Dawn" bath. I will give it another nite of Kroil soak and then put it in a padded vise, apply some hot air and see what happens with some serious force??

01-18-2016, 07:06 PM
I took apart my newer model uniflow II and there was definitely something like threadlocker on those threads. It was not bought new, so I don't know if it came from the factory with it or not.


01-18-2016, 07:11 PM
Try tapping every 3-4 hrs during the soak period.

If no luck, I agree with Joesig and try heat, then tap.

01-18-2016, 07:28 PM
I just got three of those with the house I helped clean out.
Two were all apart so I had to search for all the parts. One was never used in the box.
Is the bushing your talking about the one in the slot????
If it is, it probably is rusted/corroded.
The guy probably left powder in it, and it stuck.
Or he cross threaded the bushing in.
I'd try heating it up, outside of the house, and tap on it when hot.
I that doesn't work, you might have to drill it out and replace the bad parts.

Sam Casey
01-18-2016, 07:59 PM
I'm guessing internal corrosion. All looks straight & true. There is no rust on externals, but when I open the powder cavity, I see lite red/brown coloring on cavity walls below level where base was set by prior owner. All else is bright. Will continue as planned adding taps & heat. Wanted to make sure there was nothing mechanical locking big nut in place. I love these old measures. Just "restored" an old L55, like new, but with similar problems. Nice to have a measure all set to go for each caliber. Thanks

01-18-2016, 08:32 PM
Does it have a plastic hopper or is it glass? I have an early model (new in the box believe it or not) has a glass hopper.

Sam Casey
01-18-2016, 08:44 PM
Mine is plastic (clear, not green).

01-18-2016, 08:47 PM
You could try soaking it in Evapo-Rust for a day or two and see if that helps break it loose. It's available at most Auto Parts stores.

01-19-2016, 12:04 AM
Try 'tool box Buddy' or even better yet the new Popular Mechanics rust buster type of spray. Don't get excited. Just a drop of the Popular mechanics stuff every day....tap on the nut gently ( both sides) then use a wrench to try and move it both ways. If it ever moves even 5 degrees you can get it off. If you have a small air impact tool and a socket that will fit, you might turn the air way down and just let the tool 'hammer' on it. The shock sometimes breaks things loose.

I would think these parts are precision and would be very easy to ruin. Hmmmmm...call RCBS and see what they say... They might want you to send it to them.

yes heat would help too...

01-19-2016, 02:32 PM
RCBS equipment has a lifetime warranty on it. A call to them and/or return of the part will get it fixed/or replaced. It sounds like a "gorilla"type has been adjusting your measure. Some people think you have to use a 'cheater bar" to tighten up everything. I have never had the problem you have on my RCBS measure but I have had 2 or 3 problems with RCBS equipment(all my own fault) and they will not let me pay for replacements and it is always delivered with 2 to 4 days. My measure has a small spring type washer between the nut and the body that provides a good tight fit for locking the screw in place even when only finger tightened.

Sam Casey
01-19-2016, 03:44 PM
Appreciate the suggestions. Think I will send it in to RCBS. I sure use enough of their products ... Summit, Universal Priming, dies, etc.

Sam Casey
01-19-2016, 04:54 PM
GOT IT OUT!!!! Called RCBS and tech told me what we had done up to now was just right. Suggested a padded vise and 3/4" long handled wrench & to put the counterclockwise muscle to it. The reddish stuff I was seeing was preservative they put in years ago and original owner had probably never disassembled and cleaned below area of measuring screw base he was using. The tech promised to replace any part I might break in process. Thanks again for help.

01-19-2016, 04:58 PM
Hard to beat RCBS I bought my powder measure from them over thirty years ago and still is my go-to

01-19-2016, 11:02 PM
50-50 mix of acetone, laquer thinner, or mineral spirits (in a pinch) with
Auto Tanny Fluid will loosen up almost anything pretty quickly, like 10 minutes
or less.


01-20-2016, 02:22 PM
I don`t know where people get the idea that assembly/re-assembly of about everything must be done `Farmer "Squeak" Tight`. Glad you got ahold of RCBS for help and there was little wrong.Robert

Sam Casey
01-20-2016, 09:59 PM
Robert, after 50years of enjoying the shooting sports, guess I just can't help myself as the practice has served me well over the years.