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01-18-2016, 04:55 PM
I saw something yesterday that was totally cool and unexpected.

My my family was in the San Juan airport waiting to board our flight home and there was a group of about 20 soldiers (It was not clear, but we think they were Airborne.) waiting for the same flight to Atlanta.

Delta airlines announced the the time to board and then had the soldiers board first.

Now for the really cool part, while they boarded, all the people in the concourse stood and applauded. Not just a little clap, they stood and clapped until every soldier was boarded. It took several minutes.

I've seen people give up a better seat on airplanes for soldiers, but this was a pleasant surprise to see this response.

01-18-2016, 05:46 PM
Good for them

01-18-2016, 08:15 PM
Agreed. We should show our appreciation cause we know our current leader won't.

01-18-2016, 08:32 PM
That had to put a lump in your throat! Good for everybody there! Too bad our fearless leader doesn't show the same respect.

A few years back, I was on the road and eating in a Mom & Pop type restaurant. Shortly after I got seated, four young Marines walked in and sat at a table. I watched them as they looked over the menu and then saw several pull their wallets out and check to see if they had enough money . . . we've all been there at one time or another. They all ordered and once they were served, I caught the eye of their waitress and when she came over, I asked her to please give me their bills . . but not before adding dessert on to each one . . . and to please not tell them. I finished up before they were done and when I walked up to the register to pay out, the fellow and his wife who owned the restaurant saw what I was doing and asked me about it. My reply was that paying for their meals was the least I could do for what they were doing for us. A week later I came through and ate there again. When i went to pay out again, the wife checked me out and she remembered me. She spoke about what I had done for the Marines and then smiled and drew my attention to the sign posted behind her . . . "All Servicemen and Servicewomen in Unform Eat Free". She said that after I had paid for the meals for those Marines, she and her husband had talked about it and decided that they could do the same thing as a way to say "Thanks".

We all need to show our appreciation to the men and women in uniform AND their families for what they do for us . . whether it be applause, a "thank you", picking up their meal tab or just a hand shake . . . they all deserve it.

smoked turkey
01-18-2016, 08:46 PM
Simply wonderful and the type of response that we should have for our finest. You did very good bedbugbilly. Thanks for putting your money where your feelings are. We all need to do more of that.

01-18-2016, 10:36 PM
Our soldiers deserve any tribute we can give them. A few years back, my old fishing camping and Dutch Oven cooking buddy and I were in a cafe in Crockett, Texas eating lunch. He is an Army Artillery veteran of Korea and has always had a soft spot for those in any service.

A young soldier came in and sat down with a wife and 3 pre-school aged children. As they interacted it was evident that dad had recently returned from the middle east. We finished eating and started back to camp and as we were paying the check, he handed the cashier $50 and told her it was for the soldier and his families dinner. We just left and as we got in the truck, I commented that I thought it was a nice gesture, but didn't he want to meet the young family. He said no, "He was US Army, not even artillery, but he had paid for his dinner many times over." My friend is gone now and that is a memory that I treasure. While celebrating his life at his services, I told that story along with others. He was a fine man, a proud American, and a special friend.

bullet maker 57
01-19-2016, 11:03 AM
Good deed. I have done the same thing on various occasions.

01-19-2016, 08:28 PM
Good to hear all these stories - thanks for sharing

01-19-2016, 10:18 PM
My wife and I picked our son and his buddy up at Fort Hood when they got back from Afghanistan. Well the first thing they wanted to do was go to Walmart and pickup some beer and civilian clothes.
A guy came up and handed them both a 50 dollar bill, he said thank you and walked off before the two men could say a word.
FYI We got checked into motel and the two soldiers drank 1 beer and were out for 12 hours.

01-19-2016, 10:48 PM
On behalf of all those who served, We thank you.

01-20-2016, 10:04 PM
About a year after I lost my son that was an E-5 Marine I was mailing some things at a local postoffice. As I was leaving a young girl that was in BDU`s with USMC markings was also leaving with me. I asked if she was still active duty on leave. She said yes she was home for a few more days. I said "Thank You" for your service. She gave me a `bear hug` thanking me and she was gone.Robert

01-21-2016, 08:16 AM
On behalf of all those who served, We thank you.

I thank you.