View Full Version : Too Sick to Work Today ...

Phineas Bluster
01-17-2016, 05:33 PM

Southern Son
01-17-2016, 09:27 PM
A good mate I used to fish with had a T-shirt that said "I USED UP ALL MY SICKDAYS TO GO FISHING, SO NEXT TIME I WILL JUST CALL IN DEAD." He liked to wear it to work functions and watch the bosses reactions.

01-17-2016, 10:50 PM
Back in late 70's as a new Technical Sargent in the Air Force stationed at Lowery AFB Tech trainging center in Denver Colorado, I had a number of civilians and military under my supervision. One of my civilians was an old retired E8 that liked to bend the rules on the civilian sick leave he had accrued from time to time, he would tell me that he had to go see Dr. Gross and ask me to sign him up for 4 hours sick leave. This happened usually on Friday afternoons and went on almost every week until it was brought to my attention by another military supervisor that Dr. Gross was actually a lake nearby that he liked to fish. Needless to say after being enlightened I had to stop the Dr. Gross visits and made him use his annual leave to do his visits from then on. He got a good laugh on me.


01-18-2016, 01:40 PM
He----Hello boss?--I wont be in today!
Boss---Why not?
He---The voices told me it is time to clean the guns---------

01-18-2016, 01:51 PM
He----Hello boss?--I wont be in today!
Boss---Why not?
He---The voices told me it is time to clean the guns---------

And by the way, the voices they don't like you very much.

Doc Highwall
01-18-2016, 03:03 PM
Boss, because I used up all my sick days.............I am calling in dead.

Boss, I am calling in because I have opticalrectalitis..............No way I see my a$$ going to work today!

01-18-2016, 10:40 PM
I wonder if people who work at a shooting range ever call in sick.

01-18-2016, 11:38 PM
Doggone, that's right up there with "Do workers in a chocolate factory ever call in sick"? Or how about do workers in a brewery ever call in sick? Hung over maybe.
Ole Jack

01-19-2016, 12:55 AM
Ring... ring... ring..

(boss) Hello

(you) Yeah, I'm not gonna make it in to work today.

(boss) Whats wrong?

(you) I have a bad case of annul glaucoma.

(boss) I have never heard of that, what is it?

(you) I can't see my BEEP coming to work today.

Maybe not the best way to call in sick, but nothing wrong with be honest right?

Jerry Jr.

01-19-2016, 01:25 AM
I used to work with a guy that had the worst luck. in the 6 short years we worked together he had to go to about 7 or 8 of his grandma's funerals.

Ole Joe Clarke
01-19-2016, 09:55 PM
We used to say that we had a meeting at the bank. The bank of the lake. Of course everyone knew what we meant.