View Full Version : pan lube?

01-17-2016, 03:16 AM
I have been using Lee Liquid Alox eclusively to lube my boolits. I have a bunch of Lee 459-405-HB ready to be lubed and wondering if pan lube would be better? Thinking about trying the pariffin/vaselive/ STP lube. Will it be better than LLA? Or is one as good as the other? Or should i do both, pan lube then tumble lube? Or leave well enough alone as I have not been having any problems with just the plain LLA?

01-17-2016, 04:55 AM
experts will chime in better than me, but I bet it depends on speeds you are aiming at. I have been shooting this same bullett in 45-70 both dip lubed and 40-60 Ms-La lubed with no perceptable difference and NO leading at all up to 1450-1750 fps. but sizig dip lubed is way more a mess than simply LLubingeither two or three layers

01-17-2016, 09:37 AM
If it works why try to fix it? Not that this has stopped me in the past to try other methods as it is useful to know how the other methods work.

01-17-2016, 09:49 AM
if it aint broke ..... it doesnt need fixed but some of us have this innate curiosity :P

the hollow base raise a concern of it getting filled and then having to be cleaned out or risk contaminating the powder/primer , it can be done of course
Motard is correct dip lubing can be messy lolz , many who use pan lubing use a kake kutter , i've done so myself ( it too can sometimes be a wee messy ) IF i have to pan lube i prefer the "whack it/crack it" method , of note lube for this is a little more umm task specific
much better than LLA plain is recluse's recipe aka 45/45/10 , from all reports ben's liquid lube ( BLL ) is also decent