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01-16-2016, 10:17 PM
Lord thank you .

Preacher Jim
01-16-2016, 10:35 PM
Amen. Aren't we glad He is always there to call on.

01-16-2016, 10:42 PM
I thank him daily for always being there .

01-16-2016, 10:50 PM
Amen, We have been blessed beyond measure to have the Almighty GOD to call upon and "know" He hears our request.

01-17-2016, 01:33 AM
I'm thankful that He is working out the finer details of our move. His hand in the matter is so clear, that it would be impossible not to see it. I'm thankful that He orders our steps.

01-17-2016, 08:15 AM
Boaz, Thank you....it doesnt get any easier than that....we as a whole has so much to be thankful for but with so much evil in the world it is easy to lose sight of the blessing we have......Paul

01-17-2016, 11:44 AM
G. K. Chesterton once said that he though the highest form of human thought was simple appreciation. I think he was right. When you're thankful for something, it shows you recognize your limitations, and the lack of limitations in God and His power. It simply puts everything in perspective, as it should be. And the proper perspective is something that is all too lacking in this world today.

Whenever I pray and for whatever reason, I almost always begin by thanking Him for all the wonders and blessings He's given me, that I could never have done anything to earn. And that's the wonder of it all. He made everything that is - us, our world and all the wonders and benefits in it, our loved ones, even the ground we walk on. The only thing He gave us that is truly ours is our free will, and that even He leaves entirely to us. As such, it's the only thing we have that is truly and completely ours. Unfortunately, we all too often use it to pursue our own, often prurient interests, instead of using it to see all the great and wonderful things in this world that should make us thankful. We all have problems, but compared to what we've been given to work with ..... well, how can we NOT be thankful for it all?

Even the problems he presents us with help motivate us to make things better, test us and shape us, if we'll just let them do that. Instead, many whine and moan that God doesn't reach down His mighty hand and do things FOR us! Wow! What a skewed way to view our lives! And how could it be any more self-centered and self-absorbed?

If we have the proper perspective, it's all so very clear, and we realize that everything we are and have and love comes straight from Him, and none of it is of our own making. We can take what he's given us and shape or re-shape it to serve us better, but it's still all His, and not truly ours. He's eternal and all the things we have are passing, just like our mortal bodies. What we do with our time in these mortal bodies is what He's interested in and cares about, and I think simply being thankful for all He's given us is one of the things that He's looking for in us. Just seems to be a no-brainer to me.

And is there anyone out there who thinks we couldn't all be more consciously thankful for what He's given us? I can't imagine anyone being like that, but I know there are some, if not many like that. And that might be a very large influence on what we are seeing going on all around us now, mightn't it?

01-17-2016, 01:49 PM
God is my fortitude,thanks

01-25-2016, 04:38 PM
I praise God and thank Him for being there. I would truly crack up otherwise. I am so grateful He guides and directs my steps.