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01-16-2016, 12:52 PM
Shouldn't this be in "The PIT"

01-16-2016, 01:18 PM
Shouldn't this be in "The PIT"
It should and it's been there a couple of times already.
If your title starts with, "No Comment," why bother even starting the thread?

01-16-2016, 01:30 PM
Well I apologize. I don't use the PIT so if the moderators want to move it (and being you said it's there already) they can remove this post. Sorry.

gray wolf
01-16-2016, 06:21 PM
I don't see any reason for this not to be in the public eye, what's the problem here ?

The findings look pretty good. I would like to here the rebuttal, if there is one.

01-16-2016, 08:11 PM
Anything is possible. Fast and furious proves that much.

01-17-2016, 01:55 AM

01-17-2016, 02:02 AM
Other rebuttals: how come the government is only incompetent until it's time to stage a conspiracy?

And the basic conspiracy problem: let's make a list of all the people who would have to be involved and keeping all this quiet, shall we?

Local police
School administrators
Everyone who lives in the area and claims to have known one of these people
Whoever was in charge of staging and planning
All these actors

Now, what's the old saying about keeping secrets?

As long as the best 'evidence' is youtube experts who have found a guy who looks like another guy, and the common misinformation that accompanies every breaking story, then this conspiracy gets put up on the shelf with 9/11 and chemtrails. There's no real evidence of a conspiracy, and the conspiracy fails Occam's razor: it's needlessly complex and requires many more baseless assumptions to support the conspiracy than not, and for little gain.

Staging a school shooting to promote gun control is like knocking down a building to make your neighbors move. With that much money and secret plotting, there are less convoluted ways to do it.

01-17-2016, 02:39 AM
Yeah, like just have a doctor take his patient off his usual drug thus causing hostile behavior

01-17-2016, 08:41 AM
Yeah, like just have a doctor take his patient off his usual drug thus causing hostile behavior
So then you have to keep that doctor quiet.

How do you guarantee the guy will use a gun? How do you ensure he doesn't use a knife, or just commit suicide? Do you have evidence that the doctor took him off, rather than him just refusing to take it?

Occam's razor slices that one as well. Too complex, not predictable enough, not likely to accomplish the goal, and still a big chain of secrets.

01-17-2016, 09:02 AM
Other rebuttals: how come the government is only incompetent until it's time to stage a conspiracy?

And the basic conspiracy problem: let's make a list of all the people who would have to be involved and keeping all this quiet, shall we?

Local police
School administrators
Everyone who lives in the area and claims to have known one of these people
Whoever was in charge of staging and planning
All these actors

Now, what's the old saying about keeping secrets?

As long as the best 'evidence' is youtube experts who have found a guy who looks like another guy, and the common misinformation that accompanies every breaking story, then this conspiracy gets put up on the shelf with 9/11 and chemtrails. There's no real evidence of a conspiracy, and the conspiracy fails Occam's razor: it's needlessly complex and requires many more baseless assumptions to support the conspiracy than not, and for little gain.

Staging a school shooting to promote gun control is like knocking down a building to make your neighbors move. With that much money and secret plotting, there are less convoluted ways to do it.
Good luck, mac. I've tried your approach (nicely written, by the way) and only managed to prove one thing: It's damned near impossible to penetrate the tinfoil.

gray wolf
01-17-2016, 01:34 PM
Bla, bla, bla, Did no one watch the video ?

01-17-2016, 03:08 PM

01-17-2016, 03:08 PM
Operation Northwoods - Joint chiefs plan for domestic terrorism
Cointelpro - FBI action taken against civil rights activists
Operation Mockingbird - CIA Influence national media to fear Soviet Communism
Gulf of Tonkin - August 2nd incident happened, August 4th 1964 incident never took place the Turner Joy was not attacked NSA spread mis-information to cover mistakes. Led to war policies for decades.
Poisoned Alcohol - FBI poisoned alcohol during prohibition to deter drinking. These impurities included methane, formaldehyde, ammonia, and even arsenic and kerosene.

You guys are right the Gov't has never been involved in any conspiracies.

Edited to add: I didn't watch the video so not a comment on it validity, I was just pointing out a little U.S. history.

01-17-2016, 03:17 PM
Shouldn't this be in "The PIT"

You're now first in line Art. To the uninformed, you started this thread.


01-17-2016, 03:20 PM
You guys are right the Gov't has never been involved in any conspiracies.


01-17-2016, 03:21 PM
Bla, bla, bla, Did no one watch the video ?

I perused it. Message received.

01-17-2016, 03:29 PM
How about the JFK assassination? We're no closer to the truth then we were the day after. Was it our govt. that did it? Don't let this be an off topic it's just to throw ideas at you all. If I were a parent involved in that "situation" and the govt. came to me (that right there would send chills up my spine) and said we're going to go along with his for this big some of "powerball" like money or your family is no longer going to exist, what would I or you do?

You know it's very interesting that there are "No" pictures of the bodies. We even got to see the gory pictures of JFK. As far as finding someone that looks like what Wheeler guy, come on, that's him, even the same walk and why is he wearing sunglasses? None of the other swat are.....and what did happen to the rifles? One time he has them another he doesn't.

01-17-2016, 03:35 PM
Well, they tore the school down. Guess who paid for that?

01-17-2016, 04:21 PM
My wife has family in the area. Some of them knew the victims families. That is good enough for me.

You see the same BS with 9/11. With 9/11 I have first hand knowledge of the attack on the Pentagon, the United Flight 93 crash in Pennsylvania and the Twin Towers.

I have lots more to say conspiracy theorists that claim these never happened, however, if I continue I will get banned and you are just not worth it.

01-17-2016, 04:47 PM
Bla, bla, bla, Did no one watch the video ?
I've seen that one and handful of others, all of them spewing variations of the same garbage. None of them stand up to any scrutiny.

01-17-2016, 04:59 PM
I've seen that one and handful of others, all of them spewing variations of the same garbage. None of them stand up to any scrutiny.

Scrutiny? Come on. With the Obama administration. We can't even get a straight answer to all the Obama questions like who was his real dad. Is he really a citizen. Is he a Muslim. Did he really go to the colleges he said. When this administration has the news media 100 % on their side you are not going to be doing any scrutiny. Just why would they tear the school down? Trying to hide something?

01-17-2016, 05:08 PM
Scrutiny? Come on. With the Obama administration. We can't even get a straight answer to all the Obama questions like who was his real dad. Is he really a citizen. Is he a Muslim. Did he really go to the colleges he said. When this administration has the news media 100 % on their side you are not going to be doing any scrutiny. Just why would they tear the school down? Trying to hide something?
As if any of that is the same as the Newtown shooting… All of these Sandy Hook theories are as empty as the "9-11 Inside Job" theories. If the internet has accomplished anything, it has produced a crop of self-styled 'experts' who think the existence of a question - the fact that it has been asked - provides incontrovertible proof of a cover-up and that the more outrageous it is, there more likely it is to be true, evidence be damned.
Show us some evidence. Take all the time you need.

01-17-2016, 05:42 PM
As if any of that is the same as the Newtown shooting… All of these Sandy Hook theories are as empty as the "9-11 Inside Job" theories. If the internet has accomplished anything, it has produced a crop of self-styled 'experts' who think the existence of a question - the fact that it has been asked - provides incontrovertible proof of a cover-up and that the more outrageous it is, there more likely it is to be true, evidence be damned.
Show us some evidence. Take all the time you need.

I just brought this up for discussion. I'm not the author. I never said where I stood on the issue. I'm sure the man that did the video would love to discuss it with you.

01-17-2016, 05:53 PM
I just brought this up for discussion. I'm not the author. I never said where I stood on the issue. I'm sure the man that did the video would love to discuss it with you.

vzerone --- You brought it up. Please address my post below.

As I stated on the other thread my wife has family in the area. Some of them knew the victims families. Their kids are gone but the families remain. W*F do you think happened to them? Their parents sold them to the government??????????

You see the same BS with 9/11. With 9/11 I have first hand knowledge of the attack on the Pentagon, the United Flight 93 crash in Pennsylvania and the Twin Towers. 9/11 happened as the media portrayed it.

I have lots more to say conspiracy theorists that claim these never happened, however, if I continue I will get banned and you are just not worth it.

http://news.minnesota.publicradio.org/features/2004/05/31_catlinb_airguardmuseum/ Worked here for 31 years and I am friends with everyone on the flight. I am also friends with people that were in the Pentagon on 9/11.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwoP8otTgDk More tin foil hat BS.

A friend of mine lost a son-in-law in the towers.

Down South
01-17-2016, 07:05 PM
I have no comment.

01-17-2016, 07:17 PM
Several years ago I would never believe any claim of government conspiracy and/or cover up due to the fact that people talk and will drop a dime on one another if need be. But this current presidential administration has show that they are thicker than thieves and can actually cover up their wrong doing and stone wall investigations. I doubt Sandy Hook was staged...

01-17-2016, 07:21 PM
vzerone --- You brought it up. Please address my post below.

All those you mentioned have after the facts that were actually pictured......like bodies for example. We've always seen pictures of bodies and or of autopsies. Nothing on this school shooting. They even demolished the building. People can be shut up or bought off. Where's the bodies? It's hard to fight the govt. What law agency would ask to exhume the bodies for examination?

A group actually claimed they orchestrated 9/11. 9/11 would be "too" much to cover up. That one I don't believe in.

01-17-2016, 07:40 PM
vzerone --- As I stated my wife has family in the area. Some of them knew the victims families. Their kids are gone but the families remain. Please tell me where the kids are?????

W*F do you think happened to them? Their parents sold them to the government??????????

All the remaining friends and family are bought off imposters??? What about all the neighbors when these bought off imposters moved in??? Most are still there.

gray wolf
01-17-2016, 09:29 PM
vzerone --- As I stated my wife has family in the area. Some of them knew the victims families. Their kids are gone but the families remain. Please tell me where the kids are?????

W*F do you think happened to them? Their parents sold them to the government??????????

All the remaining friends and family are bought off imposters??? What about all the neighbors when these bought off imposters moved in??? Most are still there.

When your done yelling--
Simply explain the video--

This thread should be about the video, not anything else, I don't think I saw one comment on it.
Just the same old yelling and screaming about who is right and who is crazy.

01-17-2016, 10:29 PM
When your done yelling--
Simply explain the video--

This thread should be about the video, not anything else, I don't think I saw one comment on it.
Just the same old yelling and screaming about who is right and who is crazy.
I didn't watch it. Is there anything in it that's not covered in the debunking article I linked?

01-17-2016, 10:31 PM
Simply explain the video--

Simply explaining the video is easy. It's 100% B.S.!!!!!!!!!!

Explaining why so many ignore the most basic and fundamental questions is very hard to explain.

mcdaniel.mac covered them well.

Other rebuttals: how come the government is only incompetent until it's time to stage a conspiracy?

And the basic conspiracy problem: let's make a list of all the people who would have to be involved and keeping all this quiet, shall we?

Local police
School administrators
Everyone who lives in the area and claims to have known one of these people
Whoever was in charge of staging and planning
All these actors

Now, what's the old saying about keeping secrets?

As long as the best 'evidence' is youtube experts who have found a guy who looks like another guy, and the common misinformation that accompanies every breaking story, then this conspiracy gets put up on the shelf with 9/11 and chemtrails. There's no real evidence of a conspiracy, and the conspiracy fails Occam's razor: it's needlessly complex and requires many more baseless assumptions to support the conspiracy than not, and for little gain.

Staging a school shooting to promote gun control is like knocking down a building to make your neighbors move. With that much money and secret plotting, there are less convoluted ways to do it.

Wow - two people looked alike. http://www.buzzfeed.com/aaronc13/26-people-who-came-face-to-face-with-their-doppelganger#.nlJykyd9n

01-18-2016, 01:34 AM
As long as people keep seeing faces in burnt toast and the surface of Mars, our ability to judge two people apart out of millions, from still photographs that don't have the same lighting, color balance, or angles, I will not trust the human eye and brain to be able to match two people accurately.

I don't know why everyone expects that the bodies should have been shown on television. As for the school coming down, I can understand parents not wanting their children going to the school where a bunch of people got murdered.

Small objections more easily explained by non-conspiracy means do not erase all the other issues with the conspiracy explanation. There will almost always be some things that went wierd, or didn't completely follow protocol, or some anomaly somewhere. That doesn't upset the entirety of everything else, and again, it doesn't erase all the other rebuttals that I, the Blaze, or any other studious reporter raised.

01-18-2016, 10:13 AM
People want to believe that the evil government went to all the trouble to preplan the murder of 30 children (including programming a human self-destruct mechanism into their shooter) and yet failed to remember to keep the press away from their imported actors. And they want to believe that nobody from the local LEA on the scene at the time looked at one of these strangers and asked "who is that guy?" And that the people whose children attended the school for years didn't wonder where all of those new fake parents came from?

Heck, do we even know if Sandy Hook Elementary is a real school? Maybe it was just a Hollywood sound stage...probably next door to where they filmed the moon landing hoax.

Here's my explanation for the video: people are seeing things in a particular way because they WANT to see them that way. Discussing the uncomfortable fact that sometimes people with access to guns do bad things with them is something some people don't want to ever have to do. Far better for something this terrible to be part of a conspiracy, because then the blame can be placed squarely on Obama and civilian gun ownership can be removed as a factor from the discussion.

01-18-2016, 10:30 AM
People want to believe that the evil government went to all the trouble to preplan the murder of 30 children (including programming a human self-destruct mechanism into their shooter) and yet failed to remember to keep the press away from their imported actors. And they want to believe that nobody from the local LEA on the scene at the time looked at one of these strangers and asked "who is that guy?" And that the people whose children attended the school for years didn't wonder where all of those new fake parents came from?

Heck, do we even know if Sandy Hook Elementary is a real school? Maybe it was just a Hollywood sound stage...probably next door to where they filmed the moon landing hoax.

Here's my explanation for the video: people are seeing things in a particular way because they WANT to see them that way. Discussing the uncomfortable fact that sometimes people with access to guns do bad things with them is something some people don't want to ever have to do. Far better for something this terrible to be part of a conspiracy, because then the blame can be placed squarely on Obama and civilian gun ownership can be removed as a factor from the discussion.
Well said. I too believe a lot of the psychology behind conspiracy theories comes from a desire to blame one group or to see order in a chaotic world, like a primitive tribe blaming a bacterial infection on witchcraft.

01-18-2016, 08:56 PM
Is it not likely that those who go to the effort to make up this kind of stuff pay 9-11 year olds to monitor websites,and report those who appear to be likely true believers.to someone keeping a list of "live ones".to mail offers to share in the Nigerian princes wealth,by sending $6.66 or more via Western Union, to Abzeruba Mikkella,Box 987 ,Deep Throat,. N.J. ?????