View Full Version : Hog sign

04-22-2008, 01:51 PM
I found hog sign in the river bottom this morning for the first time in 2
years. This is a small beaver dam about 100 yds from my campsite. The
slough it makes, to the left, provided the ducks for last Christmas's duck
dressing. A maybe 100 lb hog has rooted for grubs in the side of the dam.
That's my Rossi 357 rifle for scale. There's a hog wallow near this spot.

That free cheesespreader front sight sure is bright, huh?


04-22-2008, 02:09 PM
Did the hog sign say "Watch out For Hogs" or perhaps "Hog Crossing"? You didnt tell us Jr.

04-22-2008, 02:19 PM
All the hogs are wearing signs saying,"I'm not a sheep."

04-22-2008, 02:39 PM
For those can't read, I would have a sign with a pig, curly tusks and snorting. For me, I would have to go down to Athens county to find them and I think a 357 is too small, maybe a 35 Remington or a 45-70 would do the job.


04-22-2008, 04:14 PM
. . . . I think a 357 is too small,
JerryYou can't be serious.......

04-22-2008, 04:16 PM
Carpetman, the hog sign read, "A Hog Ate Here The Day Before Yesterday."

04-22-2008, 04:27 PM
Give him a break, Junior, he's used to looking for sheep signs.

Ranch Dog
04-22-2008, 11:15 PM
I looks like hogs too me. I don't think the 357 too small especially at the ranges you will encounter in a LA bottom.

04-23-2008, 12:57 PM
Do forget to post a picture of the pig on da grill.:-D

04-23-2008, 01:39 PM
I dropped a Ga hog with a 158 gr. SWC hard cast right in her ear out of my Mod 66 S&W 4 in. She was about 125 lbs too. Of course she caught a 170 gr. 30-30 Corelokt in the spine first.

Baron von Trollwhack
04-23-2008, 03:46 PM
Oscars Family Diner downtown has a sign in the window that says "NC Pork Products Served Daily". I don't think that the arab terrorist trainee we had here that maxed out 5 credit cards trying to learn to fly a little two seater airplane ever ate there.

Hogs are good in the neighborhood. BvT

04-23-2008, 04:50 PM
Hey Baron, what do you think of "Parkers" in Greenville , Eastern NC Bar-B-Q:-D

Baron von Trollwhack
04-23-2008, 06:48 PM
Hi 10-X .
Parkers is purty good most of the time but sometimes the sides get, er, uh, well, you know, a bit greasy.. I do admit to favoring Lexington style sliced in the hot summer time, and the southside Virginia pepper & vinegar chopped style. As with bullet moulds, one just don't do it. BvT

04-24-2008, 08:12 AM
I think a 357 is too small, maybe a 35 Remington or a 45-70 would do the job.


I think that with hogs, shot placement is critical. Hit one with a .444 or a .357. It stops squealing when you hit that vital spot.

04-24-2008, 08:37 AM
Hi Baron, Yeah Parkers can get greazy but their "Dolly Parton" fried chicken breasts are hard to beat, not to mention the corn sticks.
Theres a Bar-B-Q chain out of Charleston, SC...."Sticky Fingers" that is not half bad, BUT its impossible to beat the small town Bar-B-Q joints.
We all agree on the boolit mold situation. Same as the boolit launchers situation, one is never enough:drinks:

bruce drake
04-24-2008, 10:37 AM
Well Junior, have you shot that pig yet?

04-24-2008, 11:00 AM
Well Junior, have you shot that pig yet?Nope, it's been too hot to clean it if I killed it. Maybe this coming weekend.

04-24-2008, 01:31 PM
I once watched a New Jersy state trooper shoot an old sow that was a fugitive from a livestock trailer wreck on the NJ Trunpike,I 95.She probably went 325 lbs. or so.Six shots at 10-15 feet with a 357 mag and she put him on top of his car where he reloaded and gave her six more.Her hind legs quit working after that.A truckdriver then walked up with a four pound hammer and put her out of her misery.Poor shot placement of course,but it just goes to show just how tough pigs can be.

Baron von Trollwhack
04-24-2008, 02:22 PM
Junior, would you tell us what you will use that hog for? Sausage, smoked meat, barbecue? Salt neck bones & hocks? BvT

04-24-2008, 02:38 PM
BVT---With Louisiana cooking--all the spices it will be what ever he tells you it is---T Bone,fillet mignon,roast beef or whatever---can't tell the difference. Cook till blackened and spice it up.

04-24-2008, 03:29 PM
Sow belly and head cheese.

04-24-2008, 04:36 PM
Scrounger, I've never had the nerve to try hog head cheese. Ain't never getting the nerve, either. . . .

Baron, I keep a field cleaning kit in a large backpack behind my truck seat. It contains a 1,000 lb block & tackle, an extra rope, 1 gallon & 2 gallon zip bags, several plastic shopping bags, several tall kitchen garbage bags, and there's a sheathed hatchet attached to it.

Here's the procedure: I kill the hog. I walk back to the truck and return with the backpack. I throw an end, the business end, of the extra rope over a sturdy limb maybe 15 feet above the ground. I attach the upper pully of the block & tackle to the business end of the rope.

Then I tug the rope and pull the pulley up near the limb. Then I tie off the other end of the rope. Then I attach the lower pully of the block & tackle around the hog's neck, and it's easy to hoist him in the air.

I skin him and leave the skin hanging from his anus. I remove the hams and the shoulders and put them in shopping bags and then stuff them in the backpack. I remove the tenderloins and put them in a zip bag. Then I debone the outside of the carcass and put those meat scraps in zip bags.

I leave the guts in the hog and the skin hanging.

I tried the kit two years ago on a small buck, and it worked like a charm. I walked out of the woods with 60 lbs of meat in the backpack.

If I kill the hog, I'll freeze the hams and slow cook them later at special occasions. I'll cut pork roasts from the shoulders. The tenderloins get frozen whole. Later times, I'll cut off a chunk, then slice it for sauteing in oil & wine & Wochester. The scraps will become ground pork sausage.

04-24-2008, 06:25 PM
I don't think anyone who has ever seen it made would eat it.

Baron von Trollwhack
04-24-2008, 06:36 PM
Why J, that's about how I do our little deer here, except for the aerial antics. But the meat comes out about the same. I'm most always close to a woods path of some kind, and I can still get a vehicle close enough.

But hog is pretty good the way you do it up and if we had them here they would be in trouble. Thanks, BvT

04-24-2008, 10:36 PM
I think a 357 is too small, maybe a 35 Remington or a 45-70 would do the job.


Really, for a hundred pound hog?

04-24-2008, 10:51 PM
He shoots them behind the ear and has yet to have one complain. Dead pigs don't talk.

A hard cast 358156 with 15.5 gr of old 2400 in my Rossi rifle will work just fine on hogs. Now if I run into Hogzilla, any thing that don't have a lanyard pull on it, will feel too small.

Jr we need to get together and hunt some of these piny woods rooters I got on my lease in South Ga. Bet we could put a dent in the population.

With them weak ol 357's.

I do have some bigger thumpers if the Monsters of the swamp appear.


04-25-2008, 09:02 AM
Only thing to be careful of if you might run across a "wampus cat" or this one wild hog they wrote the song about. I'd say Elmer Keith may have had one of these mounted on the wall at his house back in the day.


There is a wild hog in yonder's woods
Diddle-oh-Down, Diddle-oh-day
There is a wild hog in yonder's woods
Diddle-oh-down today
There is a wild hog in yonder's woods
That eats men and sucks their blood
Kill him now, cut him down
Catch him if you can

There comes a wild hog through yonders mash
Diddle-oh-Down, Diddle-oh-day
There comes a wild hog through yonders mash
Diddle-oh-down today
There comes a wild hog through yonders mash
Splitting his way through the oak and ash
Kill him now, cut him down
Catch him if you can

We followed that wild hog day and night
Diddle-oh-Down, Diddle-oh-day
We followed that wild hog day and night
Diddle-oh-down today
We followed that wild hog day and night
Swore we'd make that wild hog fight
Kill him now, cut him down
Catch him if you can

We followed that wild hog to his den
Diddle-oh-Down, Diddle-oh-day
We followed that wild hog to his den
Diddle-oh-down today
We followed that wild hog to his den
Found the bones of a thousand men
Kill him now, cut him down
Catch him if you can

We killed that hog with sticks and knives
Diddle-oh-Down, Diddle-oh-day
We killed that hog with sticks and knives
Diddle-oh-down today
We killed that hog with sticks and knives
Swore we'd take that wild hog's life
Kill him now, cut him down
Catch him if you can

There is a wild hog in yonder's woods
Diddle-oh-Down, Diddle-oh-day
There is a wild hog in yonder's woods
Diddle-oh-down today
There is a wild hog in yonder's woods
That eats men and sucks their blood
Kill him now, cut him down
Catch him if you can

04-25-2008, 11:20 AM
Hey BVT,

If you ate at Parkers, you must have eaten B's bbq also. A lot of folks in the area like B's better than Parkers.


04-25-2008, 06:29 PM
Hi Bigscott,
Just where is "B's". Been a while since we ate at Parkers.......but we plan to be up that way next month...........been known to drive a ways for good Bar-B-Q..............like the "Cattlemens Company" outside of Austin, TX...............How bout "Rodman's" in Portmouth, VA?????:drinks:

Baron von Trollwhack
04-25-2008, 07:06 PM
My frod truck can't pass a good barbecue place without stopping. Me either, spot them pretty quick, some even looked like PORKY"S bar from the old movie.

FROD stopped at Black Louies in Folkston, Georgia one fine spring day and I got three of his sandwich specials with slaw on some of those special hamburg buns as big as salad plates. Drove 40 miles out of the way to go there.

I was gobbling them down pretty quick. Every bite was like heaven. They were perfecto with well-done juicyness, well-defined meat texture without any toughness or fat, good smoky flavor from that N. Florida black jack oak he used, and slathered with Black Louies' secret finishing sauce. The slaw was to kill for.

Juice from the sandwich was running down my chin and dripping off my fingers. IT WAS SO GOOD! I closed my eyes to take a chomp on the least half of the last bit of Black Louies' masterpiece de' hog. Bit my thumb I did, to the bone, and my eyes teared for an hour till the sauce in the bottom of my bloody tooth marks finally lost its fire.


04-25-2008, 10:42 PM


Really doesn't take much nerve to eat hogshead cheese. A few crackers and beer worth drinking.

C A Plater
04-25-2008, 11:18 PM
So what was the picture of? In order to see it you had to have a Microsoft account and I'm really trying to cut out saturated bloat ware from my computing diet.

04-25-2008, 11:35 PM
Darn it Mr. Plater, I thought the link would open to any pc. Sorry for that.

The picture is a fresh slab of hogshead cheese on a platter with a row of crackers and a frosty mug of beer. I'll try my best with photobucket for better results.

04-26-2008, 12:08 AM
I dont know about you guys but I was the head hog popper for MR. Firestone when I was a kid and I used a 22lr single shot and not a ONE made it out of the pen!! and the pollocks that came out of the city liked my handy work they even drank there blood. This is a true story and dang they grossed me out drinking that hot bubbly blood remember that all to well.

04-26-2008, 12:20 AM

Sorry about the over sized pic.

04-26-2008, 12:30 AM
The biggest problem is that you need to drink a whole lot of the beer before that cheese starts to look good. (or maybe that is not a problem)


04-26-2008, 12:49 AM
I do not understand :...before that cheese starts to look good." It always looks good. Beer or no beer. Never a problem here... :)

04-26-2008, 01:29 AM
I think you are going to need a couple more crackers :)

Your beer looks interesting or maybe I just need to get out more.

Good luck

04-26-2008, 08:14 AM
Black Louies is about 20 miles west of us, try "Blues" at exit 3, I-95.
Straight through intersection off the end of the ramp , left on feeder road in front of the "Crapper Barrel", under I-95, on the right if S. bound, Straight through the light off the ramp and left on feeder road if N. bound[. You cant miss it from the smoke. Little ole place, cooks everything outside.
Maybe we should start another thread about Bar-B-Q?????[smilie=1:/SIZE]

Baron von Trollwhack
04-26-2008, 06:08 PM
That feller with the rifle for hog shooting and the one with that loaf of head cheese got me going in the cold sandwich/beer direction now.
I'm so happy I was trained to be omviverous. And that has me thinking still.

I do suppose that a Louisiana style /NC shrimp gumbo made with smoked hog instead of sausage would be one fine food too. The hog to be shot with a lead bullet of course. BvT

04-26-2008, 07:37 PM
"I do suppose that a Louisiana style /NC shrimp gumbo made with smoked hog instead of sausage would be one fine food too. The hog to be shot with a lead bullet of course. BvT"


I'm fixin' to find out in a week or two how well smoked hog in a gumbo tastes. Only possible complaint is the hog was a victim of a bullet. Never had a bad gumbo down here anyway.

By the way, what is a lead "bullet"? :)

C A Plater
04-26-2008, 11:48 PM
That's a right interesting brand of brew. I've never had head cheese even though it was for sale in every meat market and deli where I grew up in central Michigan. I guess the gelatin part never seemed too appealing to me. But if I could take Limburger cheese then that stuff should be no problem.

04-27-2008, 12:11 AM
That's a right interesting brand of brew. I've never had head cheese even though it was for sale in every meat market and deli where I grew up in central Michigan. I guess the gelatin part never seemed too appealing to me. But if I could take Limburger cheese then that stuff should be no problem.

"Lazy Magnolia" brewery is the first packaging brewery in Mississippi since the Volstead Act (prohibition). My new home in Pearl River County is but 30 min. from its location in Kiln, MS. Ya know, home of Bret Favre? 'Southern Pecan' is the only flavor now being made. A smooth & sweet English style ale.

The hogshead cheese you see in the pic is far removed from anything as odious as Limburger. I know limburger, and lute fiske too! Something tells me the hogshead you knew in Michigan may be far removed from the stuff we buy and eat here in south MS and LA.

Baron von Trollwhack
04-27-2008, 01:25 AM
To keep this post honest and upright, a "lead bullet" is the kind I make out of that plumbunious metal called corina, which is heated srtrongly till liquifried then dippered into a 454190 for shaping.
Some people that will eat head cheese and souse, also like pickled pigs feet. Some turn their nose up but devour fried pig skin! and we haven't even got to the chitlins yet. BvT

04-27-2008, 03:10 AM
Damn, I'd like to try some of that "Southern Pecan Ale". I ate a lot of Iowa style head cheese while I was a kid. Not my favorite food but certaily edible. I spent 22 years in the military and have been all over the northern hemisphere. Have tried many foods. I live in North Dakota now and am an outcast as I consider Lute Fiske to be extremely nasty. I spent a lot of time in southern California, Arizona and nevada and love "Nopales" which is the pads of the Prickly Pear cactus. Good stuff and is extremely good for diabetics like myself. Menudo is great! It is a trfaditional mexican stew of Tripe and Hominy. An aquired taste to be sure but great! My mother-in-law used to enhance it with a few pigs trotters. Yowza! I have eaten monkey in the phillipines as well as water buffalo. I have eaten dog in the Phillipines, Mexico and Iowa. meat is meat! Shrk in Hong Kong! Octopus in Japan! Kimshee in Korea but never, never "Baloots" or "Rice Beetles". A friend of mine used to go out every morning into the Thailand rice paddies and pick a quart of "Rice Beetles". He would then take them to town and trade them to one or another of the girls for a quicky! I sure wouldn't want to kiss one of them! I have never really been able to tell the real difference between head cheese and "Souse". Maybe it was just the difference betwee n the German and Dutch ethnics in my area! by the way! Can anyone tell me just hat the hell is "Rat Cheese"?

bruce drake
04-27-2008, 04:48 AM
Rat Cheese is just another local term for American Cheddar. It was usually the cheapest cheese available to bait traps with, hence the Term "Rat Cheese" usually you put the poorest lot of cheese out for the vermin - rinds and such.


04-27-2008, 12:36 PM
I knew what you were saying...

Just having a bit of fun with "bullet" as opposed to 'boolit'. ;-)

I have eaten chitterlings, Fried po'k skins too.