View Full Version : Keeping pre-lubed round ball shooting patches clean.

dagger dog
01-15-2016, 06:39 PM
158225For those that cut at the muzzle with a pre-lubed hank of ticking.

Cut or rip your strip material to the width needed to fit your caliber, melt your lube and saturate the strip, roll it up like a bandage.

Find a plastic pill bottle deep enough for your strip to fit, cut a longitudinal opening in the bottle wide enough for the width of your lubed strip roll about 1/8".

Place the rolled up strip into the bottle and feed the end of the strip through the opening like a tongue, put the cap on the bottle.

When ready hold the bottle and pull out enough material start the ball and cut your patch, the remainder will stay free of dust dirt or grime that can scratch the barrel.


01-15-2016, 07:25 PM
Very good idea.

01-15-2016, 08:49 PM
I use a chew can. I don't chew but they are air tight and not very high so they fit in my kit well. Good for little odds and ends too, like extra nipples and other small parts.

01-16-2016, 04:23 AM
I dry lube my patches so dirt sticking isn't so much of a problem, still I use 35mm film canisters to keep my patch material in.

01-16-2016, 08:38 AM
i'm with dromia - dry lube patches are no muss and no fuss. soak 1-1/2" x 18" patch strips (i prefer linen, in different thicknesses) in a 1:6 mix of ballistol:water (or substitute any water soluble oil for the ballistol), allow the cloth strips to dry on a LEVEL surface so that the water soluble oil spreads evenly across the cloth as the water evaporates off. i clip a dry lube patch strip on my load bag's strap for quick access, or use with a load block by pushing a ball into the dry lube patching and cut off even with the board's top.

dagger dog
01-16-2016, 08:50 AM
I'm trying to make 1 lube (modified Emmerts) do all for loading blackpowder cartridge, muzzleloading rifle and cap and ball revolver.

I do have Ballistol and will try that tip.

01-17-2016, 03:54 PM
I pre-lube my hunting patches with bear grease. If I dropped them loose into my shooting bag they would have all manner of flotsam and jetsam stuck to them. My solution: an empty RWS cap tin. It holds a dozen or more pre-lubed patches (for the .45 I use exclusively for deer) and keeps them clean. I don't worry about quick access for a follow-up reload. If I need to do that I just use a spit patch as if I were shooting at home.

dagger dog
01-17-2016, 06:22 PM
I pre-lube my hunting patches with bear grease. If I dropped them loose into my shooting bag they would have all manner of flotsam and jetsam stuck to them. My solution: an empty RWS cap tin. It holds a dozen or more pre-lubed patches (for the .45 I use exclusively for deer) and keeps them clean. I don't worry about quick access for a follow-up reload. If I need to do that I just use a spit patch as if I were shooting at home.

I use the patch box on my "Hawken" 50 cal. it keeps them clean, and those tins are just the right size for patches, my KY is a plain Jane and has no box, and I invariably dump the contents of those cap tins trying to open them.

02-09-2016, 06:01 PM
A CCI pellet rifle ammo can works well also! Screw lid top is ideal!