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View Full Version : Great letter to the Editor in the Boston Globe

01-11-2016, 08:21 PM
Yes, it is the Boston Globe (a/k/a Pravda) but you have to gather intel on the enemy, otherwise I wouldn't even use it for a cat box liner.


01-11-2016, 09:22 PM
Most people just don't understand that they are responsible for their own safety.
Government is not going to protect you 24/7.
If something happened, this guy would just be another lamb to a slaughter.

01-11-2016, 09:31 PM
To the man I sat next to on the train: I am the gun owner you hate

http://c.o0bg.com/rf/image_960w/Boston/2011-2020/2016/01/10/BostonGlobe.com/EditorialOpinion/Images/05088694.jpg JIM LO SCALZO/EPA
The headquarters of the National Rifle Association (NRA) in Fairfax, Va.
January 09, 2016
To the man I sat next to on my way in to Boston:
When I boarded the commuter rail, you were already in the midst of a spirited phone conversation and didn’t seem to care about how loud you were talking. You were talking with someone about the Paris train attack and the growing epidemic of gun violence in America.

You spoke about the “murderous NRA” and “bloodthirsty gun nuts” who were causing our schools to “run red with blood.” You spoke profanely of the Republicans who opposed President Obama’s call for “sensible gun control,” and you lamented the number of “inbred redneck politicians” who have “infiltrated Capitol Hill.”
I found myself amazed at the irony of the situation. While you were spewing your venom, I sat quietly next to you with my National Rifle Association membership card in my wallet and my 9mm pistol in its holster. You were only 12 inches away from my legally owned semiautomatic pistol. I suppose I didn’t look like the “bloodthirsty gun nut” you thought I should be. It apparently didn’t register to you that I could so cleverly disguise myself by wearing a fleece coat, Patriots hat, and khakis.
So, to the angry liberal who sat next to me on the commuter rail: I don’t hate you. I don’t have any ill feelings toward you. I don’t wish to do you harm. And I don’t regret sitting next to you. On the contrary; I feel bad for you. It must hurt carrying that much hate inside of you.
http://c.o0bg.com/rf/image_371w/Boston/2011-2020/2016/01/05/BostonGlobe.com/Politics/Images/wiggs_weaponds_22147-179.jpg View Story


You obviously have strong opinions about this hot topic. So, let me say this as plainly as I can: If a bad guy with a gun had decided to walk onto that train and start shooting people, I would have been prepared and able to use my gun to defend my own life and the lives of everyone else on that train, including yours. Although you may hate me, a gun owner, I would risk my life for you.
Opinions and ideologies make a pretty thin shield against the bullets of a madman. Your liberal self-righteousness and ignorance may have made you feel superior and comfortable, but during that 40-minute train ride to Boston, my gun kept you safe.
A. Linden

Nose Dive
01-11-2016, 09:35 PM

Indeed an interesting article. I too recently have been exposed to such a person.
I moved to San Antonio early last year and bought in an ‘existing neighborhood’. This was explained to me to mean the houses were built in the late 90’s and residents are mostly over 50 or 60 or so. Good for me as I too am over 60. The next door lady came right over with a nice plate of cookies and she and my wife and I hit it off very quickly. The first Sunday we found a suitable church and went right in to worship and she was seen sitting 2 rows ahead of us. On the way out, we said Hi and inquired about her husband and found he was gravely ill and unable to attend services as his illness was terminal. Two weeks later he passed away and next door lady’s daughter asked if I would be a pall bearer and I quickly agreed. We buried him that week.
The next week I offered to do some home style tasks as she began to get her life in order without her husband. Nothing really, mowed grass until she found a yard guy, made sure her trash was on the curb on the appropriate days, fixed leak on washing machine hose…simple tasks.
During early spring we installed a new governor who promoted OPEN CARRY in Texas. He did this and Jan 1, 2016 the law came into effect. Back during the spring, the lady voiced her objection to the new governor and renewed cry by “some redneck Texans who know nothing and do nothing”. My response was merely Texas is a big state with a lot of people. Her reply was that only ‘drug dealers atheists and drunkards’ would want, have or open carry a firearm in Texas. I wished her a good day, mentioned it might rain and scurried off to get my mail.
Saturday Jan 1, here in San Antonio, was a fine day weather wise. 55 degrees, 5 MPH breeze, not a cloud in the sky. I needed some things, so was up early, cleaned up, strapped on my .45 and went about my business all over San Antonio. Groceries, Gas, feed, lunch, hardware store. Only at Walmart was I asked for my CHL permit by the store manager. Very nice, Very polite. He wanted to see the CHL as he sells alcohol and they just want to see the CHL because of that. He saw mine, thanked me, shaked my hand, and invited me back. Well done Sam Walton.
When I got home I unloaded my stuff from my truck, stored most in shed and garage and then went to retrieve my mail from the ‘subdivision’ mailbox. 20 boxes or so are contained at one spot and all must walk a few yards down the street with a key to get ones mail. As I approached the boxes, the neighbor lady was just locking her box after retrieving her mail. I walked up, smiled, said ‘Good Day’ and then she saw my pistol. Her tirade was instantaneous. Terms as ‘miscreant, liar, Godless pig’, were offered. I received instructions never to set foot on her property again. Her last statement to me was “I am going home and calling the police!” My response was swift and clear…’Yes Mam. Anything you say’. She quickly crossed the street, disappeared up the sidewalk and into her house.
When I got home a few minutes later, my wife was on the phone and her side of the phone conversation was, at best, stuttered. “yes…but…well….OK…uhuh…ok…bye”. Yes, neighbor lady had called my wife and attacked her too. Both of us are now banned from her little piece of the planet.
I have only one old dog who can ‘walk around the block’. Others are too old or too small for leashes. After quieting the wife, she wasn’t to upset, I found the old hound, put a leash on her and the .45, the dog and I went out the front door. If indeed a police unit was to came over, I wanted to be outside in the fresh air. I made the loop around the neighborhood twice. We were on the sidewalk and made sure we passed our house and neighbor lady’s twice. No police or deputies ever arrived and we passed several other residents walking their canines also.
I guess you can gather, from these events and the one offered by FISH4BUGS, some people will not ever understand that an inanimate object, by itself, will NOT harm another person. In my opinion, it takes a person making bad choices to harm others. It happens every day here in San Antonio. Today, two persons were injured in a car accident and one person driving was alleged to be over the legal limit of alcohol in his system, per the news on our TV station. Don’t ask me if the story about the car accident is accurate. I don’t know. It is only offered here as a possible example of a person(s) who may or may have not made a bad decision while using an inanimate object. The object has no ‘free will’.
My wife and I are going to follow the neighbor lady’s instructions and avoid her property and any social contact with her. I am not going to tell her that during church services that we attend at the same place and time, I have a pistol in my boot in an ankle holster. It being there, I can safely kneel in any pew and beg my creator for forgiveness of my transgressions without other parishioners seeing my firearm. I also will not tell her I carried her husband to his grave with the same pistol in the same location.

Nose Dive

Cheap, Fast Good. Kindly pick two

01-11-2016, 09:37 PM
Really good letter. Remember, you have exactly as much security as
you brought with you.

A typical Boston horse's butt spewing what horse's butts spew, as usual.

I hate it when I used to have to go to Boston, well, actually anywhere in Mass
on business trips, such a high concentration of hateful, obnoxious leftist pukes.

Always glad to leave.

01-11-2016, 09:40 PM
I was truly impressed with the letter and the fact that the Boston newspaper printed it.....we are truly the silent majority.....thanks for the post....

01-11-2016, 10:47 PM
Great posts! It's truly sad that the libs have the uptake vent blocked off, but that doesn't keep the posts from being golden anyway! And sooner or later, there's going to HAVE to be a physical battle over the issue. I think the libs think someone else will do it.

Dad, the old marine that he was, used to have a derisive saying that mocked people who thought like the offenders in these stories: "Let George do it!" It basically mocked those who will not do for themselves what people have been HAVING to do for themselves for millenea, like self defense, etc. Many, it seems, have come to see the nipples of the nanny state as the lazy man's way to an easy life, never once asking themselves where all that money the gov't doles out comes from. And they won't even let you explain it to them, and get angry if you even try. They just don't like anyone upsetting their nice, neat little applecart. But someone always comes along and does just that, and usually violently and with extreme prejudice, too. But try to tell them that, too! Yep! They don't want to hear what they don't want to consider, so .... they just bat it away, and think their anger is supposed to scare or intimidate us! Don't let it. Keep telling them the truth, but do it calmly and rationally and unabashedly. Sooner or later, they HAVE to hear it, even if they don't want to. I just hope that time comes before their stupidity brings itself to fruition!

01-11-2016, 11:27 PM
Abunaitoo hit the nail on the head, years ago we had decent police budgets, back before the liberals started spending the tax dollars on welfare queens and they weren't being sued every time they looked sideways at anyone. So we got a lot of good police protection. But now the liberal politicians have gutted the police budgets and what police are left are afraid of getting dragged into court for anything they do to help the public. So we have lousy police protection and if we are to be safe we are now responsible for our own protection. Like Nose Dive I live in a neighborhood that has a majority of older people and so we look out for each other. I can get, even with my worn out knees, across the street and even up the block long before the local police get here. We are the protection here, and will not hesitate to use necessary force to take care of each other. Unlike Nose Dive so far none of the people I know here are narrow minded bigots that certainly do not produce enough evidence to prove that they are Christians.
Ole Jack

01-12-2016, 08:14 AM
Really good letter. Remember, you have exactly as much security as
you brought with you.
A typical Boston horse's butt spewing what horse's butts spew, as usual.
I hate it when I used to have to go to Boston, well, actually anywhere in Mass
on business trips, such a high concentration of hateful, obnoxious leftist pukes.
Always glad to leave.
That's why we live in NH!

01-12-2016, 03:31 PM
I was truly impressed with the letter and the fact that the Boston newspaper printed it.....we are truly the silent majority.....thanks for the post....
I, too, am surprised that the newspaper printed that letter.

If it wasn't right there on the paper's website, I might feel a need to run it through 'snopes', or somethin'.

01-12-2016, 04:22 PM
I used to read the The Boston Globe for a few years when I lived up there and finally couldn't stand it. You will only see content like that in the Globe as a letter to the editor. The rest of that rag is filled with anti-gun/pro-gay propaganda.