View Full Version : FREE !!! Gun locks from V.A.

01-06-2016, 03:45 PM
Sure makes me go Hmmmm. What are my fellow vets thoughts.157461157461

01-06-2016, 03:48 PM
so by requesting these locks the VA knows you have guns ..
not me ..

01-06-2016, 03:51 PM
It's required that each gun you buy in MO (federally?) has a gun lock, so I've got a whole coffee can full of them anyway.

01-06-2016, 04:13 PM
not a vet but I'm going to reply anyway . . .

"free"????? Nothing in this life is free and if the government is giving these away (i.e. V.A.) then every taxpayer in the US is footing the bill. I am a great supporter of vets, programs to benefit them and their families, etc. . . but gun locks?

I think Smoke4320 has the jest of it all . . . .

God Bless the Vets! But as a taxpayer, I feel that they shouldn't be in the business of providing gun locks nor "collecting data" on who they are given to . . . they should be in the business of cleaning up their act and the corruption that exists in the V.A. and concentrate on providing good medial care and needed benefits to the Vets, their families or survivors.

Just my 2 cents worth . . . . :-)

01-06-2016, 04:53 PM
BBB, I didn't intend to exclude anyone. My son received that letter today and with things the way they are with disarming Vets thru V.A. treachery I was looking for EVERYONE'S thoughts. Couldn't agree more with your post.

noun, plural treacheries. 1. violation of faith; betrayal of trust; treason.

2. an act of perfidy, faithlessness, or treason.

scarry scarney
01-06-2016, 05:10 PM
If anyone is wanting a free cable gun lock, the National Sports Shooting Foundation gives cable locks to local law enforcement agencies, who then pass them on for free to anyone who asks. Through this program, my agency gives out at least 100 locks a year. We don't ask for ID or anything. No records are kept at my agency about who gets a lock(s).

01-06-2016, 06:12 PM
just another way to make a list for when they want to round up the guns.

01-06-2016, 06:13 PM
I would be leary of any one that has locks and wants name,address.Several different places here just hand them out.LGS and other places.You may go to the local sheriffs office and get them.The last one I got a deputy brought them here at the house and asked if I could use them.

01-06-2016, 06:32 PM
so by requesting these locks the VA knows you have guns ..
not me ..

"With things the way they are with disarming Vets thru V.A."

My sentiments exactly!

01-06-2016, 06:37 PM
Just spent the day yesterday at Fort Wayne VA Hospital. Saw nothing about gun locks. They "the Government" already knows I'm a gun owner, those that think differently just have no idea what they know about you.

Ever buy a hunting license?
Ever apply for a carry license?
Ever buy a firearm of any kind from a retail outlet?
Ever use your credit card to pay for ammo?
Ever purchase anything related over the internet?

How long do you wish the list to be, this is only the start.

Matter of fact my eye Dr. at the VA already knows this.

I know, I know, WACO, I already posted this before.

01-06-2016, 06:39 PM
Heck, our local police pass out gun locks, and they also know I have guns!

01-06-2016, 07:15 PM
Buckeye Bandit - no offense taken at all . . . . .

Many years ago, when I worked ambulance, we often transferred patients to several VA Hospitals . . . this was probably over 40 years ago and many of those were WWI vets. The hospitals, even back then, were not the most "pleasant" places and it always bothered me . . . my Lodge has several who are retired and transport vets to and from the VA . . in fact, we have in the past asked and collected such things as clothes, new underwear, socks, etc. to send to the VA Hospital as there is a need by many of them not having decent clothes to even leave the hospital when discharged to go home.

This past year, we had to apply for VA widow assistance for my 94 year old mother-in-law to supplement her assisted living room & board as her assets are getting down there and she needed it . . . my wife was even thinking of taking her social security early and using that to supplement the costs. Fortunately, we had very good help from a young Gulf War vet who works for the Veteran's Council in a nearby city. He went the full mile to get her every penny he could and God bless him for that! We had to wait for four months . . . better than what it used to be as we were told 6 months to a year sometimes to be approved. If finally came through . . . we still haven't seen the retroactive though which is supposed to be paid back to date of application.

What disturbs me . . . in particular with the elderly WWII generation which is fast passing . . both vets and their dependent widows . . . is that many of them need the assistance "now" . . . not six months from now when they could be dead but still responsible for the cost of their care. My father-in-law went in to N. Africa as a replacement in the 34th Division and then the invasion of Italy . . then to Germany. He "earned" every penny of assistance that either he or his wife could get. The same for any vet or their family and dependents. Not to "carry on" . . . it just irritates the heck out of me when I see things such as this . . . instead of playing games to get information, etc., . . . do the job they are supposed to do and stop playing politics. What disturbs me even more is that I have heard that the government has spent money to buy and hang curtains to cover the altars, etc. in some of the chapels at VA facilities . . . after all, you wouldn't want to force religion on anybody or offend anyone . . . wouldn't be politically correct. How many they have done I don' know but I had a older friend from Lodge who is retired Navy, send me an e-mail a while back with a picture - supposed to have been taken in a Michigan facility.

As my old Marine friend, who was like a second dad to me used to say . . . "we need a few like Chesty Puller to take charge in Washington and straighten things out . . . ". I have to agree with him on that! LOL

My best to all of you who served . . .

01-06-2016, 07:20 PM
When I buy a new firearm I am given one. Some stores even make you sign a separate form saying you were given one. They are tossed in the trash when I get home. Last time I checked a safe was a secure location. And a firearm that's out of the safe and has a lock on it is an expensive brick. A brick that's actually more useless than a real brick :laugh:

01-06-2016, 07:37 PM
You get them when you buy a new gun. I've got a great Ruger lock on my shop door. I gave my son an NEF lock for the U-haul truck when he moved some stuff down south. I save them all :-).

01-06-2016, 07:57 PM
I got my letter about 6 months ago. It went into the trash.
I don't trust them. That's why I've never filed for PTSD. The same goes for several of my buddies.

01-06-2016, 08:08 PM
they are just leftovers from the UN police action in he middle east.

01-06-2016, 09:09 PM
If they wanted to be real nice, they could provide you with a "free" app to help you keep track of serial numbers. I wish I knew how to do the purple font from my phone.

Plate plinker
01-06-2016, 09:25 PM
If they wanted to be real nice, they could provide you with a "free" app to help you keep track of serial numbers. I wish I knew how to do the purple font from my phone.

Don't give them any ideas. Surely some jack wagon libtard gun grabber will come up with that too.

01-06-2016, 11:00 PM
When I buy a firearm in Mi. I stop in at Meijers and p/u a trigger lock, then go to the dealer and buy the gun, then return the trigger lock to Meijers.

No hassle that way, I have to have a receipt for the lock to get the gun from the dealer, otherwise I would just bring my own lock.

01-07-2016, 04:30 AM
If anyone is wanting a free cable gun lock, the National Sports Shooting Foundation gives cable locks to local law enforcement agencies, who then pass them on for free to anyone who asks. Through this program, my agency gives out at least 100 locks a year. We don't ask for ID or anything. No records are kept at my agency about who gets a lock(s).

I've got a box of these sitting by the door to my office at the PD for anyone to grab as many as they want. I don't ask names, or keep lists, and if ever asked who got them, I just don't recall squat. As far as I'm concerned, people use them as locks on their gates to keep their livestock contained. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. And when the current box runs out, I have two more in the closet. What can I say, I'm a fan of NOT chasing people's loose cattle off the roads and highways, cause there's been a few times a couple bulls around here have decided it was more fun to do the herding than to be herded. Yep, purely for livestock containment. No one around here has any guns, not a one. I swear! :)

As to asking the VA for a lock, the first few years they would send me anything, I would send it back with a note to please forget I exist because our contract is over and done with, and I don't owe them a thing and they don't owe me a thing either. Last few years, anything and everything they send automatically goes in the trash. And based on what I remember from my time in Uncle Sam's Canoe Club, a "gun" has one of two possible meanings. First off, it is a large caliber smoothbore artillery piece mounted on a ship, and since I don't even own a ship to mount a "gun" on, I surely don't have any need for a "gun" lock. The other meaning, well, everybody sing along with me... "this is my rifle, this is my gun..." And they can't play with that one either, lock or no lock.

01-07-2016, 05:02 AM
Only need one gun lock - it's on the door of my safe.

If my gun is out of the safe, it needs to be not locked...
ever kill a deer with a locked rifle?
how 'bout a locked concealed carry?
not sure if the term goes all the way back to 1911, but "cocked and locked?"

Gun safety is about safe handling and storage.
Gun control means using two hands.

I used to have a beautiful gun cabinet in my living room, it gave me hours of contemplating memories of hunts gone by. Now I hide the safe in a closet.
Sad that we've come (declined actually) to this. We have to lock up our own guns.
Just sayin'

01-07-2016, 06:42 AM
"I used to have a beautiful gun cabinet in my living room, it gave me hours of contemplating memories of hunts gone by. Now I hide the safe in a closet.
Sad that we've come (declined actually) to this. We have to lock up our own guns.
Just sayin' "

I agree with that

01-07-2016, 08:32 AM
Only time I've used these locks were on treestands.

01-07-2016, 10:58 AM
Yes, hmm indeed. Puts you on a list that when matched with any meds you might have been prescribed in the past will put you together with the "mental health" EO after the POTUS "firearms safety research team" gives him the information he told them he wanted.

01-07-2016, 11:24 AM
I'll say it again in a different way.

Anyone out there who thinks the government needs you to fill out a piece of paper & furnish you a gun lock to know whether you own a firearm or not is living in la-la land.

Plain and simple!

Don Fischer
01-07-2016, 12:46 PM
I very seldom buy new gun's but about a week ago I did, compact S&W for concealed carry. It came with a cable type gun lock. I'm not throwing it away, nice lock I'll find a use for.

When my kids were growing up, I did not make gun's mysterious to them, they could see them whenever that wanted, just had to see me first. Then as long as they wanted to fool with them, they were allowed but safety always came first. My duty in Europe ended in 1970. In 1969 my wife bought me a very nice gun case; it still holds my guns today. One thing I do not allow in my home is for anyone to go through my bedrooms which includes their kids. Ya get told not to once and the second time you try, you leave!

Friends call me Pac
01-07-2016, 01:01 PM
I notice the sign at my VA clinic every time I walk in the door. My basic though has been well that's nice if someone wants one. Then I keep on going.

01-16-2016, 12:04 AM
If you trust your government, you were not paying attention in History class.

01-16-2016, 01:35 AM
And if you think for 1 minute you're fooling the government, you're the fool.

01-16-2016, 03:10 AM
I'll say it again in a different way.

Anyone out there who thinks the government needs you to fill out a piece of paper & furnish you a gun lock to know whether you own a firearm or not is living in la-la land.

Plain and simple!
Agreed. All the metadata collection stuff has been going on since the 1940s, probably earlier. If someone's planning on flipping the Orwell switch and going house to house rounding up guns, there's plenty of places to start. Forget 4473s, that takes way more time than hitting the registry of email addresses for gun forums, the NRA membership address book, and credit card bills to places that sells guns an ammo. Shooting range membership logs...

Australia didn't do a house to house confiscation, and neither did the UK. Once you can't buy ammo, hunt, go to a shooting range, or carry concealed legally your only other option is to just hide them until...whatever it is you need to hide them for. At that point it seems like it's a bit late for whatever you were intending to use them for.

01-16-2016, 11:50 PM
Y'all gotta remember that if it can be screwed up, NOBODY is better than .GOV at screwing it up.

Do not take counsel of your fears.
Do not make them into somebody to run away from.

Also, remember "Diversity" is important to them, and few things screw up an organization like hiring incompetent nitwits to be leaders and followers.

Them *******s get paid by US.

Australia and England have always been " subjects", NOT citizens. Oranges, not apples.

Plan and act accordingly, my fellow patriots.

01-17-2016, 01:17 AM
Never got a letter and really don't want one either I would need a truck load of locks,Humm a lock would have keys No way this would work for me bad enough you can't carry on VA Property either,I was transferred from a local Hospital by meat wagon,they took my loaded 38spl and Power wheelchair to Security of my local hospital until I could have someone license to carry pick them up a few days later.:coffeecom Never trust a VA Hospital!!!!!!!!!!. And Jim(BBB) it's almost as hard to get out of a VA hospital as it is to get into one.