View Full Version : The Real Truth About Magazine Capacity Restrictions

01-04-2016, 02:06 AM
Watch this video, it's a pretty good demonstration of how ridiculous magazine capacity restrictions are.


01-04-2016, 02:25 AM
Reality never figures into theories and applications of leftists.
They have and always will have, just one goal.
Thanks for sharing the video.

01-04-2016, 03:19 AM
They just really want to take our guns Wilco. I was reading in a Guns & Ammo magazine about Texas's recent passing of the open carry law. They have a woman writer who moved to Texas from living in Missouri all her life. She was cutting down on the new laws saying you have to get a concealed weapon permit to open carry. Then she went on to describe the horrors in the procedures in doing the paper work to get that permit. She went on further to say that Texas has some pretty restrictive gun laws. I just take it as a grain of salt as I don't live in Texas and don't know if she's telling the truth or not. I'm glad that Texas passed a new gun carry law.

01-04-2016, 03:30 AM
It's a sad thought but already happened in Oregon, man was robbed of his openly carried sidearm, at (you guessed it) gunpoint!

The same criminal mentality that feels safer preying on victims in a gun free zone, will sooner than later figure out how to turn open carry states into a target rich environment for their illegally gotten guns. Craigslist schemes, buy/sell, bait & switch, bump & rob, all sorts of elaborate schemes to lure individuals likely to be carrying into a situation where they can be victimized and robbed of their sidearms. At gunpoint of course, with someone else's stolen gun.

Ithaca Gunner
01-04-2016, 11:29 AM
It's a sad thought but already happened in Oregon, man was robbed of his openly carried sidearm, at (you guessed it) gunpoint!

The same criminal mentality that feels safer preying on victims in a gun free zone, will sooner than later figure out how to turn open carry states into a target rich environment for their illegally gotten guns. Craigslist schemes, buy/sell, bait & switch, bump & rob, all sorts of elaborate schemes to lure individuals likely to be carrying into a situation where they can be victimized and robbed of their sidearms. At gunpoint of course, with someone else's stolen gun.

That's a big flaw in open carry, DougGuy. Everyone knows you have a gun on your person and there will be those who "covet thy neighbor's property" enough to take it one way or another, to rob that person with another stolen gun or do bodily harm to the individual to get his gun. My state has one very strict rule about concealed carry, simply put...it MUST be concealed that no-one sees you have it, (otherwise the rules aren't too bad). My opinion is, open carry is fine in rural areas or woods/field situations, but in a city environment you're just asking for problems.

I see one flaw in the video, the shooter is counting rounds fired and changing magazines leaving a round in the chamber.

01-04-2016, 11:45 AM
That's a big flaw in open carry, DougGuy. Everyone knows you have a gun on your person and there will be those who "covet thy neighbor's property" enough to take it one way or another, to rob that person with another stolen gun or do bodily harm to the individual to get his gun. My state has one very strict rule about concealed carry, simply put...it MUST be concealed that no-one sees you have it, (otherwise the rules aren't too bad). My opinion is, open carry is fine in rural areas or woods/field situations, but in a city environment you're just asking for problems.

I see one flaw in the video, the shooter is counting rounds fired and changing magazines leaving a round in the chamber.

I noticed that too. It really wouldn't add much time if the firearm was totally empty. I wonder why the guy fired the 3 10rd magazines faster then the 2 15rd magazines too.

On that magazine reload it really helps if the magazine falls free of the gun easily. Many don't.

01-04-2016, 12:29 PM
They just really want to take our guns Wilco. I was reading in a Guns & Ammo magazine about Texas's recent passing of the open carry law. They have a woman writer who moved to Texas from living in Missouri all her life. She was cutting down on the new laws saying you have to get a concealed weapon permit to open carry. Then she went on to describe the horrors in the procedures in doing the paper work to get that permit. She went on further to say that Texas has some pretty restrictive gun laws. I just take it as a grain of salt as I don't live in Texas and don't know if she's telling the truth or not. I'm glad that Texas passed a new gun carry law.

Surprisingly Texas has been restrictive in the past. Before permits were available I carried for 21 years anyway. Besides being my right, I fiqured that if I was properly concealed how would I get caught unless up to no good? When the licensing became available penalties were/are very harsh if caught Carrying without a license, so I got mine.

Texas has come a long way over the years. Besides permits, anyone of legal age can carry a pistol in their car without a license now. Before you had to prove that were traveling and crossing two county lines under the "Bonified Traveler" law. I know this one well because I was jailed at 21 or 22 for having a pistol aboard.

(sarcasm alert) Yeah it's a real horror doing the paperwork to get your CHL/LTC/CCW. You spend a Saturday OR two weeknights in class and range testing, then the gun range does ALL the paperwork for you. Gee that's rough.

01-04-2016, 12:34 PM
Slow accurate is far better than fast and miss.

01-04-2016, 02:17 PM
I was counting shots and noticed that the first string was always one short and thought it odd. But I see that that is part of the method and is useful in not having the slide locked back. It seems to save one operation and so makes you quicker. This never dawned on me before. You would have to be cool and keep count. So now i need to see how long it takes me to shoot 3 mags from my 45.

01-04-2016, 04:49 PM
So now i need to see how long it takes me to shoot 3 mags from my 45.

The judge is going to want to know your reasons for putting 20 shots into the guy after he hit the floor...:kidding:

01-04-2016, 08:07 PM
Interesting video . . . .

My only comment is that it is done under "controlled" situation . . . and I don't understand the "counting" of rounds on a semi-auto under actual SD circumstances when the adrenaline is running, a person is scared &^%&*$#, etc. Not knocking the video . . . but often times, anyone involved in a shooting . . . whether it be a civilian or LE . . . really has no idea of how many rounds they've fired . . not always, but certainly under circumstances where one or two rounds doesn't put the perp down . . . especially if the perp is firing back.

In all of my classes I've taken for CCW, CPL, etc. . . . and my instructors were LE, SWAT, former Spec. Ops. Military . . . it was stressed to fire until the magazine is empty and change out or if malfunction, drop the mag/clear weapon and insert ne mag and keep on going if necessary (I hope I've worded that correctly).

So . . . I ask this question . . . is this method of "counting" and mag change with one left in the tube a "common" practice? Or is it unique to whoever made this video - the LE agency involved, etc.?

I was brought up on revolver shooting . . . mainly SA and was taught to "count" my rounds . . . this is in regards to target/range shooting. It's a habit that has stuck with me the same as my mother teaching me to put my hands in my pockets whenever you go in to a store . . . heck, I still do that as a "habit". Most revolvers are going to have 5 or 6 rounds. Yet, it never ceases to amaze me when at a range and someone is near me shooting a revolver, the number of times I hear a "click" as they let one drop on a fired casing because they haven't counted their rounds. But that is with revolvers and the training . . . I only have two semi-autos - a SR9 and a 9 mm Shield - so the SR9 has a double stack and the Shield a single - either 7 or 8 rounds. I find myself "counting" at the range . . . BUT . . in a SD situation? I doubt that counting ould be on my mind at all. So just curious . . . how many have been taught to shoot semi-autos this way or how many actually do it with a semi-auto?

As far as the "open carry" goes . . . we have it here in MI and in AZ as well. In AZ . . it is not uncommon to see open carry when you go into a store, etc. Does it promote the attempted theft of a person's weapon? I suppose there are isolated circumstances . . . but by in large, for most intent on trouble, I think it is a "deterrent". Sort of exudes the "don't mess with me". I remember a couple of years ago when my wife and I went to a car wash / detailing place early in the morning to beat the rush. There were 11 of us sitting in the waiting room waiting for our cars to get done. Out of the 11, I counted 7 who were carrying OWB. 5 of the 7 were "older" retired individuals like us. Personally, I prefer to not "advertise" but I really think that the open carry is not that big of a deal as far as promoting "theft". It's like anything else as far as firearms are concerned . . . you must be in control or your weapon at all times. If you're going to open carry, you'd better make sure that the handgun is secured and be aware of things like being in a situation where it is crowded and you could be bumped in to by an individual whether they are intent on trying to steal or take it form you or not. If a person is going to pull a gun on you . . they are going to do it whether your firearm is visible or not if they are desperate enough. Most are going to think twice. IMHO

01-04-2016, 08:16 PM
Back in the day....a longgggggg time ago we were taught a magazine change before the last shot was fired so if necessary you weren't caught with an empty gun. This supposes that you could count rounds while under fire....it was pretty much for 7 shot 1911's etc.....counting the high cap 20 round mags wasn't going to happen...lol. And also supposes that you recognized an unseen threat that needed shot before the reload. later on there was the "tactical" reload where you change magazines if there is a "lull in the action" even if it was half empty so when the action started again you had a fully loaded gun. Doesn't work to well with revolvers though. Times change and I suppose while it made sense on some levels on many others it didn't. If lead ever starts coming in your direction you do the best you can using any method that works for you to ensure you're the guy left standing.

01-04-2016, 08:34 PM
The judge is going to want to know your reasons for putting 20 shots into the guy after he hit the floor...:kidding:

Because YOU FIGHT like you TRAIN


01-04-2016, 11:42 PM
Rob is a hoot to watch but a lot more fun in person. His wit is almost as quick as his trigger finger. The man goes thru more ammo in a few days leading up to a match than many "avid" shooters go thru in a year. Good to see he's getting old & fat like the rest of us, lol.
Back to the OP, it's not about the guns, the mags or even the ammo. It's about control; always was, always will be.The anti's are attacking us on all fronts and every gain furthers their agenda.
One other point, I generally carry a 1911 with between 8 and 9 rounds on board. I've trained to reload after five if I have cover and still have business to take care of. It's a long story but yes, I did exactly as I trained and when the smoke cleared I had a mag with three rounds in my pocket.
OK, one other point, I can reload a revolver with a speed loader quicker than most folks can change mags. Have done it many thousands of times as a PPC competitor, I won't rival Rob's times but can do it in well under the advertised six seconds.

01-05-2016, 01:13 AM
As Lubedude said, Texas has loosened up their gun laws considerably in recent years. When you had to prove you were traveling there was no legally definition of traveling. Too much was open to the discretion of both the law enforcement officer and the prosecutor. Now, with a chl you can buy firearms without a background check but the 4473 is still required. Texas was not the Wild West as many assumed for most of the 20th century. As I recall from early discussions one thing that open carry was intended to fix was accidental revealing of a concealed firearm. Even printing through clothing was enough to go to jail.


01-05-2016, 01:23 AM
OK, one other point, I can reload a revolver with a speed loader quicker than most folks can change mags. Have done it many thousands of times as a PPC competitor, I won't rival Rob's times but can do it in well under the advertised six seconds.

Who advertized six seconds?


01-05-2016, 01:34 AM
Even Mas is quicker than 6


01-05-2016, 01:37 AM
The progressives "logic" will ultimately decide that since an individual magazine's capacity is irrelevant they actually need to limit HOW MANY magazines we are allowed to own. I imagine one four round OEM mag with each gun purchased and bye bye to those pesky after market mag manufacturers.

Rufus Krile
01-05-2016, 06:58 PM
One of the in-country tricks developed for the M16 was to load tracers for what would be the last 3 rounds out of the magazine. I know for a fact that in a stressful situation I lose count and appreciate any reminders available. I have a steel framed P14 that I know is almost empty when it starts feeling light...

01-05-2016, 11:34 PM
Who advertized six seconds?-Artful

IIRC HKS used the term "six second reload" in their ad copy. I eventually changed over to Safariland Comp reloaders. Funny thing about Miculek is that his guns are pretty much stock, or at least they used to be.

01-06-2016, 12:24 AM
One of the in-country tricks developed for the M16 was to load tracers for what would be the last 3 rounds out of the magazine.

Used by Soviets and Germans as neither the AK47 nor the G3 hold open on last round.

01-06-2016, 12:37 AM
Ah, HKS - yep, six seconds would be about right to use that system - at least they held ammo reliably. I remember someone who was "teaching" a class I was in asking to see my speed load (safariland) and throwing it, and it dropped rounds - and he was all "see there" and I was like "I prefer to use the ammo thru the gun NOT throw it at 'em".:veryconfu

But anything was better than loops or dump pouches.