View Full Version : damm drug addicts

01-03-2016, 06:09 PM
well my son has done stepped on a stupid grenade. he stole 200 pounds of my lead ingots that I had that were ready for boolit casting. spent several days cleaning out all the crud from this batch... he sold them to a local scrap dealer. I am not happy. Now I have to start all over again.

01-03-2016, 06:21 PM
Can you buy them back from the scrapper? I'd sure try to.

And I know your pain, my stepdaughter has been a heroin addict for 19 years. She'll steal anything from anybody, if she thinks she can get at least $5 for it. Stepson was too but that's long behind him. The daughter can't be trusted an inch though.

01-03-2016, 06:25 PM
Yes ,that stuff is all a night mare !!! had to pull from holster one day to get make people leave it just gets worse .tough love is sometimes the only way ..The crack and heroin is running wild in this country .. Hope you can turn him around ..

01-03-2016, 06:26 PM
What do you plan to do about this, it'll happen again, if you let it.
I have relatives that would steal me blind if I let them, most of them don't even know where I live, the ones that do come over know not to do it when I'm not here, my wife won't let them in the door.
It's sad that it's your own son but there's got to be consequences, a couple brothers are my problem.

01-03-2016, 06:55 PM
If you can find an answer please let me know...my wife and I feel your pain. Our 21yr old has been fighting this habit since he was in his early teens. We got to the point where he's no longer allowed to live in our home, can't be trusted and mood swings are awful. X-mas was a joke, he showed up long enough to eat and upset my wife, then left.

good luck

01-03-2016, 11:02 PM
*** son of maybe my best friend, murdered him in Bama a few yrs ago, with help from his scum friends. My friend was trying to keep him out of jail, after he ripped him off. Good luck folks

Petrol & Powder
01-03-2016, 11:26 PM
Go to the scrap yard, confirm that he sold the lead. Get all of the details like time, date, how much they paid him, who paid him, by cash or check, what he was driving, what he was wearing, who was with him, how they identified him; everything. Then charge him with the larceny !

It sucks but you must do it. Otherwise you just become an enabler. He steals from you to buy drugs and nothing happens to him.
Don't do it half way, don't threaten to do it. Charge him, don't back off, don't look back. I'm sorry to sound harsh but anything less and you're just prolonging the pain and enabling him to steal and use drugs.

01-03-2016, 11:30 PM
Go to the scrap yard, confirm that he sold the lead. Get all of the details like time, date, how much they paid him, who paid him, by cash or check, what he was driving, what he was wearing, who was with him, how they identified him; everything. Then charge him with the larceny !

It sucks but you must do it. Otherwise you just become an enabler. He steals from you to buy drugs and nothing happens to him.
Don't do it half way, don't threaten to do it. Charge him, don't back off, don't look back. I'm sorry to sound harsh but anything less and you're just prolonging the pain and enabling him to steal and use drugs.

I was going to post the same advise. It may or may not stop him in the future but doing anything less will ensure that he will do it again to you or someone else.

Petrol & Powder
01-03-2016, 11:45 PM
Allowing him to steal from you with impunity in order to feed his drug habit is no different than you giving him the illegal drugs yourself.

It's tough, it's not the least bit pleasant, I know you don't want to do it but it must be done. Pursue criminal charges against him.
Don't tell him you're going to do it, don't threaten to do it, don't give him an option to avoid it. Just charge him and follow through with the prosecution. In the end it will not make you feel any better but it will make it clear that you're not going to buy the drugs for him.

John Boy
01-04-2016, 12:13 AM
he stole 200 pounds of my lead ingots that I had that were ready for boolit casting. spent several days cleaning out all the crud from this batch... he sold them to a local scrap dealer. File a larceny complaint with the police and let them do the investigation with the scrap dealer

01-04-2016, 12:23 AM
All scrap sales in Texas occur with submitting driver's license or ID card for photocopy. Scrap yards keep religious records and are audited frequently by LEO, so you have a chance to get it back and maybe make a tough but positive step with your son. Tweakers here steal wire out of houses, cemetery decor, bronze military grave markers, you name it and try scrapping it for a quick buck.


01-04-2016, 12:31 AM
Your son is a thief, and your main concern is your lead? Huh. Good luck.

Edit: Next, if you don't do something, will be your firearms, jewelry, powder, power tools, cash, etc. etc. His "friends" will also know and target you. Be prepared.

Edit 2: Just noticed your hometown. Abq. Meth?

01-04-2016, 03:40 AM
You are in for a lifetime of pain.

Not all lost. Most can be turned around when young.
You need to find out who you can trust to help. Stay away from the for profit drug rehab centers. They are worse than the Mexican cartels. Way worse actually. The city you are in is a haven for scum. aka centers with waterfalls.

My daughter is a councilor over in AZ. If you don't know where to ask for help. Easy button is go to your church or the pastor of a friend. Your issue is common unfortunately. All I could do is give my daughter your phone number which would connect you to the system in your home town. But any one can do that. Don't be worrying about giving your son up to the law. I'll grantee you the LEO's know everything he does.

I don't know how it is in your area. But around here in Podunk nowhere. If you are the parent of an addict. the local Sherriff will be your best help and supporter. But I don't know your area. Big cities are ***** in the first place. If you do live in one. If you do not belong to a church just seek out a friend who does. I'm not saying you need t find religion. Just people who know the local situation.

01-04-2016, 05:40 AM
he admitted taking them. but refuses to tell me which place he went to. their is maybe 12 here. he is a pothead. my daughter is the heroine addict. she is not allowed in the house.

you all have offered great advice... and I already knew what you would say. I have no choice but to put the hammer down on him. enough is enough. thank you all.

01-04-2016, 06:54 AM
Similar situation here several years ago with the oldest stepson. $1500 was stolen from my nightstand and these thefts had been going on for a while. I tuned him into the state police and filed charges against him.
This may sound harsh but he needed a wake up call. I have zero tolerance to drugs after loosing my only brother to suicide from drugs 11 years ago.
My advise is drugs are the obamanation (yeah I spelled it correctly) to our country and you need to stop it before it gets worse.
Good luck sir.

01-04-2016, 07:17 AM
My youngest daughter was a terror until she finally woke up about 8 years ago,there wasn't nothing that she wouldn't do or try.Time in the state jail just teaches them different ways to steal,do drugs etc.I lost guns,tools and any thing that wasn't tied down but she has been on the straight and narrow now.I always told her that she was doing this to herself because people that knew my and I knew that we didn't condone her actions.There is nothing that you can do and you get where you pray that they are sent to jail where they are off the streets.Good luck and God bless.

Ballistics in Scotland
01-04-2016, 07:30 AM
The logic behind having him charged is good. It could be your guns next, and sold on the wrong kind of market, so it isn't even just his wellbeing that you have to think about. But a lot of parents will be unlikely to do it. If you can find where your property went, they don't acquire title by buying stolen property, and if you don't feel able to go to the police, they don't know it. A deep concern for your son's plight is unlikely to loom large in their calculations. They probably think you would like to see him in hell, just like they would.

They are quite vulnerable, for they may have cheated on an ID requirement, and probably bought from the sort of person they should have recognized as suspicious. Spaced-out and nervous youngsters don't turn up with neatly cast lead ingots every day, and it could just as easily have come from some church roof. In my small town recently it was the local masonic hall.

It mightn't be enough to get them charged with receiving. But it sounds enough to get their records examined with a fine tooth comb and a suspicious attitude for a long time to come. I think you could get your property back, and deter them from fuelling other youngsters' habit in the future.

01-04-2016, 07:45 AM
It really saddens me to read all the horror stories of children doing what you all describe above. God's blessings on all involved.

Our family has never had anything like that......ever.

I hope the situation works out for the betterment of all involved.


01-04-2016, 08:24 AM
I have a friend that was a police chief in East Texas and he arrested and had his drugie daughter prosecuted and put in prison....he now raises his grandchildren....not holding them responsible for their acts lets them know it is ok and that there are no consequences....hence the affluenza defense.....what the chief's daughter did was much worse than what happened to you....however, letting them get away without consequence is reinforcing their behavior....maybe time for some tough love.....IMHO

Petrol & Powder
01-04-2016, 09:04 AM
His reluctance to tell you where he sold the property is likely his attempt to protect someone else. He clearly stole the lead but someone else probably presented it to the scrap dealer and he's protecting that person.
He confessed, that's more than enough to convict him.

And by the way, he didn't steal from you to support his marijuana habit. That's total BS. He stole to feed some other addiction or he's just a thief. It really doesn't matter, charge him and don't back off.

01-04-2016, 12:50 PM
I agree with him not stealing for marijuana, it's for something else.

01-04-2016, 02:44 PM
Hate to see anyone dealing with this ****.....have a brother that works with drug offenders and it's amazing who these people will hurt emotionally, financially or physically to get their fix. If he's admitted to stealing it call the cops and let them deal with it. No need in continuing your suffering because he's not likely to change until he gets held responsible. Have you tried calling the scrap yards to see if they have any lead already in nice shiny small ingots? You might be able to find it quicker than you think.

01-04-2016, 05:14 PM
I do not know about where you are but in Michigan all of these transactions have to be done on camera. This is a state law. Hopefully you have something in place like this where you are. Good luck and I feel for you.

01-04-2016, 05:41 PM
Same here in Oregon. Photo ID, smile for the camera and they send you a check after 3 business days. The 3 day delay is if there is anything that looks suspicious that will call law enforcement. I had turned in some aluminum rims to the scrap yard and the next day a detective was on the phone asking me where I obtained them. Guilty until proven innocent I guess. I should have said nothing to the detective, instead I explained how I got these. The scrap yard turned me in saying that 7 non-matching rims looked odd. Next time I turned something into the same yard my picture featured two middle finger salutes.

Wayne Smith
01-04-2016, 05:58 PM
It doesn't matter that he confessed to you. He has to confess on record, to the police. You don't have to find the lead, the police have investigators who will do that. Stop it now before it gets worse. Yes, this is professional advice, I am a Licensed Clinical Psychologist.

Petrol & Powder
01-04-2016, 07:54 PM
It doesn't matter that he confessed to you. He has to confess on record, to the police. .....

Not exactly correct. What makes any confession valuable is the testimony at trial concerning that confession. That testimony doesn't have to come from the police, it just needs to come from a credible witness at trial.

01-04-2016, 08:17 PM
Go to the scrap yard, confirm that he sold the lead. Get all of the details like time, date, how much they paid him, who paid him, by cash or check, what he was driving, what he was wearing, who was with him, how they identified him; everything. Then charge him with the larceny !
It sucks but you must do it. Otherwise you just become an enabler. He steals from you to buy drugs and nothing happens to him.
Don't do it half way, don't threaten to do it. Charge him, don't back off, don't look back. I'm sorry to sound harsh but anything less and you're just prolonging the pain and enabling him to steal and use drugs.
His actions have consequences. Otherwise you are being an enabler that is helping him feed his habit. He will hate you for a while, but you have to do this for you......and for him. I have friends that enabled their kids for years, got ripped off, got beat up, got used, and finally they had enough. My sister did it and it cost her her daughter, but she is free of the lies, the abuse and the thievery.
Please do this. You have my sympathies but you MUST do it.

01-04-2016, 09:12 PM
His actions have consequences. Otherwise you are being an enabler that is helping him feed his habit. He will hate you for a while, but you have to do this for you......and for him. I have friends that enabled their kids for years, got ripped off, got beat up, got used, and finally they had enough. My sister did it and it cost her her daughter, but she is free of the lies, the abuse and the thievery.
Please do this. You have my sympathies but you MUST do it.

^^^^^^^^. This is correct. If you don't stop it now you are an enabler. Sorry you are going through this.

01-04-2016, 09:21 PM
It just really stinks no matter how ytou look at it. My brother put mom and dad thru hell cause they always defended him and his doings. Tuff love is not easy but swallowing what he did is also hard to swallow. Until they have to accept their fallings they won't try to get well. Not going to tell you what to do in your heart you already know.

01-04-2016, 09:49 PM
My niece had a miscellaneous drug habit for about 5yrs. Alcohol started it, got kicked out of college and that is hard to do..... Then various drugs. My brother put her thru rehabilitation 3 times, and all failed. Finally he threw up his hands and a half a year in jail woke her up. She's been clean 3 yes or so and has a one year old. Finally woke up that she was kill herself . Tough love and keep them away from your home. Don't even let him visit. Good luck

01-04-2016, 11:32 PM
People do what works, if robbing you has bad consequences then it doesn't work. One thing not mentioned is robbing people can be habit forming if one gets away with it. Person can get killed if confronted by an armed homeowner or lash out if discovered in the act and injure or kill the homeowner.

Scrap yards have the proof, they record what metal, weight, who sold it (provide id) and date. You need to go find that lead, tell the police where it is. If for no other reason your child is putting themselves or others at danger unless you figure a thief will only steal from family and never a stranger. Or your child will not be put in a worse situation from whom they associate with. Do not discount that association leading to major issues in the future. Better in jail and on probation for larceny than doing 20 to life because they were part of a robbery where someone was killed.

One may steal to get money to buy pot but it is not because of an actual addiction such as heroin or meth. So if it is about pot it has nothing to do with "drug addicts" but simply a case of I want pot and don't mind stealing from you to get it. Pot Motivation = Lazy rather than a medical addiction. Coke, Heroin, or Meth, prescription opiate pain killers along with alcohol are physically addictive.

01-04-2016, 11:48 PM
Sometimes, you need to just be willing to cut your losses and be rid of the kid. Mothers have a lot more trouble doing that though since they have a lot more time invested in making the kid than the father did. :)

Ballistics in Scotland
01-05-2016, 06:08 AM
RogerDat has again put it most clearly. Marijuana isn't a physical addiction. If someone steals to buy it, it is just like any other form of stealing to buy something he wants. That seems very unlikely in this case, because the drive wouldn't be so compelling, and he would be unlikely to do it where he was so easily caught. It is almost certain to be a much more addictive substance, and passing up on anything that might stop him is far worse than letting him go on smoking marijuana.

Of course he might have passed them on to a non-dealer (the scrap kind of dealer anyway) who paid him a fraction of their value and is content to sit on them for a few weeks or sell them on his next long trip. But if you are faced with a choice of local scrapyard, you can go to each one and say "I've come about 200lb. of bright new lead ingots..." (description as appropriate) "... which were sold by a young man on..." The dealer who bought them might deny everything just like the others would. But he doesn't know the boy is your son, and has to reckon with the possibility that he has named him and is ready to testify. Especially if there are already a few near misses on his record, it is just as likely that he will prefer to pass it off as administrative laxity, part with the lead and write off what was probably well under $200.

Have your contact details and a detailed description of the lead on paper, to hand to all the dealers who deny ever having been approached with it. If it only shows up later it could put the fence on the toasting-fork, preferably after his ID has been seen and picture taken.

Greg S
01-05-2016, 06:56 AM
As Pete501 stated, Oregon where my sister lives (Salem) has the 3rd day mail the check to a physical address on your driver's license/ID. Sucks for me being from Anchorage but I now use my vehicle Registration since I keep a truck down there.

Good advice in the thread, it sucks but they need some tuff love.

01-05-2016, 08:45 AM
he admitted taking them. but refuses to tell me which place he went to. their is maybe 12 here. he is a pothead. my daughter is the heroine addict. she is not allowed in the house.

you all have offered great advice... and I already knew what you would say. I have no choice but to put the hammer down on him. enough is enough. thank you all.

Call them on the phone.
Tell them that you are looking for some lead to purchase.
When you get someone that says they have them then go look and buy them back.

Your lucky that its only 200 lbs.
My dad had over 1000 lbs stolen from him
The lead was stored under the house in a storage area. He didn't know it was being taken until it was all gone.

I can tell you that your son has a bigger habit then smoking pot if he is stealing from you.
Do you want to know why he stole from YOU??
Simple, its because he knew you wouldn't call the cops.
So what you need to do is call the cops.
Its a hard life.

01-05-2016, 10:02 AM
Sadly, the above advice is correct. Tough love is the only real love. Anything less is enabling. Don't prolong the kid's suffering. Give him a reality slap and try to wake him up to the real joys in life. He will never be happy while under the influences of drugs and alcohol. I know you are searching for a clean way to get past this, but there is no other way. If you fail him now, he will destroy himself, you and your family will suffer, and if the time ever does come when he wants to change, you may have been brought down so low that you won't be in a position to help him. Protect yourself and remain solvent so that in the future you might be in a position to help him recover. It's all on him, no matter how you cut it. He needs to endure the consequences of his actions, FOR HIS OWN GOOD.

01-05-2016, 10:11 AM
Went down this same road last year. Be glad it was only 200#s. I was relieved of well over a ton. Don't know exactly when it was taken and the yards were no help. All I wanted to do was buy it back from them. I suspect it was sold to them weeks before I found out and it was already gone.

I wish you luck in dealing w/ this situation. It's a hard and brutal path to go down w/ loved ones. At the end of the day they are the only ones that can help themselves. This usually doesn't occur until they hit rock bottom. Keep your head up and unfortunately keep anything of value under lock and key until this situation is fixed.

Forrest r
01-05-2016, 07:00 PM
At the end of the day they are the only ones that can help themselves. This usually doesn't occur until they hit rock bottom.

Close, actually this usually doesn't occur until "YOU" hit rock bottom. Seen this countless times now, it's always the same. Once you give in and help, you're fare game.

Worst one I ever saw was with a good friend of mine, Bob. His only son got on meth real bad. Stole from Bob every chance he got and Bob got the phone call every time the kid got busted. It was real bad!!! I kept telling Bob leave the kid in jail and when he gets out let him live under a bridge. He ain't going to change until you do.

Bob's dad was a very successful plumber, he owned his own business and not only taught Bob that trade, he taught him about life and work ethnics. When he passed Bob ended up with his tools along with $20,000+ in his own tools, he was 1 heck of a general contractor. Bob worked full time with his contracting business and also worked at night at a bar he owned. Bob did very well for himself owning several vehicles, a harley, boat, 3 houses, etc.

After multiple lawyer bill's, bill's for rehab to keep his son out of jail, the theft of everything that wasn't nailed down Bob lost everything. Including 2 wives, the 2nd wife got tired of paying the bills while he paid for his son's habit and the aftermath it created. Bob, now in his golden years, made it to florida. But he lives in a trailer he rents and has to work 2 jobs @ age 66.

And yes his son who doesn't work and sill is on meth, lives with him.

Sorry to hear about a bad situation in your life. I can't say what to do 1 way or the other. But what I can say is people with these kinds of problems don't change until they're forced to. The other thing you'll find is the longer people are on these types of addicting drugs, the harder it is to get off of them.

Believe me, I understand a little bit about addictions. I smoked for 30 years and had enough and quit cold turkey. I know it was only tobacco, if I'd done meth, crack or heroin for 30 years and lived I'd be on display in the Smithsonian.

good luck

Ballistics in Scotland
01-06-2016, 05:39 AM
There is just one very minor inaccuracy there, which nonetheless accentuates the grimness of the problem. People who are wealthy and leisured enough to buy a reliable supply of heroin, of known purity, from crooked medical sources which also give them clear and firm advice, can go on with the addiction pretty well forever. What kills people is the bad hygiene, the malnutrition, the diseases, the accidents, the contaminated drugs, the interruptions of supply due to arrest, the criminal violence and the strong supply encountered by the person used to stepping up the dose to compensate for adulteration.

It is something worth hard-seeming measures, to save a relative from.

Forrest r
01-06-2016, 09:39 AM
There is just one very minor inaccuracy there, which nonetheless accentuates the grimness of the problem. People who are wealthy and leisured enough to buy a reliable supply of heroin, of known purity, from crooked medical sources which also give them clear and firm advice, can go on with the addiction pretty well forever. What kills people is the bad hygiene, the malnutrition, the diseases, the accidents, the contaminated drugs, the interruptions of supply due to arrest, the criminal violence and the strong supply encountered by the person used to stepping up the dose to compensate for adulteration.

It is something worth hard-seeming measures, to save a relative from.

Thank you for that, really didn't consider someone stealing #200 of lead wealthy enough for what you're describing.

And yes bad hygiene is a huge part of the poor's drug culture. The dreaded hep-c, aids and heroin go hand in hand. Had a brother that got on heroin back in the 70's. Quit school @16, stole, lived in gutters, etc. My parents took a hard line with it and it paid off. He came around to steal something and got a beat down and tossed in jail. Ended up in a 1/2 way house till he was 18. He got out and him and a friend hitch hiked to florida with the shirts on their backs. He found work, excelled at that work, got married, had twins, started his own business and was successful enough enough to become a millionaire. But he also had hep-c from the drug use and all the $$$$ in the world didn't mean a thing. He got a liver transplant and like others before him, it lasted around 7 years. When he died @ 55, he was already retired, had his loving wife of 30 years by his side, bought his twins houses and setup his grand kids with college funds. All the $$$ in the world couldn't help him.

His drug use had 1 last kicker and reared it's ugly head 1 last time. My father was ill for a long time and finely passed. My brother's transplanted liver failed and he kept it hidden from my parents, they had enough on their plate already. When we we at my father's funeral we got a phone call. It was my brother's wife saying by brother had passed that morning. My father was senior and my brother junior and make no mistake about it.

Have a good friend that I've known for 40+ years that got hep-c back in the 70's, was shooting up in fox holes when he was in the army. Sorta gave him a bad disposition on live, knowing his liver was going to go. He went thru a couple of marriages, numerous dui's, lost some excellent job's along with a bunch of bad one's. Hated going to bars with him, he'd fight anyone/any # of fools at the drop of a hat. In his mind he had nothing to loose. Watched this go on for 20+ years, he was on a list to get a liver but it never happened. He did however agree to take experimental meds and they had him on the same one for 7 or 8 years. His liver never got no worse and finely actually started to heal. His liver is actually healthy now, but he'll have to take those meds the rest of his life because the hep-c doesn't go away. After decades of self pity, hate, masticism and just being plain mean. He got a break few in this world get, a 2nd chance after getting hep-c from dirty needles. But he also ruined his life and everyone else's around him for a couple of decades.

Had another good friend loose his liver, this guy was flat out crazy to begin with. Had a healthy respect for him and we got along, others never fared too well. He was another 1 that didn't give a rat's a$$ after his liver started failing & this guy was flat out crazy to begin with. It was bad, real bad and 1 day he get's a call. He was also on the list and he was lucky enough to get a liver transplant. That changed him, he got re-married and cooled his jets. He made it 7 years and then the transplanted liver failed. Man I miss that guy!!! Never a dull moment like the time he burned his garage down deep frying a turkey. Or the time the cops showed up at his apartment and while they were knocking on the door he was already out the other door and took the running cop car for a joy ride. They never reported it (vanity) and we gave them a different name when pressed about who took the car. Low and behold the guy who's name we gave up got picked up on warrants and got the hell beat out of him while he was in jail for taking the car. Never a dull moment.

Anyway, never did see the rich part of drug addiction, so I can't comment about it. But I have seen what it does to the poor and common folk.

I didn't come from a rich family neither did my brother. I'm the youngest of 7 and there was never enough to go around.
My friend that takes the med's had 5 in his family growing up and his mother raised them by herself.
The guy that burnt his garage down had 4 in his family growing up and his mother raised them by herself.

Anyway, there's allot of things that happen llllooooooonnnnnnggggg after the drug use is done if you're lucky enough to be able to stop the drug use to begin with.

Be smart, stick with the beer, booze & the broads. Me and big grif going for our usual sunday morning roll hitting a couple bars while making a beer run.

http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t242/forrestr-photo/BikesinJanuary003.jpg (http://s162.photobucket.com/user/forrestr-photo/media/BikesinJanuary003.jpg.html)

Drew P
01-06-2016, 12:41 PM
Doing any drug can be a way to hurt one self intentionally. It can be a way to escape. Stealing from ones parents can be a way to hurt one self. In a round about way at least. True that pot isn't physically addictive, but it can be psychologically addictive (mildly) but to someone who is truly disturbed for whatever reason, it can help to hide the pain of existence.
So, unfortunately, sometimes people steal from loved ones simply to be self destructive. It's also usually safer and easier than stealing from others. Being arrested will only reinforce the negative self destructive feelings, but ultimately may lead to the help that this person needs. It's a cycle that can be hard to break. Sorry about this trouble sir.

01-06-2016, 01:09 PM
It isn't just street drugs either.
More people die in the US from overdoses of prescription drugs annually than all street drugs combined. Narcotic pain killers are the biggest offender.

If you take pain meds on a chronic basis keep a close eye on them. Lots get stolen by family and friends each day.

This is one area where tough love is needed. I feel for those who have to face this kid of decision.

Ballistics in Scotland
01-06-2016, 02:36 PM
With this not being any kind of support group website, it is clear that there is a lot of this about - both the addictions and the theft or other irresponsible behavior to support it. Those are tragic stories. Some of the illnesses of addiction, such as Heptitis C and Hg aIV, are a lot more treatable and sustainable, at least, than a few years ago, if taken early. But that doesn't help the people a decade or so down the line, or those whose mindset runs counter to taking anything early.

I once paid professional visits to every kind of penal or therapeutic institution in Scotland, for young or old, which offers educational services. One thing that struck me was that when it was penal, they always wanted some way to believe they weren't that bad. The places were full of thieves who never hurt anybody, or psychos who might get angry sometimes, but weren't dishonest. There was even some truth in it. The greatest courtesy we found among inmates was where Dr. Lecter would be if we had one, and there had indeed been the sort of incidents which bring fatal escapes bids into disrepute. The government doesn't pay for a 1:1 staffing ratio unless it has to, or thirty-foot razor wire where ten-foot will do. But they weren't criminals, didn't think they were seen as such, and they and they enjoyed our interest in them.

HIV and hepatitis victims tend to make similar distinctions between acquiring it through drugs or through excessively informal togetherness. Each claims his own superiority, but that doesn't mean he believes it, and the distinction isn't that clear-cut. People do both from a lack of self-esteem, and the resulting self-harming impulses.

01-06-2016, 07:38 PM
Drug addiction is no joke. I'm doubting a pot head took the effort to scrap 200# of lead. Pot heads are not as motivated as meth/heroine/oxy addicts.
Your son steel from you before....if not I would gander he is following same path as his sister.

My dad made it clear. If caught stealing from him that is the end. Your out you best not come back or I will break your hands. I did not doubt my dad would do it.
I don't have much to say about addiction many of my old friends have fallen to the Oxy pills and other drugs. I don't associate with them and if I see them I don't give them a second. I had one close friend steal from me. I call him every few years and ask him how the arthritis is in his hand.....little tip from my dad.

Geezer in NH
01-06-2016, 07:44 PM
Go to the scrap yard, confirm that he sold the lead. Get all of the details like time, date, how much they paid him, who paid him, by cash or check, what he was driving, what he was wearing, who was with him, how they identified him; everything. Then charge him with the larceny !

It sucks but you must do it. Otherwise you just become an enabler. He steals from you to buy drugs and nothing happens to him.
Don't do it half way, don't threaten to do it. Charge him, don't back off, don't look back. I'm sorry to sound harsh but anything less and you're just prolonging the pain and enabling him to steal and use drugs.

Yep anything else is enabling him

01-06-2016, 09:42 PM
It just happened to my friend in Pa. His druggie son that was `going clean` and was in a clean out/up program stole all his Dads firearms and sold them. The kid was kicked out of the de-tox program for violation of their rules. He had no job because that was actual work. He screwed up by selling the guns to 2 gun shops that required an I.D. from him for the sale. Stealing firearms in Pa, my friend said, is a Federal offense. He plans on helping getting his son put away for a `few` years for this final straw to all the times the kid has messed with other peoples lives to support his `need`.Robert

01-06-2016, 10:33 PM
Why my pain meds are in the gun safe! Caught an ex friend stealing them.

It isn't just street drugs either.
More people die in the US from overdoses of prescription drugs annually than all street drugs combined. Narcotic pain killers are the biggest offender.

If you take pain meds on a chronic basis keep a close eye on them. Lots get stolen by family and friends each day.

This is one area where tough love is needed. I feel for those who have to face this kid of decision.

01-06-2016, 10:40 PM
I caught a meth addict trying to break into my observatory(couple thousand dollars worth of equipment in there). Held him at gunpoint(sorta, he sat down and cried) until the sheriff arrived. He actually thanked me for stopping him, he was trying to get help but the local addiction program wouldn't take him because they were only accepting those with criminal records.... his attempt to break in knowing I had an alarm on the building was basically a cry for help. The judge ordered him into rehab and I didn't press charges as part of the deal he stay clean for 3 years. He is now married, has 2 kids and he tells me he fights every day to not go back to the meth.

Big Dipper
01-06-2016, 11:32 PM
Alanon for you. Prayers for you son. It doesn't go away.

Ballistics in Scotland
01-07-2016, 06:44 AM
It just happened to my friend in Pa. His druggie son that was `going clean` and was in a clean out/up program stole all his Dads firearms and sold them. The kid was kicked out of the de-tox program for violation of their rules. He had no job because that was actual work. He screwed up by selling the guns to 2 gun shops that required an I.D. from him for the sale. Stealing firearms in Pa, my friend said, is a Federal offense. He plans on helping getting his son put away for a `few` years for this final straw to all the times the kid has messed with other peoples lives to support his `need`.Robert

A lot of the advice to turn them in we are seeing is very hard for a parent or other relative to follow. Right or wrong, I can understand someone letting optimism outweigh experience yet again. But the theft of guns can easily lead to a sale on the black market. Unthinkable? Theft from a parent would recently have been unthinkable too. Letting that slide could get people killed, and surely imposes an obligation to report the theft.

01-07-2016, 01:52 PM
Absolutely hold him accountable for the loss the theft. Don't make any threats you can't or won't follow through with, that's worse than doing nothing.

If he's an adult (sorry if it's stated somewhere, but I'm not going to read this entire thread) and it happens again, show him the door & change the locks.

I've been there with substance abuser/mentally ill family members, and I know how hard the tough-love approach can be if your significant other is not on board.

One was my ex wife. But you can't divorce your kids.

My prayers for you both.

01-07-2016, 02:51 PM
If he's an adult (sorry if it's stated somewhere, but I'm not going to read this entire thread) and it happens again, show him the door & change the locks.

Only 3 pages and you can't be bothered to read before commenting? Wow... Talk about a short attention span... :)



Ballistics in Scotland
01-07-2016, 03:23 PM
A whole 51 posts without an attack on anyone was pretty good, for the internet.

01-07-2016, 03:54 PM
A whole 51 posts without an attack on anyone was pretty good, for the internet.

Awh, put your Wellies on and go back to your sheep shagging... :)


Oh, BTW, at what point in life do you get to quit blaming something on ADD and get to blame it on Alzheimers? I don't think I'm there yet, but I'm working on it... :)

Ballistics in Scotland
01-07-2016, 04:42 PM
Awh, put your Wellies on and go back to your sheep shagging... :)


Oh, BTW, at what point in life do you get to quit blaming something on ADD and get to blame it on Alzheimers? I don't think I'm there yet, but I'm working on it... :)

Thanks for the clarification.

01-07-2016, 06:34 PM
Remember when the heaviest topic we discussed here was lead? I kind of miss that.
My prayers go out to those of you with these problems. It's a scary world we live in.

01-08-2016, 12:20 PM
These druggies make it hard on the rest of us. I had a bad infection and came down with bronchitis. I woke up and couldn't breathe. I coughed up some nasty stuff. I never smoked; this is hereditary.

I went to the doctor and he didn't give me anything for the cough. When I was a kid, my mom could get codeine over the counter. Those days are long gone!

I can see why people like the stuff; I threw my back out once, and got morphine in the ER. Great stuff, until it wears off. I couldn't imagine having to go through that every day. The ER doc wouldn't give me anything after it wore off, either. I was hurting again, and finally his nurse convinced him to give me some pain meds.

I have several relatives that are into drugs. Fortunately, they live in another state. A couple are still in prison. My grandpa used to make white lightning in the old days; that's the only illicit stuff I ever had.

Don Fischer
01-08-2016, 08:46 PM
My youngest brother was into drugs and then into drugs and little girls. He finally got caught. Did 13 mos inn the state prison farm and they let him out on parole but he had to register as a sex molester. Didn't like it so he got to S.E.Asia somehow and still lives there today. Most likely will die there. We'd got the family together for one of those thing's where we confront him and he had one choice, rehab or out of our live's.

What a waste of time. I think it was 25 days and out. break the rules and out, big deal! Your not gonna reach anyone like that in 28 days. I went to high school on Long Island, New Your until my senior year. One of the things we had to watch there was a movie from Belview Hospital in New York on drug rehab and had to watch people in withdrawal! You cannot get that movie anymore as I understand because watching withdrawal is really ugly. I have the opinion that very very few people on drugs will ever be helped unless they go through withdrawal and a program, at least a year of rehab. If you don't get the drugs out of their system and rehab them, it is my opinion you have accomplished nothing, you simply delay the inevitable! It does not matter how much a person want's to clean up, they can't until the drugs are out of their system and they has been through a program to learn how to get on with their life.

Ballistics in Scotland
01-09-2016, 07:45 AM
This board is a bit like the Foreign Legion, which used to pride itself on being able to find an expert on anything within their ranks. But it is sad when so much personal experience comes along on a topic like this.

Drugs do vary quite a bit. Cocaine dependence isn't as bad as heroin etc., being slower to get into, less severe and easier to get out of. Some consider that heroin addiction produces modifications to the system that will make the subject permanently more susceptible than the population at large. Another advantage of cocaine is that most users no longer inject, eliminating the dangers incurred with dirty or used needles. Possibly the fact that a lot of cocaine users are successful and compos mentis people makes the pushers less likely to indulge in the more lethal forms of adulteration. It is still extremely bad, but a bit easier to come back from.

Lloyd Smale
01-09-2016, 08:15 AM
ill pray for your kid. The lead can be replaced.

01-09-2016, 09:17 AM
Drugs are our eternal enemy's ultimate weapon - his nuclear option for the destruction of man.
"Satan has come to kill, steal and destroy." John 10:10 It's not against the flesh and blood of your son that you must fight, but against the powers and principaliies of the evil enemy whose lust for souls will not be quenched. There is victory. There is deliverance from evil. You are helpless alone in this fight and that's a hard thing for a man to swallow. Faith in the power of Almighty God and fervent prayer is the lifeline for you and your family. Talk to a pastor and confide in men who believe and love enough to join you in this battle. Friend, I have been where you are and my gut is churning right now recalling the pain and destruction. The good news is that God won our fight and will fight for you if you ask Him. I'm asking Him now. PM me anytime. Hal Rowland

Ballistics in Scotland
01-09-2016, 03:07 PM
Drugs are our eternal enemy's ultimate weapon - his nuclear option for the destruction of man.

It isn't sex and it isn't money? Where were you when I needed you?

01-09-2016, 04:19 PM
Update on my friends kid stealing all of his firearms. The kid is in the pokey on $100,000 bail and another court appearance next week on many charges from theft to drugs to forgery and a few more. I know this is a hard decision for my friend, but he said it had to stop and this was that last straw to break the camels back with his last 10 guns being stolen and sold for drug money. There is a chance of most of the guns being recovered, info on that coming next week.Robert

01-09-2016, 10:39 PM
That will be a hard conviction.
Crooks should know better than to steel then sell off firearms on the black market. Depends upon the state. Here in Illinois I believe that’s a twenty year minimum. I do know if you are selling drugs while in position of a firearm it’s a twenty year term. Makes sense to me. Personally rate the theft and sale of guns a very serious offense.
Life is great until you mess it up.

You've got to carry weapons
'Cause you always carry cash.

Smugglers Blues.

I always liked this song. TV show Miami Vice used it a few years after it was a hit. I already had it on vinyl. Like most of us. A few of the boys I grew up with went down the easy money path. I don't pretend this will help anyone but her are the lyrics.

Smuggler's Blues

By Glenn Frey

There's trouble on the streets tonight,
I can feel it in my bones.
I had a premonition,
That he should not go alone.
I knew the gun was loaded,
But I didn't think he'd kill.
Everything exploded,
And the blood began to spill.
So baby, here's your ticket,
Put the suitcase in your hand.
Here's a little money now,
Do it just the way we planned.
You be cool for twenty hours
And I'll pay you twenty grand.
I'm sorry it went down like this,
And someone had to lose,
It's the nature of the business,
It's the smuggler's blues.
Smuggler's Blues
The sailors and pilots,
The soldiers and the law,
The pay offs and the rip offs,
And the things nobody saw.
No matter if it's heroin, cocaine, or hash,
You've got to carry weapons
'Cause you always carry cash.
There's lots of shady characters,
Lots of dirty deals.
Every name's an alias
In case somebody squeals.
It's the lure of easy money,
It's gotta very strong appeal.
Perhaps you'd understand it better
Standin' in my shoes,
It's the ultimate enticement,
It's the smuggler's blues,
Smuggler's blues.
See it in the headlines,
You hear it ev'ry day.
They say they're gonna stop it,
But it doesn't go away.
They move it through Miami, sell it in L.A.,
They hide it up in Telluride,
I mean it's here to stay.
It's propping up the governments in Columbia and Peru,
You ask any D.E.A. man,
He'll say "There's nothin' we can do",
From the office of the President,
Right down to me and you, me and you.
It's a losing proposition,
But one you can't refuse.
It's the politics of contraband,
It's the smuggler's blues,
Smuggler's blues.
© Warner/Chappell Music, Inc., Red Cloud Music
For non-commercial use only.

Data from: LyricFind (http://www.lyricfind.com/)

01-10-2016, 12:06 AM
That song lyrics is the most accurate account of the drug trade and the lies that propagate it I've heard. AKA finding happiness on the end of a needle or wealth from easy money.

Afterthought I figured I should link to the song. Hope this is not copyright infringement.
Is not as far as I know. Wouldn't want to smuggle a song. Put on your headphones, push the volume round knobs to the wall. Then click link. You seriously do not need to do drugs to enjoy music. Or life. However , To an addict it's way more complicated than that.

You will need to hit the mute button for a while to get past the Nisan and whatever commercials. Big corps advertising on top of pirated music. It's the lure of easy money you know.

Glenn Frey - Smuggler's blues (Miami Vice OST)

01-10-2016, 01:46 AM
Latest update. I wish to thank everyone who replied with suggestions on what I should do about my situation. It has helped me find a solution and closure to my dilemma. I asked him to pack his thing and leave. He has proven he has no regard for me whatsoever. 200 pounds of lead is 200 pounds of lead. What I am psssed about is all the work I did using all the tips you guys shared to get me that clean ready to cast metal.............. I gotta start all over again. Thank you all for your guidance. Admins, please close this thread....... or show me how.

01-10-2016, 01:57 AM
Closed by request of original poster!