View Full Version : Busy morning

01-01-2016, 04:13 PM
My dad always told us that what you do on New Years day you'll do all year. He always made sure we worked hard on New Years day so we could work hard all year long.
Ive always taken a different approach. I hunt on New Years day so that I can hunt all year. I don't know that it works but hey it's worth a shot.
Woody Roberts156992

P.S. I'll probably be banned. The rifle is a 223 shooting 50 gr V Max

big bore 99
01-01-2016, 04:16 PM
Looks like a great way to start off the new year. Nice haul!

01-01-2016, 04:47 PM
Holy moly man, that's quite a hunt!

01-01-2016, 06:00 PM
Greetings and well done.
That is probably a dozen more corn crunchers you will see this year. Apparently those predators thought hunting was the way to start out the New Year also.
Mike in Peru

01-01-2016, 06:39 PM
Good Job! Big kitty, wow.

01-01-2016, 06:54 PM
Nice bunch of predators. What brand and model rifle? I like the light colored stock.

01-01-2016, 08:06 PM
The rifle started out as a savage mod 11. I put a sharpshooter trigger on it, had Fred Wenig (Wenig gunstocks) turn me a laminated blank. I shaved it down to suit me. When the original barrel shot out I replaced it with an E.R Shaw barrel.
This all happened over several years. While I don't like a Savage in its stock configuration they are very accurate and I can use them and build them as I can afford it. I'm a poor boy, born that way, expect to die that way.

01-01-2016, 09:27 PM
That's a good sized bobcat. Coyotes aren't bad either.

Now that I'm living way out in the sticks, we have coyotes around. I'd like them to keep a healthy respect for humans and I don't want them to eat my outside cat. Think I may have to grab the .223 and do a little search and destroy mission on them once deer season is done.

01-01-2016, 09:46 PM
good puppies ! ( erm and kitty lolz ) we're having a doe only season so i helped my middle brother fill and peel his tag ..odd usually see way more does and hardly any bucks , this time it was bucks and almost out of luck ( what's up with that lolz ) the only 'yote's i saw were way way too far off and fleeting fast , sounds like a good day most the way around ( or simply put - a great way to spend a fryday ! ;) )

smoked turkey
01-02-2016, 01:49 AM
wolfer, that is a great trophy. Someday I hope to have one made into a rug and hung up on the wall. I have seen several around here but not when it was season. Great job and what a great way to spend January 1. Based on what you said I guess I'll be working this year!

01-02-2016, 02:24 AM
Goooood job!

01-03-2016, 04:10 PM
Nice job on the predators..

The oldest grandson (14) has standing orders to take out the yotes, but we leave the cats alone. On our property in 40+yrs of hunting it I have only seen 3, and he saw two of them two weeks back. One of them caught and ate a little bird not 30yds from him. He was all smiles when he hit the door telling all about it.

I know they snatch a yearling once in a while I have seen the marks left behind, but just something about them, and the other bigger cats fascinates me. I just don't mess with them.

The yotes on the other hand get in the yard and work on the fruit trees and other things. They get closer than they should so we keep them in check.

01-03-2016, 04:29 PM
That is a fine day afield. Well done. Maybe you can post pics of hides or mounts in a few months ;)

01-03-2016, 07:26 PM
Until I started calling predators I had only seen a handful of Bobcats in my life. I have called up 4 but only managed to kill 3 of them. I suspect they're pretty hard on the young turkeys.

When I was 10 I saw a bobcat take on a gobbler so there is no doubt in my mind they can catch the polts.

I rarely stay on stand for 30 min. Cats usually don't come in til after 45 min. Or so I hear, two of mine took a long time while the other two were there immediately.

01-03-2016, 08:23 PM
Until I started calling predators I had only seen a handful of Bobcats in my life. I have called up 4 but only managed to kill 3 of them. I suspect they're pretty hard on the young turkeys.

When I was 10 I saw a bobcat take on a gobbler so there is no doubt in my mind they can catch the polts.

I rarely stay on stand for 30 min. Cats usually don't come in til after 45 min. Or so I hear, two of mine took a long time while the other two were there immediately.

Kill 'Em all!

Bobcats kill anything up to full size deer, I've seen it, and they kill for fun. Turkeys and rabbit numbers are down since they stocked cats here.

01-03-2016, 10:00 PM
I haven't seen a bobcat for the past several years, seems like I'd see one or two each deer season during the conduct of hunting. Only pulled the trigger on one, down in Oklahoma with a muzzle loader. I found a tiny droplet of blood but no cat, not sure what happenned, the rifle is accurate and I was in good practice with it at the time.

During bow season once, I watched a mama and two kittens that were more like three fourths grown. They played while mama hunted around a small stock pond.

I always keep a fur harvester's license just in case, but I do like to see the bobcats. Not sure if I'd shoot one or not now, but if I have something in my hands that shoots, coyotes get shot at when they present themselves. I wouldn't want to see them eradicated, but I sure want them to keep a healthy respect for humans.

white eagle
01-12-2016, 09:57 AM
Nice pile of fur you got there [smilie=w:
I hope your Dad was wrong about
New Years Day I was fighting a bout of arthritis
that had a grip of me
I have 2 predator rifles a 222 rem and a ar/223
I haven't used either yet probably start with the evil black rifle
have to set scope on 222 rem.
anyway great score keep after them no worries about the v-max

01-12-2016, 07:38 PM
I called up another big bobcat on Saturday. It snuck up to about 8' from me. I didn't see it until it ran.
I was watching the way it came in but the grass/weeds were tall and bent over with snow on top. It more or less just came down a tunnel under the weeds and got to the opposite side of the round bale I was looking over.

It was within spitting distance when it jumped and ran. I may have pee'ed a little.:lol:

white eagle
01-13-2016, 09:31 AM
That will do it !

01-13-2016, 11:39 AM
Woody, that's a very good looking MO. cat. How do those V Maxes do as far as pelt damage on the cats and foxes?

01-13-2016, 06:31 PM
I've never shot a fox with one but I've shot lots of coyotes with them. Most of the time you can't find the entrance and there is no exit. Even on broadside behind the shoulder shots. In this case they're very fur friendly. If you hit the backbone or any bone close to the skin they're very fur unfriendly.
In the case of this cat he was sitting down looking over his left shoulder. The bullet hit on his right shoulder since that was square to me. If it had centered the brisket it would have been a lot better.158047

There are multiple holes there. I really prefer the 55 gr Sierra gameking but they won't stabilize in my 14" twist. With them I nearly always have an exit hole about the size of a nickle. Knockdown seemed to be about as good out to about 250 yds. At 300/400 yds they act about like a 22 magnum.

01-13-2016, 06:56 PM
very nice yotes and a cat there!