View Full Version : smoked cheese

01-01-2016, 11:21 AM
Anybody like this stuff?
I sure do but its hard to find and expensive around here.
I put a chunk of Jalepeno/Havarti cheese in the smoker the other day and after 3 hours of light apple wood smoke, that was some of the best eating cheese there is. Nice mild smoke flavor that is sposed to be even better in a week or to.

It was about 28* where the smoker was and I used a can of Sterno to heat it to 80*. They say any warmer than that and the cheese will melt.
Anyway, we now have several blocks of different kinds of cheese ready to go in and wood chips soaking. Maybe this afternoon I'll fire it up as its -4* right now.

If you have a smoker and can cold smoke with it, I highly recommend trying cheese. AWESOME eating.

01-01-2016, 01:20 PM
That sounds good. I never thought to smoke cheese, have to give it a try. I have made smoked salt for use on meats.

01-01-2016, 01:40 PM
I love smoked cheeses. Yum, Yum/


01-01-2016, 03:10 PM
There are many techniques for "cold smoking" cheese on the net. Many involve using ice under the cheese to keep the temps low. The ice cools the smoke as it rises.

Using normal smoking temps tend to melt and distort your hunks of cheese.


01-01-2016, 03:26 PM
There is a method of cold smoking that uses an electric wood burner to generate the heat to smolder the chips. You might be able to use a soldering iron too. You use an empty soup can and put the chips in it with the wood burner. Easiest way that I know of and you could probably do it without a "smoker" as long as you have a fireproof container to do it in.
Here is a link.


01-01-2016, 03:30 PM
I have a "Big Chief" smoker from Luhr Jensen. Had it since about 1975. It reaches an internal temp of 151` after an hour's warm up. When doing cheese, I only do one rack, the top rack, at a time, and smoke for no more than 25 mins. I do get the wood chips smoking, prior to putting the cheese on, and the cheese is kept in the fridge, till the last possible minute.

Swiss with apple chips is excellent. I also very much enjoy an extra sharp, white cheddar, smoked with maple chips.

In either case, I try, sometimes real hard, to smoke the cheese, wrap in a double layer of parchment paper, and allow it to age in the fridge at least 2 weeks.

Some good eating, it is!!

01-01-2016, 06:16 PM
Smoked cheese is great ! Anyone can do it , it ain't rocket science . We all have different smokers , grills and pits but you just figure a way to 'cool' smoke it with no heat ..............just smoke , no heat . We have been dieting so haven't made any in over a year . We have 2 smokers and a grill , I use your horizontal 'big' smoker , just using a loaf pan with wood chips from the dollar store in the fire box . Clean the grill and smoke the cheese in the far end , virtually no heat . To me sharp cheddar and aged Swiss are best but heck you could smoke Velveeta and it would be good !

01-02-2016, 12:29 AM
I smoke it only in winter. I take the rain cap off the Traeger and connect 8 feet of aluminum dryer flex duct to cool the smoke. Put it on smoke, run the far end of the dryer vent into a cooler I put a 3" toilet flange on as a connector. Smoke the cheese an hour or so.

01-02-2016, 08:15 AM
Google "smoke generator"


Easy-peasy, very little heat

01-02-2016, 12:04 PM
Thats cool. I think I'll see if I can make a version of that smoke generator today. Maybe even some kinda coffee can smudge pot. The Sterno can works as long as its cold out but its hard to get the right amount of smoke off it.

I've never even heard of smoked salt. Does it really taste smokey?

01-02-2016, 12:11 PM
Here's my last smoke - 5 pounds of Sharp Cheddar and 5 pounds of PepperJack smoked in Apple wood.

I use an old stainless electrical enclosure to smoke in, and you can see down under it a separate enclosure that holds an AMNPS pellet tray. The thing works awesome for cold smoking, with the smoke traveling up through an aluminum duct to cool further. In this rig I can cold smoke butter - and yes it tastes awesome. Smoked salt is great for cooking, and I pour paprika on trays and smoke it for my meat rubs.


01-04-2016, 01:31 PM
Smoking your own paprika is a great idea ! It's hard to find around here and 3 times the price of regular paprika . Thanks! (why the heck didn't I think of that ?........your gettin old Boaz )

01-05-2016, 12:03 AM
I smoke roast then dry jalapenos(red ripe ones) for chipotle powder.

01-06-2016, 01:59 AM
I smoke roast then dry jalapenos(red ripe ones) for chipotle powder.

I didnt smoke them, but dehydrated and powdered my garden jalepenos this year. Awesome pepper powder.
I think next year I will smoke for a while first.

01-06-2016, 02:09 AM
yum i gotta get a smoker,,, i thought they were only for fish .............

01-06-2016, 03:17 AM
I make bread and pies in ine in summer instead of heating up the house! A clean burning fire is all you need.

01-07-2016, 10:12 AM
Our propane smoker will get hot enough that we've homemade pizza in there several times. MMMM MMMM GOOOOOD. Almost as good as smoked meatloaf.
I have an offset wood smoker that I've only played around a little with so far.

01-07-2016, 10:38 AM
reloader 28 Yes it does but it takes longer than the cheese to smoke salt. Start with sea salt from Costco and smoke for about an hour and a half.

01-08-2016, 12:30 AM
Smoked meatloaf... good stuff! And pretty quick, 2 hours for a 2 pounder.

01-08-2016, 05:58 AM
Smoking cheese doesn't have to be complicated: I use a soldering iron in a pile of smoke pellets in a soup can, all enclosed in a small grill.

Drape the cheese on the grill rack, cover, and away you go!

01-08-2016, 08:17 AM
Ohh you guys are getting me hungry..Now I have to make another smoker, haven't had one in years..Smoked Cheese now that is something I have not eaten in a long time.
I need to keep my eyes open for the perfect smoker box. I don't plan on spending a nickle on it, those make the best smoker, free.
I did get a chance to taste some 15 year old Cheddar, it had the little scrunchies in it, the flavor was wonderful .

01-08-2016, 10:23 PM
I tried the soldering iron/wood burner in the soup can today. Works fantastic. Temp went up to 45* from 41* and the smoker was full of smoke and a can full of shavings will last a couple hours.
This should work awesome. Thanks for that tip.

01-09-2016, 01:54 AM
Old plastic coolers work fine for cold smoking! Use a piece of aluminum duct from the smoke generator to an inlet on the bottom. Have an adjustable vent on top to control the smoke level.

01-11-2016, 07:48 AM
Randyrat I agree with you on that aged cheddar. I've never had 15 year old cheddar but I get 12 year old cheddar from Jims Cheese in Waterloo Wisconsin. I have about 1/2 of a 5 lb block in the refrigerator right now. I cut off a piece about once a month and savor. It gets that old and it is hard to cut it more crumbles. And ya I like the little crystals that you taste in it. They tell me that they are "aused by a chemical process from milkfat and salt over time. That stuff is better than ice cream.

Wayne Smith
01-11-2016, 08:38 AM
Several years ago someone posted a link for a smoke generator that was simply a steel open box that you burned sawdust in. I'd love to find that again. I have a smoke box, now need the generator.

01-11-2016, 09:03 AM
Wayne, I believe you'll be able to find what you're looking for on the "AmazingRibs" web site. DOn't recall the name of it, but pretty sure I've seen it there.


I think this is what you're thinking about.

Wayne Smith
01-12-2016, 09:55 AM
Wayne, I believe you'll be able to find what you're looking for on the "AmazingRibs" web site. DOn't recall the name of it, but pretty sure I've seen it there.


I think this is what you're thinking about.

Thanks, Rush. Just ordered one. I'm gonna find out what Cabot's Seriously Sharp Hunter's cheese tasts like smoked.

01-12-2016, 10:16 AM
Thanks, Rush. Just ordered one. I'm gonna find out what Cabot's Seriously Sharp Hunter's cheese tasts like smoked.

I have to think you'll find it UMMM-UMMMM GOOD!

legend 550
01-12-2016, 06:40 PM
That's the one I use Amazen smoker. I smoke mine for 3 to 4 hours in a gas smoker no heat, smoker doesn't get hot enough to melt the snow off of it.
157959 I also cold smoke chicken and pork chops for grilling later.

01-12-2016, 07:31 PM
Thanks, Rush. Just ordered one. I'm gonna find out what Cabot's Seriously Sharp Hunter's cheese tasts like smoked.Wayne I bet you like it . Cabot makes good cheese for the money . Walmart sells some of their cheese . I have smoked the sharp and extra sharp chedder and it's amazing .

01-12-2016, 08:29 PM
I am sure this would work with pellets but do ya'll think it would do wood chips ? I have been aware of it for a good while , I'm too tight to pay what they ask but could build a knockoff pretty easy . Pellets cost too much (for me anyway) . Thanks for an opinion .


01-13-2016, 08:31 AM
I am sure this would work with pellets but do ya'll think it would do wood chips ? I have been aware of it for a good while , I'm too tight to pay what they ask but could build a knockoff pretty easy . Pellets cost too much (for me anyway) . Thanks for an opinion .


It may possibly run thru chips quicker, but the theory is sound. It should work quite well with chips. If you knock one off, make two, send me a bill for mine.

01-13-2016, 11:27 AM
I,ve sure been looking at those A maze N things and almost bought one too. I dont have that kinda material to build one.
I've been wondering about the chips myself. I have lots and can make more, but I cant make pellets.

Wayne Smith
01-13-2016, 03:56 PM
I got the Amazin from Amazon and it came with a bag of Hickory pellets but I have piles of White Oak planer chips and sawdust that I plan to use.

01-13-2016, 09:27 PM
I am sure this would work with pellets but do ya'll think it would do wood chips ? I have been aware of it for a good while , I'm too tight to pay what they ask but could build a knockoff pretty easy . Pellets cost too much (for me anyway) . Thanks for an opinion .


You can build something pretty easy. Just make sure it has enough airflow (mesh of some kind) to keep the fire smoldering and not too much so that it catches fire. I made one out of hardware cloth that burns for about 5 or so hours with wood chips.

I posted my mods I did on another forum and you can see how I did it.


01-13-2016, 10:47 PM
Your smoke tray should work good ! As was brought up at the other form .......it's galvanize . BUT ! I got a cutting torch that will fix than small problem , wouldn't take any effort at all to get it cherry a couple of times and brush it off . Thanks for sharing , your idea is much more simple than mine .

daniel lawecki
01-13-2016, 11:02 PM
Smoked shrimp

01-13-2016, 11:17 PM
Old plastic coolers work fine for cold smoking! Use a piece of aluminum duct from the smoke generator to an inlet on the bottom. Have an adjustable vent on top to control the smoke level.

Glad I haven't tossed my old Igloo yet! Thanks!
New smoker still on backorder, ya'll are making me hungry! Had some overcooked (oops) smoked venison tenderloin from the freezer for supper tonight. Opened a big can of Bush's Grillin' Beans, sliced the venison very thin, added some BBQ sauce, steak sauce and some cracked red pepper. Brought that abused venison around after a little simmer time. Can't wait for leftovers tomorrow, tender & tasty!

01-15-2016, 11:44 PM
OMG this thread made me so hungry!
Now where did I put those nachos?

01-16-2016, 12:05 AM
Randyrat I agree with you on that aged cheddar. I've never had 15 year old cheddar but I get 12 year old cheddar from Jims Cheese in Waterloo Wisconsin. I have about 1/2 of a 5 lb block in the refrigerator right now. I cut off a piece about once a month and savor. It gets that old and it is hard to cut it more crumbles. And ya I like the little crystals that you taste in it. They tell me that they are "aused by a chemical process from milkfat and salt over time. That stuff is better than ice cream.
jroc you got some damn good discipline there only eating a little once a month!

Geeze it was expensive too..I only bought a few slices and now i wish there was more Yes that is a chemical process, but i can't explain it.. it's little crunchies in the cheese when it ages to a certain point

SMOKER solution;
I am going to make a file cabinet smoker, 4 drawer....There are many different ways and i think I found the cats meow on building one cheaply along with thermometers and thermostat.
Aged cheddar smoked!, Pork ribs, smoked suckers, carp, any fish smoked is good.