View Full Version : Galvinized mesh

01-01-2016, 10:05 AM
Is galvanized mess wire okay to bake on the PC?

01-01-2016, 01:12 PM
If you have an unlimited supply and you do not mind tons of lay marks and bare lead spots on you boolits and you take the time to dig them off after they are baked. The hardware cloth will rapidly become coated with thick layers of PC, amplifying the sticking and lay mark problem. You will probably have to change it out every few bakes.......not really time and $$ wise.

PC sticks to EVERYTHING......especially hardware cloth!

I would never bake on it. I use it under NSAF to form grooves for 223's...the ONLY boolit I bake laying down. That keeps them from rolling into each other and sticking.

But do what you want.


01-01-2016, 05:56 PM
I used the galvanized stucco mesh and the boolits will look exactly as stated above. I used the shake, dump and bake method. It works but its not pretty.

01-01-2016, 06:22 PM
I use the mesh, pick out the bullets from the shake bowl and drop on the mesh. Then bake. May very well have a missing spot here or their, but highly unlikely the next one down the barrel will have it at the same place anyway. My bullets are not in a beauty contest anyway.

Doing it this way the mesh will last for a few thousand rounds.

I don't have the patience to stand them all up, then bump something placing them into the oven having them all fall over.

01-01-2016, 08:38 PM
I, like Beagle and many other on here, like pretty, perfect, powder coated boolits. Check out the pictures.

I have never had a boolit fall over....rule of thumb: if tall thin rifle boolits, use fender washers to hold the bases in place. Anything else has a wide enough base and a low enough center of gravity that they do not fall over easily. I coat 9, 38, 40, 45 all with no dominos effects. If your racks slide in hard, you might want to consider a dry lube like moly or graphite on the rails and side slides to allow the easy travel inward. Works for me!

Always put a sheet of AL roof flashing on your rack to give you a solid smooth surface under your NSAF or parchment or baking mat. Cut it large and fold over the edges to lock in place.


01-01-2016, 09:35 PM
Use what works for you, likely you are not 72 years with post polio syndrome and have the shakes, I do. Even 45's fall over for me, even when placed on a smooth surface. I find I can't even walk them to the oven without tipping some over.

Again I'm not having any of my bullets entered into a beauty contest, they come out as they come out.

Same goes for the cases, they tumble overnight, if they come out bright, fine, if they come out dark oxidized so be it, they both get loaded, and they both go bang.

There you have my process till I remember more.

Oh, Ya, for the 2 pistols I normally take to the range I do not even size the bullets, cast, coat, bake, & load. Now for a few of my others, yes I need to size the coated bullets. All depends on the barrels.

01-01-2016, 10:44 PM
Pistol boolits get dumped out on the screen from the shaking bowl and the excess powder and bbs fall thru the holes. Long rifle boolits get laid down on NSAF and baked and they come out real good but not as nice as using a powder coating gun.

01-02-2016, 11:16 AM
You might consider the Hi-Tek also. It is meant to be dumped onto mesh and baked. Good luck! 8-)

Love Life
01-02-2016, 11:47 AM

The above link has pictures. Many pictures. I'm still using that same mesh, so it's almost a year old. I have baked at least 6,000 bullets on the same mesh.

01-06-2016, 07:26 PM
I don't like the dump method because the coating is anything but uniform and the bases are not flat, but it is faster if quality is not an issue. I get Bullseye accuracy out of my handloads so my method of solder coursing my bullets gives me that. As far as wire mesh I consider that a big mistake, I use silicon baking mats. Others use non-stick foil or parchment paper, I have tried both and they work well, but both have to be replaced and the bullets slide on these surfaces making it more difficult to load several trays into the oven without incident. My silicon mats are two years old and still work like new.

01-06-2016, 10:23 PM
Just goes to show you what works for one and meets his or her needs may not fit the bill for you. Guess there is not really a right or wrong way of doing this.

01-07-2016, 03:12 PM
I use wire mesh drawer organizers, works fine with PC or HT coating. Yes the PC bullets stick a tiny bit, but easily pop off just bump the basket on a hard surface, all off. No bear spots yet.