View Full Version : 50/50 and PC for hunting

01-01-2016, 09:48 AM
Just something I am working on now and would like to run it by you all. With the weather and all, it will be awhile until I can get to shoot and post results.

Some of most experienced casters here recommend 50/50 COWW and pure lead as a great hunting alloy in rifle loads to get expansion on game. Let's say we are talking about 1800-2200 fps muzzle velocity. This alloy being soft, it can lead after 8-10 rounds. Not a big thing, but maybe PCing can get around this.

My thinking is that using this 50/50 alloy (gas checked) and PC'ing could eliminate the slight leading problem. If all works well, and shoots accurate, I could use 50/50 and PC as a standard all-around alloy. Then simply hollow-point some rounds when deer hunting.

I have some boolits cast up and PCed, but the weather will delay any testing and results.

Yes I know the, "Just try it and see what happens," reply, but I would like to hear from anyone else on this subject.

white eagle
01-01-2016, 10:10 AM
Sounds like a good plan and although I haven't used the
alloy you mention I have used a pb/sn alloy with good results
on deer.I have also come to the realization that with the correct
alloy a hp is not needed for deer,a flat meplat has proven itself to
me.Sounds to me like you have a winner with the pc but myself find
pc to be way to much work..

01-01-2016, 10:31 AM
White Eagle, what do you use, 16/1, 20/1, etc?

I probably should have explained more of my parameters I am working with. Right now I am casting a Lee 309-200-R in the .308 Winchester. A good load that expands out to 200 yards on deer has already been discussed on Cast Boolits by our most experienced castors. I am just thinking that PCing the 50/50 alloy boolits may eliminate the eventual leading when shooting multiple rounds. Could use this good expanding alloy with PC for all my rifle loads, general shooting and hunting. Simplified logistics.

When I use .44-.45 cal cast boolits, I rely on the large meplat to do the work.

01-01-2016, 10:53 AM
I would bet on it working very well.

01-01-2016, 11:18 AM
I shot and experimented with several alloys and luxury es in my winny94 94s o e in 44 the other a 1938 in 30-30, 50/50 and pc was the winner, each rifle took a deer this year and we can shoot as many of these as we want with NO leading the 44 is a lee 310 that once gas checked and coated is about 320, the 30 cal is the Lee 170 and drops from my mold with my alloy heavy and once checked and pcd weights in at 184 +/- about half a grain. Bores are clean when the shooting is done, once I selected the hunting load for the 30-30 with h4895 coming g in right at 1900fps I shot up all the other experimental loads in one range trip, about 65-70 rounds, no leading at all, the 44 load is at about 1300, my daughter fired it several times leading up to hunting season, me as well she shot her first deer in the rain so the rifle got a good cleaning after, 30-50 rounds down the tube over a few weeks and I could not believe how clean it was!

01-01-2016, 11:23 AM
I have kind of formed the opinion that if you have a good flat nose on a bullet, expansion is not really needed. They leave a very nice wound channel, that kills well.

01-01-2016, 12:17 PM
Yes they do, and the big .44 is pre-expanded!!!!!!-

01-01-2016, 12:28 PM
I shoot 50/50 almost exclusively in both rifle and pistol, with just regular lube and never have any leading issues.

01-01-2016, 12:50 PM
I have got in the habit of water dropping for my rifles, this usually leaves nothing more than some antimony behind in the barrel.
but the on game results are the same as not doing it.
it's the in the barrel results I do it for.

01-01-2016, 04:26 PM
I use the same alloy in pistols and rifles. I only have one lead pot and I like things simple.
I recycle my lead and shoot it over and over.
My first big batch of WWs were hard. Bhn 16 so I mixed these 1WW/2PB+ a little tin. Up to 1800 this worked great with no leading issues. Final bhn of about 10

My newer WWs are much softer but 50/50+ a little tin still gets me about bhn 10.
This alloy has always worked good on game for me.

Above 1800 they do need to be water dropped. Both for accuracy and leading.

01-01-2016, 06:55 PM
I don't have any experience with PC'ing but if I want to get above about 1900fps I heat treat my hunting boolits for reduced leading and sometimes better accuracy. I use Fryxell's oven method. My 50/50 alloy needs a bit of tin for good mould fillout, amount varies with alloy. I also step up to BAC lube for velocities above about 2000 fps, actually use it for all the boolits sized in my Lyman for smokeless loads.

01-01-2016, 10:00 PM
You did not mention sizing ,just wondering if your boolit is maybe a little small as mine are 50/50 water dropped and sized 310 GC Lee 150,170 and a NOE310 165gr FN (30xcb) no leading in a Savage mod 10 308 and a 1952 vintage Marlin 30-30 (Single shot w/NOE) average 1900-2050 fps

01-10-2016, 11:16 PM
Maybe 2100 with 50/50. I had to go to 3% Sb H.T. To get above that in AR10 18" 1:10, PC.

white eagle
01-10-2016, 11:26 PM
White Eagle, what do you use, 16/1, 20/1, etc?

used 16/1 alloy in my 358 win
worked very well within the range and
habitat I hunt in for whitetail

01-11-2016, 05:18 AM
"casters here recommend 50/50 COWW and pure lead as a great hunting alloy in rifle loads to get expansion on game. Let's say we are talking about 1800-2200 fps muzzle velocity. This alloy being soft, it can lead after 8-10 rounds. Not a big thing, but maybe PCing can get around this."

This is exactly what I do in my 450 Marlin, except my velocity is closer to 15 or 1600fps. In the 450 you don't need expansion - it is already nearly 1/2"! It is much easier on the barrel, the gun and my shoulder.

My last kill was a black bear at 35yds, one shot flipped him on his back with his feet in the air, DRT.

01-11-2016, 11:05 AM
Maybe 2100 with 50/50. I had to go to 3% Sb H.T. To get above that in AR10 18" 1:10, PC.Popper, 2100 fps sounds plenty good! That gives me some idea, just have to go out now and give it a try and see what happens.

03-08-2016, 07:01 PM
For this spring bear season I am using 350gr ranch dog powder coated and checked. The alloy is 50/50 plus a bit of tin. I chrono at 1985fps so if I have success I will be sure to post sounds like exactly what you are asking about. I was told that powder coating will harden them slightly due to 20 min at 400deg.

03-08-2016, 07:21 PM
For this spring bear season I am using 350gr ranch dog powder coated and checked. The alloy is 50/50 plus a bit of tin. I chrono at 1985fps so if I have success I will be sure to post sounds like exactly what you are asking about. I was told that powder coating will harden them slightly due to 20 min at 400deg.Hope you get a big one! Remember we want pictures!:bigsmyl2:

03-09-2016, 07:30 PM
I use the 50/50 mix in my 30-30. I started using strait ww's and didn't like the pencil hole it left in animals. The first hog I shot with 50/50 was quartering away heavy at 100 yards. I center punched the bone in his back leg and the bullet drove into his brisket. I recovered the bullet and I was kinda shocked. It measured almost 70 caliber. The bullet was an Accurate 165H, which has a .2 flat nose. My bullet is only going 1800fps. I would be afraid if I hp'd it, it would splatter if I hit bone.

03-09-2016, 08:13 PM
I use an alloy of ww to pure lead that comes out to about 14/15 BhN and LLA and gc to 2000 fps or so. I have not had any significant leading in several calibers.Bores clean up very easily. I do size bullets for each bore as needed.

03-09-2016, 10:25 PM
[QUOTE=Hickok;3489600]White Eagle, what do you use, 16/1, 20/1, etc?

I probably should have explained more of my parameters I am working with. Right now I am casting a Lee 309-200-R in the .308 Winchester. A good load that expands out to 200 yards on deer has already been discussed on Cast Boolits by our most experienced castors. I am just thinking that PCing the 50/50 alloy boolits may eliminate the eventual leading when shooting multiple rounds. Could use this good expanding alloy with PC for all my rifle loads, general shooting and hunting. Simplified logistics.

I use the same bullet but found a problem with seating depth due to enlargement of the bore riding portion of this bullet. Finally got around it by only PCing the driving band portion up to seating groves. Shoots better and very accurate out to 350.