View Full Version : How much to pay for recycled range scrap ingots?

Drew P
12-28-2015, 11:58 PM
Local fellow is recycling range scrap into ingots. He says they are 98% and he wants 1$/lb delivered. Seems like a great deal?

12-29-2015, 12:40 AM
I would get a couple and see how well it cast into boolits. If they look good, get more. Maybe have them tested for content.

12-29-2015, 01:13 AM
I would treat it as Pure lead.
Most Range scrap from what I have seen, after smelting into ingots, does not have any particular properties other than pure lead.
I just use it as a Base Metal , and add Tin and Antimony as needed to get the hardness I want.
But I have found it is great as Smelted for Front Stuffers.
But $1.00 a pound Shipped, isnt that bad of a deal.
I am paying $0.40 a pound for unsmelted scrap lead with some connections. And I have to Shelep my tail to the scrap yard clear across town.
Gas aint Cheap either.

12-29-2015, 07:18 AM
Price is totally dependent on the availability of lead in you area.

$1/lb is probably the max I'd pay. Right now I'm still finding scrap at about $0.30/lb

I've seen some fellers selling lead for as high as $3/ lb with no guarantee of the make up.

12-29-2015, 08:28 AM
There is definite value added when someone else smelts it down for you. That's a lot of work, though some of us enjoy it.

It's definitely not a bad deal. Depending on your locale it may be a very good deal. It's rare to find it that cheap (shipped) even in the swapping and selling section.

Drew P
12-29-2015, 03:03 PM
Well in my area it seems people want 1$+ for random lead stuff but I've been buying from a recycler for .60$/lb which I feel is good, but then I have to smelt it down which isn't horrible but it does take time and money.

12-29-2015, 08:20 PM
I would treat it as somewhere between pure and ww's. From an outdoor range I would treat it closer to ww's. $1/lb isn't that bad for already ingotized lead. If you can, get it tested

12-29-2015, 08:35 PM
the scrap dealer is probably getting .60 cents right now and shipping is on his dime.
they usually get 3/4 the spot price when selling to a refinery or whatever.
if he sells to you he saves the shipping.
now what he pays is a whole lot less than that, probably buying for @.20 right now.

the guy selling you cleaned range scrap probably knows this and is wanting to sell to third party's [at 4-5 times the amount] rather than the scrap yard.
right now lead is lead.
I'd work a 1,000 dollar deal with the guy and make myself some clean big batch alloy to work with for the next couple of years.

12-29-2015, 08:39 PM
He must have nothing else to do! I would sure charge a lot more than that for all that work if I were selling them!!!!! Holy Carp.

Get some and try it.


Drew P
12-29-2015, 09:09 PM
Yeah he'd work a bulk deal too. In fact, he'll personally bring it to me for .85$/lb if I get a 1000 lb. sounds like a lot, but probably doesn't take that much space in 25lb ingots.

He he said he's got 25lb and 1lb ingots.

12-29-2015, 11:09 PM
You really do not want 25# ingots. You will have to spend lots of time and fuel $$ remelting them into usable sizes. Get them in 1 or 2 pounders if possible!

That is what I use with excellent success.


Drew P
12-31-2015, 12:24 PM
Yes he has 1lb ers and that's what I would order.

Drew P
01-01-2016, 01:32 AM
I went ahead and ordered a box of 1lb ingots. Will report back. If anyone is interested in this it's a fixed 72$ PayPal for 68# anywhere in the country. Pm me

01-01-2016, 01:41 AM
According to the Kitco lead price graph posted on every page of the forum, seems a fair price with shipping.

01-01-2016, 11:19 AM
My range lead (50% jacketed pistol, 40% cast pistol, 10% cast rifle) runs about BHN 10, right between pure and COWW.