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View Full Version : Reagan's presidential library

12-24-2015, 08:50 PM
While visiting family in Lancaster for the CHRISTMAS holiday, I was able to visit the presidental library. If you ever find yourself in the Simi Valley you really need to spend the time and visit. Words to describe Ronald Reagan and what a great AMERICAN he was just are impossible for me convey. Check it out

12-24-2015, 09:22 PM
Roger! WILCO.

12-24-2015, 09:24 PM

12-28-2015, 01:10 AM
I had the good fortune to be invited to dinner with the Reagans when He was Governor of California and lived in the Governers Mansion in Sacramento. He invited a group of recently released American POWs from the Vietnam war to His home to thank them for their service and to welcome them home. I Picked up one of them at Oak knoll Navel Hospital in Oakland Ca. and drove Him to the dinner. Can't say enough about the hospitality of the Reagons. They were Real People.

Good Shooting


12-28-2015, 07:18 AM
Yes, I firmly believe Ronald Reagan truly loved this country, and he wanted everyone to feel proud to be an American.

He also had a love for our men and women in the military.

I fear we will never see another leader like him again.

lefty o
12-28-2015, 01:55 PM
he was ok right up til he sold out our gun rights!