View Full Version : Chapel posts

12-20-2015, 10:48 PM
I have noticed the posts and views are way down in the chapel from a few years ago . Is there a reason ? What is your opinion ? I am really interested .

12-20-2015, 11:09 PM
could just be the normal ebb and flow, or people are afraid to be vocal about there beliefs for fear of reprisals from the (fill in the blank). look what the gays have done to business's that won't cowtow to them, look at what the courts have done to people that try to stand on their beliefs. it's a sad world that you can not say the pledge of allegiance because it mentions god but you can teach children muslem prayers with no repercussions.

12-20-2015, 11:27 PM
Hard to say, Boaz. Could be a good thing. I come here when my heart is heavy and I feel the need for the added prayers of my Cast Boolits family. Fewer posts could mean fewer folks reaching out for whatever reason. I don't know, but when I've reached out here my prayers and the prayers of other members joining me were always answered.
I also come here to add my prayers and support for other members. Oftentimes that's all that is needed; never underestimate the power of prayer.

12-20-2015, 11:39 PM
I look. I also pray for folks who need prayer. The majority of the time, it is behind the scenes.

12-21-2015, 12:21 AM
I look. I also pray for folks who need prayer. The majority of the time, it is behind the scenes.

Good point. God doesn't need to read our posts, they just help the OP realize they aren't all alone facing their personal challenges.

12-21-2015, 12:32 AM
Good point. God doesn't need to read our posts, they just help the OP realize they aren't all alone facing their personal challenges.

This is very true. There's generally great comfort in knowing you're not in "it" alone. Maybe I'll start posting something of that nature in the future.

12-21-2015, 05:50 AM
What ever the reason may God bless this forum it's members,their families and friends.Remember the reason we celebrate the birth of Jesus.

square butte
12-21-2015, 08:40 AM
I am here just about every day

12-24-2015, 08:49 PM
I wouldn't mind posting some of my devotional type writings, but most of them are somewhat long, maybe a half of a typed page. Would there be any interest in something like that?


12-24-2015, 11:01 PM
I think the Chapel can be like any ministry, if the Lord puts something on your heart to share by all means put it out there. If you have a prayer need or a good report please post it. It is the sharing of these things that are ministry.

12-25-2015, 02:45 AM
I think the Chapel can be like any ministry, if the Lord puts something on your heart to share by all means put it out there. If you have a prayer need or a good report please post it. It is the sharing of these things that are ministry.

I agree 100%.

Victor N TN
12-30-2015, 12:33 PM
Good point. God doesn't need to read our posts, they just help the OP realize they aren't all alone facing their personal challenges.

And sometimes that is a very important feeling to know.

12-30-2015, 08:41 PM
I consider this place a great opportunity for those of different denominations to find strength in our common bond , our belief in GOD . I enjoy the fellowship of many Christians although our method of of worshiping GOD is different . I am an Independent Baptist (far too independent at times)and there are many different 'flavors' of Baptists . Biggest common denominator for Baptists is total immersion baptism...................BUT...................Be ing an INDEPENDENT Baptist I am capable of interpenetrating the bible as GOD reveals it to me . We are created as individuals and I believe he has a different plan for each of us as individuals . If that offends you ...........well I'm sorry but that is MY truth . However I respect your opinions , your method of worship as that is how GOD is working in your life , to me there is no one way . We are one , struggling to find our way and meet his expectations .

I very rarely ask a mans denomination , we are the same . I start new topics regularly , I have been openly accused of self glorification , trying to increase my post count (LOL) or incite division , totally counter to intention .

The board provides us with the power to support one another , I personally thank the admin for creating it .

Well your tired of listening to me but post and post often , we have the power to inspire one another .

12-30-2015, 09:14 PM
I agree a lot with the above. Frankly, I get tired of Christians tossing grenades over their respective fences. Pride is generally at the root of it all, because pride says "my way is best". But, the Word of God says that it is He that has planted us in the Body as He desires. He's given us different gifts, called us to different offices, anointed us for different services. Our job is to flourish where He has planted us, preach the Gospel of Christ to those who have not heard, walk in love with one another, bear each other's burdens, pray for one another, and bear fruit that will remain.

With so much common ground among us, why not enjoy the sweet fellowship of brethren in Christ, and encourage one another to press on toward that high calling? Why bicker and get offended with folks when we can urge them to do the work of Christ? Why criticize people and put 'em down when we can encourage them and build 'em up?

Pardon my thoughts, but it just seemed good to add a couple of centavos. :bigsmyl2:

12-30-2015, 09:26 PM
I agree a lot with the above. Frankly, I get tired of Christians tossing grenades over their respective fences. Pride is generally at the root of it all, because pride says "my way is best". But, the Word of God says that it is He that has planted us in the Body as He desires. He's given us different gifts, called us to different offices, anointed us for different services. Our job is to flourish where He has planted us, preach the Gospel of Christ to those who have not heard, walk in love with one another, bear each other's burdens, pray for one another, and bear fruit that will remain.

With so much common ground among us, why not enjoy the sweet fellowship of brethren in Christ, and encourage one another to press on toward that high calling? Why bicker and get offended with folks when we can urge them to do the work of Christ? Why criticize people and put 'em down when we can encourage them and build 'em up?

Pardon my thoughts, but it just seemed good to add a couple of centavos. :bigsmyl2:

Thank you !

12-30-2015, 09:40 PM
The reference of being "in it alone" brought to mind an old story I'm sure you've all heard. It's about the fellow who is walking by the sea shor in the sand with Jesus. He looks back, and then turns to Jesus and say, "Lord, as I look back, I see 2 sets of footprints, but occasionally only one for a ways. Why did you leave me alone?" Jesus looks at him, smiles, and says, "My son, those single footprints aren't where I abandoned you in your time of need, it's where I CARRIED you." Lot of truth in that, but it's not always easy to remember He can do that.

12-30-2015, 10:17 PM
The reference of being "in it alone" brought to mind an old story I'm sure you've all heard. It's about the fellow who is walking by the sea shor in the sand with Jesus. He looks back, and then turns to Jesus and say, "Lord, as I look back, I see 2 sets of footprints, but occasionally only one for a ways. Why did you leave me alone?" Jesus looks at him, smiles, and says, "My son, those single footprints aren't where I abandoned you in your time of need, it's where I CARRIED you." Lot of truth in that, but it's not always easy to remember He can do that.

No one of us is alone . We all worship the same GOD , we are brothers . Sooner we realize the better off we will be .

01-02-2016, 11:15 PM
Footprints in the Sand, a reminder that we are never alone. Chapel threads are another reminder that a cyber friend who has likely never met us will lift you up in prayer just because you expressed a need. That's pretty awesome, IMHO. I've faced my share of challenges in the last several years and many here have faced even greater challenges but we soldier on knowing that God and our Cast Boolits family will carry us when we need it.
Yes, we may feel that we face challenges alone but when we learn the truth the challenges don't seem so great.

01-24-2016, 06:14 PM
I put up a post with one of my essays today. I'll try to do something about once a week. Thanks, guys.

01-24-2016, 10:01 PM
I read it and it's a great story and testimony of discovery and service .