View Full Version : Lyman Dies leaving mark at the vent hole.

12-20-2015, 08:07 PM
I got a set of lyman 30-30 dies that are leaving a mark at the vent hole. It looks as if the brass is flowing into the hole. Im using imperial sizing wax, I have tried various amounts of lube on the body and neck, and also no lube on the neck. To mark stopped a while, but as soon as I cleaned the dies, and unclogged the vent hole, it started again regardless of amount or location of lube.

Anyone have any ideas as to what would remedy this?

I tried contacting lyman, they wont let me open another ticket, so I tried emailing them from an old ticket with no response yet. I havent tried calling them yet.

Am I doing anything wrong. Anything I should try different?

12-20-2015, 08:20 PM
Wrap a chamber brush up with a piece of cloth so it won't contact or scratch the die and then get some metal polish and your drill and polish the inside of the die go slow and check the die every so often it should polish out.

12-21-2015, 01:45 AM
I have had that happen on 4 or 5 dies. I have always been able to cure it with about 3 minutes of polishing the interior of the die with an extra 30 seconds to a minute spent on the area of the vent hole. I use 400 or 500 grit silicon carbide wet or dry paper wrapped around a 1/4" dia wood dowel. I use it wet with a light oil or WD-40 spinning at 400 to 600 RPM. Once on a particularly bad Herter's die I had to put it back in the lathe for an extra 30 seconds polishing on just the vent hole area of the shoulder.

12-21-2015, 01:40 PM
This is good info to know. I appreciate the advice. I will tinker on it and report back.