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12-19-2015, 10:13 PM
I brought a load of logs into town this evening and was aproaching a traffic signal. I had the greenlight, but had to make a left turn so was slowing anyway, when all of a sudden a full grown moose ran the redlight.
He had no intentions of stopping as he was in a fast trot when he crossed the intersection, the sucker must have been drunk, as he was on the wrong side of the road too. lol

12-19-2015, 10:33 PM
I had a talk with a White Tail Deer one time and his attitude was that they (animals) got here first! I told him that even so we (humans) have appropriated the right of way with our big hard machines. He said that had made a lot of them mad beyond reason and that was why you humans have damage to your machines and sometimes some extra meat in the freezer. He also said in the last days, many animals were going to get together and gang up on lone humans. He said that your hunting laws will not permit you to shoot more than one or two, while the gangs will be 20 or more and that they expected to lose a few for the cause. He said that they would practice on hikers, campers, and joggers to increase their skills. I asked him why he was telling me all this and he said that he kind of liked me, also he knows where I live, and who was going to believe me once it got out that I have a bottle of Jack Daniels stashed in my computer desk!!!
Ole Jack

12-19-2015, 10:57 PM
I had a mouse act like a lion today, had him pinned in a corner with both cats waiting to pounce. He stood up on his hind legs and gave me heck! I grabbed the cats and nudged him and gave him a head start. he made it to the room I store corn in that is closed to the cats... I have to respect bravery from something 2 inches tall!

12-19-2015, 11:50 PM
That Mary is a good one!

You did good!

12-20-2015, 12:44 AM
I saw a log truck hit a horse. Oh the humanity! The horse didn't make it and it tore the tractor up - the truck wasn't able to drive away.

12-20-2015, 02:26 AM
Yes it can be a bit spectacular. I've even heard of hooves spearing through windshields.
These are moose crash tests:

12-20-2015, 08:54 PM
Back in the seventies when I worked as a Deputy Shf. I saw an accident that had a Ford Falcon hit a draft horse. The horse won! He took out the front end and windshield of the little car, got up and walked back into the pasture. The owner had a vet check him out and he said the horse had a couple of bruises, nothing serious. The Falcon was totaled by the insurance company.
Ole Jack

Down South
12-20-2015, 09:23 PM
Between the wife and I, we have 6 white tails. One total, one almost total the others, a lot of damage and plenty of deer meat in the freezer.

12-21-2015, 01:07 AM
A rabbit stoned on brake fluid. I was a mechanic when a guy brought a car into me and said he had lost his brakes. I put the car up on the rack and first started looking for a hydraulic leak. Right front tire had brake fluid on it. I looked at the lower A frame by the coil spring and there was a huge rex rabbit. He had crawled on to the A frame and the owner of the car went for a ride. Each time the car hit a bump the rabbit would get squish a bit. I figure the rabbit fought back the only way he could. He bit the car. The A frame and coil spring were made of metal so he bit the softest thing he could witch was the brake hose to the caliper. As I pulled the rabbit out of his confined area the customer told me that the rabbit was his kids. I told the customer that he should cook and eat the rabbit because that would be the only way the rabbit could help pay you back for the $40 bucks it would take to replace the brake hose.

12-21-2015, 12:28 PM
Just a reminder moose are colorblind...

12-21-2015, 09:04 PM
That explains it, he probably thought he had the green light. lol