View Full Version : Dr O deer attractmant

12-16-2015, 10:18 AM
Back in the 80's Tinks had a product called Dr O's deer attractment and that stuff worked. I am on my last bottle and it is aged badly but I wish I knew the recipe. It kinda has stink in the background but an incredible sweet vanilla aroma. All game animals came to it and if the chipmunks and such could they would steal the cotton balls. Deer would go out of their way to come and smell it breathing in deeply at the cotton ball. Other than vanilla pure extract this was the only thing I could say with confidence it works.If you know of the recipe I sure would appreciate the details. I figured the only reason they stopped making it was economics. Gathering rainwater running off a concentrated deer stall out back is easier and more profitable.

12-16-2015, 07:56 PM
Can't help you on that but it brings up a fond memory that always makes me smile. Back in the mid 60s, we had family friends who owned a sporting goods store. My Dad and I were in there buying our deer licenses and our friend handed me a small spray container of some sort of new "deer hunting scent" guaranteed to attract the "biggest buck". He said a salesman had left it and he wanted me to try it out. O.K. . .. we'll try it!

Opening morning, my Dad and I got up early and drove over to the back side of the farm and parked, then walked into one of our wood lots to sit and wait for the sun to come up. Before we went it, I sprayed the scent on me and my Dad as well . . . I remember it was sweet smelling and had an "apple" scent to it. Well . . . we both took a seat at the bottom of trees near each other where we could look in opposite directions. We had sat for about ten minutes . . . the sun hadn't come up yet and we begin to hear movement in the woods . . . still too dark to see but it kept getting louder and closer. Imagine my surprise when I felt a big wet tongue running up the side of my face! The scent sure worked . . . . on our Holsteins! We had a small herd pasturing in the woodland and adjoining grass field and swamp. As the sun began to rise . . . we looked at each other and just started laughing. There were about 35 head of cows, all standing in a circle around us and "giving us the eye". They liked the aroma so well that they wouldn't move when I tried to drive them away so we had to get up and leave for another part of the farm whee we didn't have any cows. We never did see a deer that day.

C. Latch
12-16-2015, 08:08 PM
I don't know what your stuff is made of but I can tell you that any combination of vanilla and doe-in-heat is worth trying, assuming you're on relatively unpressured land and it's during or after the rut.