View Full Version : I'll telll a Chirstmas story

12-13-2015, 11:32 PM
In 1983 I was flat broke , the oilfield crashed in in 1979 , I had a drilling rig repair service . My livelihood and means of support was gone , I was beyond flat broke . I sold my boat , living room furniture and everything I could (everyone else was down too because of the bust ) and opened a small engine repair shop but it was winter and not much happening . I was a single parent and had zip to buy my son any presents for Christmas , we were making it on beans and taters , toast and jelly for breakfast ...thats it .

I had an old minibike in the junk pile and started rebuilding it , had a 36'' Atlas lathe and figured I could do it although it was wore out all over . The project went pretty good , kept it hid from my son . Took time and sanded/steelwooled it for hours , painted it blue , rebuilt a 5 hp Briggs engine (was selling parts so got wholesale) , not trying to brag but it looked like new . Was whuppin right along , could see Robert finding it under the tree Christmas morning . Then hard luck hit .

The rear wheel had looked OK but when I broke it all down to replace the bearings I found the old bearings had spun and the lathe would only swing 10'' , the assembly was too big , the hub didn't have enough metal left to put in a oversize bearing anyway . I called every shop or anywhere I might find the wheel assembly , no dice , I was dead in the water after having everything else ready to go . Wanted to have a good present for my son , I felt terrible , there would not be something special for him on Christmas .

The day before Christmas eve an old man came in and said he was cleaning up his backyard and had a pickup load of rototillers , lawnmowers , bunch of junk and wanted to sell it needed to buy his grandkids presents . Looking from the shop door it lt seemed like a loser deal , nothing worth messing with . To humor the old man I went out and looked at the stuff .

I walked out with him and was ready to decline the load , I leaned on the tailgate looking and low and behold !! There was the same model minibike I needed the rear wheel for ! Asked him how much for the load and he said $10.00 , I said ........I'll give ya $20.00 , we were both happy . GOD is good !

Chucked the 'junk" in the scrap metal pile and jerked that wheel off , had to replace some spokes and rebuild it BUT finished The minibike . Whats the odds of that happening ?

Sounds like a small story but at that time it was big . I have never forgotten it
, Robert found it under the tree .

GOD is good .

square butte
12-13-2015, 11:39 PM
Thank you God - And thank you Boaz for the story

12-13-2015, 11:43 PM
Thank you, I needed to hear that story.

big bore 99
12-13-2015, 11:49 PM
God is good. I've had some of the same experiences thru the years. Faith CAN move mountains.

12-13-2015, 11:54 PM
Good story. There have been times in my life, and I'm sure most of us have had them, when something unlikely happenned at exactly the right time and convinced me God was looking ot for me. Sounds like finding that wheel was one of those times.

12-14-2015, 08:24 AM
Boaz great story....God is always there and it is really great to get the story...Merry Christmas and may God bless you, your family, our first responders, our military and our nation!

12-14-2015, 10:29 AM
god has never gave me what I want

be he always gives me what I need, just when I need it.

12-14-2015, 02:17 PM
I was in college and had only $10 for Christmas gifts (I put myself through college). I was driving some friends to the mall and saw a big brass fitting on the side of the road. Pulled over and looked like a fire truck hose fitting as there was one up the street. Stopped in and they had been looking all over for it and offered me a reward. I declined and told them Merry Christmas. I never play the lottery but played my birthday that night in the Pick 3. Won $300. Goes around comes around.

12-15-2015, 08:43 AM
Great story, Charlie. Thanks. God truly does work in mysterious ways, his Wonders to fulfill. Most just don't recognize them. It also shows the value of simple persistence, but while you persist, you have to have faith and belief that it'll pay off somehow, even if you can't see how as you're going through it all.

These are the kinds of stories that are never told in the media, and that causes the moderns who seem to think that if it's not on the news, it didn't happen, to fall into doubt and disbelief. This is one reason we go to church - to hear stories like yours. It seems that's the only place one CAN hear stories like this nowadays, and here of course. Thanks for a little inspiration and confirmation of what we believe. It matters.