View Full Version : Cant trust the wind.

12-11-2015, 02:47 PM
Twice I have been busted after finding where the deer are hanging. They are mostly on Osage apples now, in real thick cover.
I had no tree stand or a tree to even place one so I took to a ground setup.
Everything looked good with the breeze in my face and deer were coming so I got ready for a shot but they stayed behind tangles. Then both times they took off.
Sure enough when I walked to where they were the major wind was from me to them.
Today I found a spot for a stand and got it in. I set it and tied it to find I forgot the ratchet strap, go home and get one. Maybe tonight a deer will give me a Birthday gift as it is tomorrow.
The feel good feeling of wind in your face SUCKS! It was just warming air coming up the slopes. Food supply has really changed where the deer are, no more acorns and I think the corn fields were stripped clean. They are on Army rations now.

12-11-2015, 02:56 PM
Greetings 44
And sticking to it will always pay off.
Years back an old Michigan hunter told me "try apples". Since I have always rubbed my gear daily (all of it) with "wind fall apples". Least if the wind changes them corn crunchers smell apples and do not seem to mind at all.
Mike in Peru

12-11-2015, 03:18 PM
Greetings 44
And sticking to it will always pay off.
Years back an old Michigan hunter told me "try apples". Since I have always rubbed my gear daily (all of it) with "wind fall apples". Least if the wind changes them corn crunchers smell apples and do not seem to mind at all.
Mike in Peru
ALL fruit is gone now. Just the Osage apples left and deer like them. I thought they got sweet as they aged but I asked the lady where I hunt if she tasted them and she said if persimmons pucker your mouth, those things will pucker your butt!
There is nothing on earth to spray yourself with or rub on you that will fool a deer. Just need the wind right or get above them.
I had a problem setting ground blinds anyway for directions to safely shoot or I would have to be in a valley, shooting up, not safe either. I know where houses are but back in the bush, no way. I prefer to shoot towards the ground at all times unless I am sure of where I am.
I am not going to rub those things on my clothes either. Sticky sap.

12-11-2015, 03:37 PM
I,ve had the wind blowing one way where I was and the other way at the deers position. I could see and feel it on my face, but the grass and leaves by the deer were moving the other way. The deer were very nervous too. Some one told me they can SMELLyou at 200yards!!

12-11-2015, 03:56 PM
Sure can, they will give a bloodhound fits. Dogs have other things to think about, treats, hugs and love. Deer have one thing, to survive and most of the brain is devoted to scent. Eyes see movement best. It is a wonder we can even shoot one. Once under pressure, nothing will get past them. Even a stick out of place is enough.

12-11-2015, 04:29 PM
Howdy 44
I understand it goes against all we know but I have had deer track me and lick the left over apple stuff from my tree pegs from the bottom of my boots. Had one buck stop and sniff at a practice arrow that was launched at a tree rat. Not saying rubbed on real apples are perfect but have not hurt my hunting one bit.
Mike in Peru

12-11-2015, 04:37 PM
44man, Happy Birthday![smilie=s:

12-11-2015, 05:01 PM
I was in an elevated box stand a few weeks back, good south wind blowing 100 yds toward the feeder and still watched 3 deer. Every once in a while they would test the air but didn't get spooked. From the wind swept grass I could tell I was on the 'wrong' side. Even smoking in the stand wasn't a problem.

12-11-2015, 05:10 PM
44man, no doubt you can't eliminate human scent, but you can add false scents and covers. I've seen many many more deer in the last few years using a home brew concoction of witergreen, ceader and annuus oil. Last sat. I had a small button come to the steps of my ladder stand and sniff and then go back on about searching for acorns. A deers nose can take in and instantly analysis 6 scents at once, throw them a curve ball.

12-11-2015, 05:42 PM
Hey 44 Happy Birthday !
Had I know sooner would have had the wife bake up a big apple pie ... maybe Peach... Would have chowed down lip smacking good smiling the whole time.
Mike in Peru

12-11-2015, 05:58 PM
Have you ever heard of camouflage clothing with carbon ..
scent lock suit?
Deer dead down wind don't smell you.
It really works

12-11-2015, 06:37 PM
I use smoke. I have for years. While at deer camp I stand in the smoke frequently. I open up my coat and let the smoke in.
I once shot a coyote 12 FEET downwind that tested the air twice ( sticks nose up and sniffs ) and she still didn't pick human out of the overwhelming smoke odor.

Ive had deer close downwind several times without being busted. I hunt public land in a high poaching area. These deer are not tame. At the first whiff their gone.

I often hunt from the ground with no blind. If it's cold I build a SMALL fire. About the size of the Palm of my hand. Often it's between my legs. Keeps my hands warm.

I couldn't begin to tell you how many deer I've shot over the fire. Some as close as 15 yds.
With the small amount of smoke as the wind swirls as it always does wherever your scent goes so does the smoke.

This may not work everywhere but it works for me. I pay no attention to the wind when making my setup.

12-11-2015, 06:44 PM
I use smoke. I have for years. While at deer camp I stand in the smoke frequently. I open up my coat and let the smoke in.
I once shot a coyote 12 FEET downwind that tested the air twice ( sticks nose up and sniffs ) and she still didn't pick human out of the overwhelming smoke odor.

Ive had deer close downwind several times without being busted. I hunt public land in a high poaching area. These deer are not tame. At the first whiff their gone.

I often hunt from the ground with no blind. If it's cold I build a SMALL fire. About the size of the Palm of my hand. Often it's between my legs. Keeps my hands warm.

I couldn't begin to tell you how many deer I've shot over the fire. Some as close as 15 yds.
With the small amount of smoke as the wind swirls as it always does wherever your scent goes so does the smoke.

This may not work everywhere but it works for me. I pay no attention to the wind when making my setup.

Most people spend crazy amounts of money on cover scents and clothing. If they just try this I works. Everyone in my neck of the woods burns wood to heat their homes. Wood Smoke is a common odor to animals around here, they pay it no mind.

12-11-2015, 08:24 PM
I have had a lot more luck with the undergarments that use silver technology to supress odor. I have owned one carbon suit and it was just too much hassle. I keep my clothes in plastic bags and treat them with scent killer. I have been busted by more deer because I have moved at the wrong time than scent over the past few years. I have been curious about the idea of smelling like a smoked sausage as it would be much easier two or three days into the hunt when a shower is not available. I have even considered trying out smoke in a local city park loaded with deer where hunting is not allowed just to see the reaction of the deer.

12-11-2015, 08:38 PM
we have a deer that was raised from a fawn. I can set a coke can on the hand rail of the porch and she will stop sniff the air stomp her foot and grunt trying to get it to move i guess. But they are very alert to any change in surroundings, even very small changes. Wish my eye sight was that good.

daniel lawecki
12-12-2015, 09:08 AM
Happy Birthday Jim.

12-12-2015, 10:42 AM
An old indian I used to archery hunt with told me if you think you must use scent look what every body is buying and go with the opposite. When he used any scent it was pure vanilla on his boots and tucked the paper wipe in boot beside sock. I wish I had his instinct but no I am a flat footed white boy!

12-12-2015, 12:42 PM
I have never had a deer spook from where I walked but once I set my pack down and that spot was where the huge buck bolted from.
I was burning old brush and logs on my range once and smoke was pouring down my lane. I looked up to see a herd coming, right in the smoke cloud.
Two things I have used really worked to pull in deer. The Jon-E hand warmer company made a lure called Deer Coy that I dripped on the trail to my stand. I could hardly get in the stand before a buck would be following and licking every spot. I put some in a scrape once and 5 doe were downwind from it, over 100 yards and they turned and ran into the scrape, went nuts for a while, left and a buck came in to meet my arrow.
Another was Necina doe in heat urine that I dribbled on trails. herds of deer would follow it to my stand.
All the stuff I bought in those little bottles did nothing.
Myth Busters had a show where they used everything to hide from a dog. Scent blocker clothes and all else suggested. The dog found them every time. Then they had a show to hide drugs from dogs, nothing fooled the dogs.

12-12-2015, 02:17 PM
Happy Birthday and good hunting, 44man! I think most every deer I've shot has caught my scent and either disregarded it or failed to make the association with a hunter. Deer with considerable hunting pressure likely associate more scents with danger and react differently than deer with little hunting pressure. I've used cover and attractant scents but always wonder if adding a strange scent might do more harm than good. City park deer are used to seeing and smelling people, I doubt much about scents can be learned from them but I enjoy watching deer at any opportunity.

12-12-2015, 03:46 PM
This evening is the last day of ML but it is HOT outside. Flowers are blooming, bugs are out. I didn't see a thing this morning.
We still have 2 doe seasons. I will spend next week getting some squirrels. Been a long time since I shot any.
Deer sure do not like to move in this heat. I don't either, I hate heat. Trails are beat to mud with fresh tracks but they are made at night.

Geezer in NH
12-12-2015, 07:12 PM
My brother in-law was a logger. He shot his deer every year on the first workday. He would stop cutting early , top and limb the last trees and have the skidder leave. Within an hour he had his pick of deer to shoot, human scent, gasoline smell be dammed.

12-12-2015, 09:47 PM
Couple of observations have been made that bear remembering. Deer become accustomed to a certain level of foreign scents and noises; I bet they reset their threshold and react to the change. A scent that a deer may find otherwise attractive in one setting can cause flight when introduced at an inappropriate time in another i.e. don't use doe in heat in the pre-rut if you want to take a doe for the freezer. I have seen many does spook when using estrous urine. Gasoline scent near a logging operation will not get the same reaction as gasoline carried in on your boots after refilling at the gas station.

35 shooter
12-12-2015, 11:22 PM
The pure vanilla extract already mentioned is a good cover scent.
It also doubles as a curiosity scent.

white eagle
12-13-2015, 07:17 AM
44man, Happy Birthday![smilie=s:

I second that
have a good one

12-13-2015, 11:04 AM
I hunted MI long ago and loggers were cutting posts all day. deer would pile up at the fringes to wait for the guys to leave, then come in to eat tree tops. The saws were dinner bells to them.
I have never had doe spook from real urine but stuff like Tinks has had no affect on any deer that I have seen.
I bought from Nacina and doe in heat urine was only to be had at certain times. It was real with nothing added. I don't know if I spelled it right or if they are still in business in Ohio.
I used it well before the rut in archery season and it worked.
But Deer Coy was the very best of anything I ever tried. It pulled doe or bucks in fast. The whole rack at Wall Mart is junk.
I was sent some lure to test. Lethal Weapon, did nothing. I watched bucks walk just down wind and they just went. You can get a better response by peeing in a scrape.

12-13-2015, 11:18 AM
Happy birthday, young man![smilie=w:

I always enjoy your posts! Keep 'em coming!


12-13-2015, 11:36 AM
Happy birthday, young man![smilie=w:

I always enjoy your posts! Keep 'em coming!

Love you too my friend. Thank you.

12-13-2015, 07:53 PM
Happy birthday. Dont know where you are but this weekend I was up at MIL little Summer House property in East Texas. Couldnt wear anything but camo mosquito netting. It was hot yesterday! Then the rain started right at dark (& killed the power at the house) and has been pouring ever since. Never saw a deer or a squirrel. And left smelly and hungry. :D