View Full Version : Christmas comes early

12-09-2015, 09:21 PM
About a year and a half ago my wife and I helped a lady that had sold her house and had to downsize real quick like. Her husband had left her and she had sold the house 2 days after it was put on the market. As the house she was moving into was less than half the size of the one she had she had lots of "stuff" to get rid of. We helped her sort and pack, took some things that she did not want, (the wife and I have a bit of a reputation for finding a home for things) and I even went with her to rent a moving truck.

On one of my trips up from her basement I noticed an old rifle placed between the studs behind the bannister of the stairs. On closer examination it was an original 1873 Springfield Trapdoor in fairly poor condition. This lady noticed my interest in the rifle and immediately gave it to me. However, a couple of days later she called and said that her family was upset that she gave away "Grandpa's rifle" and asked for it back. I told her that family is what really matters in this world and I would be upset knowing that I had possession of a family heirloom. I immediately returned the rifle to her and told her in no uncertain terms that she had nothing to worry about, I did not want to cause any strife in her family.

Yesterday this lady called me at work and said she had something that she needed me to take a look at and when could I stop by? This evening after work I went by her house and she pulls this Trapdoor out of the closet and tells me that no one in her family wants it, it is just taking up space in her small home and that she wants me to have it.

The stock is cracked in a couple places, chipped in a couple more. The barrel and lock were painted black at one time or another (brush strokes are obvious), The ramrod is missing as well as parts from the rear sight. I tried to shine a light through the barrel but it appears that a rod has been driven into the barrel to "de-mill" the rifle.
There is no chance that I will ever try to shoot this Trapdoor, but I sit here wondering what kind of history this rifle has seen.

12-09-2015, 11:31 PM
A pat on the back for the return of the gun to her family.All my grandfathers guns were kind of kidnapped by a family member then when he died his step son rec'd all the guns even after dad requested them stay in the family. His comment at the time was well they will be in the family. In the end it is what it is and someone will answer. Yes one does wonder what history a gun could tell, maybe really great and good and some not real nice.

12-10-2015, 08:17 AM
The highroad is always the best way...and I for one am proud of you!

12-10-2015, 09:49 AM
Pipefitter . . . you certainly did the "right" thing! I'm sure the woman certainly appreciated your help in her situation and it had to be awful hard for her to have to ask for it back so I feel for her as well. But . . . in the end . . . her family didn't want it and it now is in your possession to enjoy. Regardless of what condition the rifle is in, I'm sure you will treasure it and instead of being thrown away some day by some member of that family . . . I'm sure you will pass it on someday to someone who has an interest and will treasure it as well.! You're a good person!