View Full Version : RCBS 357 magnum Seater plug interchangeability

12-04-2015, 05:57 PM
Looking for a new set of 357 dies, rcbs or lyman. Which of the new seater plugs interchange from various brands? I dont have a set of rcbs and lyman to compare at present.

I am used to the old, stem seater plug that comes out from the bottom of the die. Such as this,https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.davideguidi.com/rcbs%252520seater%252520plug.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.davideguidi.com/prod05.htm&h=451&w=780&tbnid=ZcwK969JJnbnBM:&docid=QB6NAH6zht80cM&ei=EAtiVrXXNMzm-AHYs434CQ&tbm=isch&ved=0ahUKEwi1n-iqmMPJAhVMMz4KHdhZA58QMwh2KE8wTw I had a set of 38/357 dies I purchased used, and I got about half a dozen seater plugs, of various configurations with it.

For the best selection in seater plugs, should I buy a used set of dies in this configuration, and chase down all the seater plug shapes? Or do the new ones like this, http://media.midwayusa.com/productimages/880x660/Primary/324/257350.jpg Offer a good range of nose configurations?

I am planning on eventually chasing down some of the harder Ideal/lyman moulds, so im thinking maybe that gives me my answer. But if either will be a custom seater plug operation for the most part, the new style will be best I think.

Thanks for the help and info.

12-17-2015, 09:56 PM
I ended up getting a nice used set of rcbs, 357 dies from ebay with the 1/4 x28 plug assembly. I decided that i'd get that, and then buy an extra, new style seater crimp die so that I could use both style plugs. And so I'd have a specific die for seating and crimping 38s.