View Full Version : Kinda funny idea for bill board

12-04-2015, 10:40 AM
president pleads for civil disarmament

This would make a good billboard, maybe yank some chains of pacifism!

bullet maker 57
12-04-2015, 11:37 AM
He should start with his body guards.

12-04-2015, 11:49 AM
154824Body guards are a waste of tax payers money. As long as "Barry" has his wife with him, no one will come near.

12-04-2015, 01:30 PM
I live in a college town, and students are everywhere. It is absolutely amazing how clueless they are. NOTHING can get through to them, either! They've been so thoroughly indoctrinated by so many now, and so closed to ANY new info being assimilated, that there seems to be no real hope for them unless and until their butts are on the line, and they've been taught to be cowards as well! And THIS is the future of the USA? A few are exceptions, but in a nation where the majority vote rules, it does NOT paint a very attractive picture! Some good ol' country boys who've not been sheltered and provided for all their lives are still fairly level headed, but even they succumb to some of the idiocy of the libs.

And BTW, I just heard that FDR's VP, after his term was over, admitted he was a communist. Anybody ever heard this, or can confirm it here? This is one I'd never heard of, but it didn't really surprise me.

12-04-2015, 01:53 PM
Are you saying that Truman was a communist? He was a crooked politician, but communist?

12-04-2015, 01:56 PM
Or are you referring to Wallace or Garner?

12-04-2015, 02:25 PM
bullet maker 57 . . . "bodyguards" . . . . are you referring to the upstanding SS who hire hookers and get caught making calls to underage children to hookup with them? Just asking . . . . :-)

12-04-2015, 03:37 PM
John Nance Garner was as far from being a communist as you could get. He was a Texan and FDR wanted him as VP to help carry the south in the 1932 election, not that he would need the help since the depression was in full force by then. Garner was treated terribly by FDR and would never talk publicly abut it. He was dumped by FDR in 1936 for the commie Wallace who was himself dumped for Truman in 1944. FDR was the first and only world leader to recognize the newly created Soviet Union and he gave them unlimited credit. FDR referred to Stalin as " Uncle Joe". Enough to make you throw up.

12-04-2015, 08:33 PM
You would think that the terrorist and plain old armed robbers would have some sympathy for the liberal colleges that are turning out the bleeding hearts that will try to protect the downtrodden bad guys. But in St. Louis there has been a dozen armed robberies in the last few weeks on or near the "gun free" campus of St. Louis University on Grand Ave. There just isn't any respect anymore!
Ole Jack

mold maker
12-04-2015, 09:13 PM
Not even honor among thieves..