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View Full Version : Had a GREAT time at the BP Buffler shoot

04-15-2008, 02:31 AM
...............Maybe a year ago my range initiated a casual BP Buffalo Silhuette match. Since it was held on the 2nd Sunday of each month, and I worked weekend nights I was never able to attend. One of my shooting freinds and fellow Burritoisto, Glen Dye reminded me that since I was no longer gainfully employed I could now shoot the match. Hey, what a concept!

They use the first 2 benches on the north end of the line. It's only 6 shots for score, and you shoot these one at a time in rotation with the other folks. You end up firing 3 rounds from the left side and then 3 more from the right. This way no one can say one side had an advantage over the other. The distance is 200 meters and the silhuettes are sized accordingly. You can use any position, (except off the bench) and cross sticks.


The above photo was taken at about 0900 and the shoot begins at about 1000. There was about 26 shooters there Sunday so it took till about noon for everyone to get their 6 rounds in. They charge $10 to shoot it. Half that goes to the club and the other half is used for prize money down to 3rd place.


This is Glen getting ready to unleash hellfire and brimstone with his Uberti Hi-Wall in 38-55. Gotta use 300gr slugs to knock the silhuette over. Poor Glen. He bought the rifle from Jon K and Jon threw in a bunch of loaded ammo along with all the data and proceedure, plus it had nice sights on it. He was in tall cotton and doing well until Jon K's ammo ran out. Glen is just NOT getting good results with his own ammo reloading efforts and last Sunday Glen only hit once and that was his last shot.


Here's Jon K getting set to do the deed. I promised not to tell, but Jon K managed to shoot the left hand Buffalo from the right side. I think they gave him the hit. So anyway, if he asks tell him I didn't say anything about it!:twisted:


Jon K and Glen back at one of the cleaning tables. You can't tell Glen anything about nut'tin. He uses patches dipped in paint thinner to clean between rounds, the kook.

I used the Rigby (clone) 45 caliber long range match rifle I built from a kit from Pecantonica River. It has a 34" Green Mountain barrel with an 18" twist, and a L&R English bar lock which is really a ***, but I've spent considerable time on it. Below:


A VERY poor photo I need to upgrade. I'd used the Whitworth muzzle loading match rifle last month and knocked over 2 buffalo I think it was. The sights on it are pure issue military, while the Rigby is a full on match rifle with 4 minute tang rear sight and windage adjustable front globe sight. Several weeks previously I had the Rigby at the range and got sight settings for the small 200 meter gong. It's smaller then the buffalo silhuette.

I had scaled out 10 charges into airtight snap top plastic test tubes. I figured a couple shots for sighters and I'd be 'On'. I didn't figure I'd be in any shoot offs so I didn't prepare more charges. My load was 85.0grs of Elephant 2Fg a .030" cardwad and 1/8" lubed felt wad under a swaged 490gr paper patched .450" slug. The patch was lubed at loading with Wonder Lube. The rifle was fired with CCI standard #11 caps.

My previous use had been with temps in the 50's. I had shot 'dirty', not cleaning between shots. I was going to do the same for this buffalo silhuette match. I failed to think about the time lag between shots for the match vs shooting on my own previously. Also, the temp on Sunday was NEVER in the 50's, even the night before, but was burning through the 80's and heading for the mid 90's by the time the match ended.

My 1st 2 sighters were called low, and I gave the tang sight a couple seconds up each time. The 3rd sighter was a throw away as it didn't hit and my spotter was talking and didn't see it. The 4th and last sighter was called between the buff's legs and under his belly, so 2 MORE seconds up. Four upward moves from the previous shooting.

By this time the bore was pretty dry. Normally after loading the charge and running the wads down, the lubed slug will normally run down smoothly to the wad with just the weight of the ramrod on it. Not so now. The lubed patched bullet should be prepped and run down the barrel just before shooting, and NOT held any length of time. I started loading when the 2nd person in front of me was taking his position to shoot. I finished up as the guy right in front of me had just fired his shot.

Surprise of surprises when I withdrew the ramrod, there was the paper patch!!!!!!!!! :violin: Ah, crap! Nothing to do but take the shot. I held the front blade on the belly line and let fly. It was call 'Way high' like 3 feet, egads! Was that only because of the lack of the patch, or what? I decided to wipe the bore and start all over in the middle of the match! I figured to lower the rear sight just a tad too. Why not I figured. I was probably screwed already.

The 2nd score bullet slid nice and smooth down the barrel. This shot was called high, just over the back. So just a tad more down and I was back to my original sight setting from before! So to finish up, wiping to the wad after loading, then lubing and running the slug down as I headed to the line had me handily knock over the last 4 buffalo!

A much more edjumakated Buckshot. I was honestly pleased with the 4 consecutive hits after getting the kinks ironed out!


04-15-2008, 02:49 AM
G'day Buckshot. Looks like you had a great day. Say hello to Glen for me, seeing the photos of him and your range reminded me of my visit there. I still can't eat those HOT things we had for lunch!!!!

04-15-2008, 10:25 AM
That'l learn ya to remember you're no longer gainfully employed, so you can be ready for just such an occasion... :mrgreen:

Looks like great fun Rick. That's the only thing missing up here, a shoot with actuall shooters. I guess I have to form one, when ever I get time.. :roll:

Too bad half of the crowd isn't younsters. It scares me to think of what's gonna happen, when we all get to old. Those ranges are gonna dissapear.

... :drinks:

Wayne Smith
04-15-2008, 12:01 PM
Too bad half of the crowd isn't younsters. It scares me to think of what's gonna happen, when we all get to old. Those ranges are gonna dissapear.

... :drinks:

Naw, us yonkers still gotta go to work! When we retire you'll see us out there too! Now I might get three or four days a year at the range. Gotta work on that!

04-15-2008, 12:16 PM
That's good... :drinks: