View Full Version : Whew! Christmas shopping all done!

11-30-2015, 10:25 AM
From the comfort of my recliner this morning. Swiss Army "Huntsman" pocket knives for all my guys (the one with the saw; it may look dinky but you can pulpwood with the thing and great for hunters that climb trees and need to saw limbs). Usually wind up cleaning deer and hogs with it too. And cashmere scarfs for the ladies in my life. Actualy put the fun back into gift giving as both via Amazon, no traffic and last minute "make do" buying. Now if it just gets here with the free shipping and orders filled accurately! Merry Christmas indeed on this first week of Advent!

11-30-2015, 02:06 PM
I went to town on Friday and wandered into a few stores looking at a few different things.
the first place had a line to the register so I wandered over to the second set of registers and right up to the cashier.
the next place I went was about the same thing, I tried to get into line [of-2] but the other cashier come and got me.
the bank had one person at the drive through while I was inside.

had to be the slowest black Friday I ever seen.

12-01-2015, 10:11 AM

I don't do Black Friday.

We bought our Christmas gift for the house about a month ago.

A Sony 65" ultra-HD4K 3D Smart television and a sound system.

Still need to find a gift for my wife and son. My son and I will probably go together a buy her a new kitchen island, she has been dropping hints about wanting a new set of cookware as well.. My son will most likely get a new gun...that has been the norm the last several years.

Love Life
12-01-2015, 11:58 AM
My Christmas shopping has been done since October. Now we are just buying little things here and there as we see them for the kids.

12-01-2015, 01:10 PM
Gail and I do not buy Christmas gifts for each other. We give the amount we would have spent to the Salvation Army and to the local toys for kids. We also try to help a couple of other folks who are not as comfortable as we are. The kids get cash so they can get what they REALLY wanted LOL.