View Full Version : Site Prayer

11-25-2015, 07:37 AM
Hevenly Father we come to you on bended knees and we request that you heal our ailing members and family members. Please show them Your tenderness and take away their pain and their frears. With the beginning of the Thanksgiving and Christmas Season, we recognize that Jesus is truly the reason for the Season and we ask that You bless our members, our families, and our friends. Please protect us through this wonderful Season whether we are at home, next door, or on the road. We recognize that You are our Father and that Jesus died for us and at this special season we would like to give You all the praise. Lastly, please bless our Government and turn them from their selfserving position and back to one where they serve the needs of us the voters. Amen

Happy Thanksgiving Yall!

square butte
11-25-2015, 08:49 AM
Amen - and Thanks for this prayer

11-25-2015, 09:38 AM
Paul that prayer reflects my feelings exactly. Amen

And thank you brother for the prayer. God's blessing on you and your family, and all our brothers and sister here!

11-25-2015, 12:27 PM
Thank you Paul .

smoked turkey
11-25-2015, 12:44 PM
Paul I also am in total agreement with your prayer. Thank you for being obedient to the Lord in this matter. I am also concerned about our great nation and where present circumstances appear to be taking us. I pray that we as a nation will once again turn to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit asking for forgiveness for our prideful acts and seek His face once again. I pray that this sort of action will be "politically" correct as people of every race, nation, and tongue recognize the sovereignty of the true God Head. Also let me say I am thankful for this wonderful site, Castboolits, where I find so much pleasure. That ofcourse is a reflection of the ownership, moderators, and members that make this place so great. Thank you one and all.