View Full Version : Rooster HVR

Messy bear
11-23-2015, 11:27 AM
Hi guys,
Anyone know what's in HVR? Have some left and with all the research I been doing on this site lately got me to wondering how it's made. Thx.

11-26-2015, 01:05 AM
Our Commercial 190 lube is a close substitute for HVR. HVR does have a little higher melting point.
I'd be more than happy to send you a free sample to try if you cover the postage.


11-26-2015, 08:33 AM
i miss hvr ..( you really have some left ? wow ) their zambini was almost as good , but as glenn stated his commercial 190 is close as we can currently buy ready made ( and far more economic friendly too )

the old guy who made hvr retired , after a few years he offered the brand and formula for sale , sadly my pockets have a bit of lint and not much else , eg; i'd love to recreate it but more so for personal use as opposed to a commercial venture ( some one has taken over the rooster jacket lube from my understanding ) i've spent quite a bit of time and effort to recreate something similar , i dont discuss it much for a couple reasons , one is i havent met with something that i'd term equal or better and two , most folks follow the "soft is best approach" , while soft works wonderfully i know that hard lube can also work well [shrugz] most hard lubes tend to work best at either end of the spectrum, hvr seemed to do the unheard of for me of meeting in the middle as well
as to how it's actually made ( as opposed to what it's made from ) ... much like any lube - add the stuff melt/mix and then mold , to me it always smelt and felt like it was made with synthetics ... synthetics are a hard row to hoe in this game