View Full Version : Well do you think? When Calling 911 Isn't Enough

gray wolf
11-21-2015, 04:09 PM
When Calling 911 Isn't Enough
Can't believe a DC Police Chief is saying this. It must be worse out there than I thought!!

http://www.cbsnews.com/news/when-cal...1-isnt-enough/ (http://www.cbsnews.com/news/when-calling-911-isnt-enough/)

Nov 20

Confronted with the rash of school and workplace "soft-target" shooting scenarios that now include possible terrorist acts like those in Paris, police departments are no longer preaching the passive approach of calling 911. Active shooters like the terrorists in Paris call for more active responses, including running away, hiding or actually attacking the attacker, says Washington D.C. Police Chief Cathy Lanier. Anderson Cooper reports on the new advice departments are giving civilians, and the new ways they are training their officers to respond to these active shooters on the next edition of 60 Minutes on Sunday, Nov. 22 at 7 p.m. ET/PT.

"Your options are run, hide, or fight," says Lanier. "If you're in a position to try and take the gunman down, to take the gunman out, it's the best option for saving lives before police can get there," she tells Cooper.

In recent years, mentally ill gunmen and now terrorists have killed victims indiscriminately, their aim to kill as many as possible, rather than taking hostages. These events call for more active approaches, she says. "That's kind of counterintuitive to what cops always tell people, right? We always tell people, 'Don't...don't take action. Call 911. Don't intervene in the robbery'...we've never told people, 'Take action.' It's a different...scenario."

Is this message sowing unnecessary fear given the extremely low chances a person will be confronted with an active shooter? Lanier says it's about awareness not fear. "You can be prepared and you can have a society that is resilient and -- alert and conscientious and safer without scaring people. It's not about scaring people," she says.

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11-21-2015, 04:20 PM
Rob Pincus produced a video a few years ago about this very thing.

Der Gebirgsjager
11-21-2015, 04:23 PM
So I guess she (the Chief) will be issuing lots of CCW permits now? Ha, ha.

11-21-2015, 04:25 PM
ok now that some have their head out of their butt. give the victims a better way to fight back. let every lawful person carry. I believe if that happens the mass shootings would soon grind to a stop.

11-21-2015, 06:49 PM
This way of thinking comes a few years to late IMHO the people that will take action would of always taken action and have no need for the state to give them permission.
Telling the sheep that have been trained to be PC and not all muslims are bad that it is alright to fight back all of a sudden means nothing, most will pee their pants scream like a girl and hide.
It Takes a special person to run to the trouble I am not all that and a bag of chips but I don't think I could let someone get hurt if I had it in my power to stop it, but I don't have that warm fuzzy feeling about a lot of the people I have met in my life.
Just my .02

gray wolf
11-21-2015, 07:25 PM
but I don't have that warm fuzzy feeling about a lot of the people I have met in my life.
Just my .02
I agree and my .02 cents go's in the pot with yours

11-21-2015, 07:39 PM
The D.C. Police Chief? Gee . . . .I wonder if she cleared all of this with the "big guy" in the "big house" before she released this statement? I'm sure that the left will have a lot to say about this somewhere along the line . .

Nobody knows how they would react in a situation as sad as what has been going on. But here again is a "guv'ment" official, a "local" one, tell the people how to react and act. I don't think that many folks in that situation, if given the opportunity, would not try to stop it and/or take the perp "out" if possible. But easy to armchair quarterback and if faced with multiple shooters with AKs, etc. really doesn't give much opportunity to react when in a large group that in panic.

I fully agree that it is even more reason for responsible citizens to train and be armed - if they desire. The government can play their games and put out announcements that a "threat" is not present . . . but it wasn't in Paris either. I'm not faulting the French or their intelligence . . . I'm just stating that in reality, there are so many unknowns when it come to terrorism.

Many, MANY years ago . . and this was before 911 was in place . . . in the training for PD, Fire, Ambulance, etc. . . . we stated that "once the appropriate agency was on the scene, an emergency no longer exists as the proper help is on the scene". That's fine for car accidents, fires, rescues and crimes such as thefts, burglaries, etc. It is not applicable to crimes of "terrorism". By the time 911 or the authorities have been notified and are on the scene, the damage has already been done in most cases . . . or is still on-going and there is no real grasp of exactly is happening. By then, the damage is already done and it's a "containment operation". For this reason, I fully agree with the D.C. Chief that if possible, those there need to react and act if possible as it could save lives.

The American people are being fed a line of horse "lucky" when it comes to such things as immigration and the refugee problem by the "left". I, for one, am glad to see opposition to it. Yes, I feel sorry for them but to let them in without extensive screening, etc is just inviting the fox in to the hen house. The other day, I watched as "Hillary" made the statement, addressing the refugee problem, that was in effect "of course they should be let in. To deny them is wrong . . . that's not who we are (U.S.)". I find it amazing that this individual (and others) feel that they can speak and decide for the
American people "just who we are". Funny because the last figures I saw was that more than half of the American people are against it . . . yet the "big guy" has promised to veto any measures set forth by Congress in opposition to it.

In the end, I don't want the government telling me who I am, what I should or shouldn't say, how I should act or what to do . . . we put "representatives" in office to "represent" us, not themselves or their self interests. What I find surprising about the D.C. Chief's statements is that it is just "common sense" . . . but then, just how much "common sense" do we see those in the government exhibiting?

11-21-2015, 09:19 PM
Of course obamer approves with this approach. You notice that she said nothing about firearms, she wants you to take on the bad guy bare handed.
Ole Jack

11-21-2015, 10:15 PM
Bare Handed? You better hope this guy is with you


11-21-2015, 11:18 PM
She doesn't seem to tell how people are to do this just that they should,to bad she didn't talk more about how especialy sense it is a gun free district. Now if she ever figures out that DC is not a city but just a district.

11-21-2015, 11:57 PM
So you are responding to an active shooter with a gun, PD comes on scene and puts a few rounds in you thinking you are the bad guy. Is this their way of getting rid of gun toting folks?

11-22-2015, 06:30 AM
I've had police arrive on the scene and end up pointing their guns at me. Luckily, it wasn't some sort of chaotic live shooter situation with SWAT, so they didn't shoot me first and then ask try to determine if I was the bad guy. Many years ago, I had one of the officers ask me why I was carrying so much firepower. I told him, "uhh... because it's LEGAL?". Texas didn't have any CHL provisions at that time, so you were limited to only being able to carry a rifle or a shotgun in your vehicle. He called his Sargent and they discussed it for awhile and then realized that I was right and gave me my gun back and took the criminal away.

You won't know what you'll do until the situation happens to you. I know what I've done and I would like to think that I would again run *towards* the danger if I again saw someone in trouble. OK, with my age and injuries over the years, maybe it is more of a *hobble* towards the danger... :(

11-22-2015, 09:21 AM
When I was in college at Chico State University in the 70's, we had a rash of armed robberies of small stores in rural Butte County, and nearby. Naturally, people who owned stores began to arm themselves. When the sheriff found out, he began offering free classes on gun handling for them.

11-22-2015, 11:56 AM
When I was in college at Chico State University in the 70's, we had a rash of armed robberies of small stores in rural Butte County, and nearby. Naturally, people who owned stores began to arm themselves. When the sheriff found out, he began offering free classes on gun handling for them.

Geez, an intelligent solution - that's not going to fly in DC

Rufus Krile
11-23-2015, 12:26 AM
NavyVet... We come from a time when EVERYONE carried rifles in their pickups here in Texas. The first responders to Charlie Whitman in the UT tower back in the 60's were local deer hunters who kept him below the parapet until Martinez went up and got him. Now UT is another 'gun-free' zone and anything left in a gun rack is an invitation to steal. Back then, a gun rack wasn't properly equipped without a rifle, a shotgun, a cane, and a cattle prod.

11-23-2015, 01:32 PM
NavyVet... We come from a time when EVERYONE carried rifles in their pickups here in Texas. The first responders to Charlie Whitman in the UT tower back in the 60's were local deer hunters who kept him below the parapet until Martinez went up and got him. Now UT is another 'gun-free' zone and anything left in a gun rack is an invitation to steal. Back then, a gun rack wasn't properly equipped without a rifle, a shotgun, a cane, and a cattle prod.

Yeah, and the doors were unlocked with the keys in the ignition or tucked away on the sunvisor. And no one ever even thought about messing with your stuff.

11-23-2015, 02:29 PM
" Crime is worst where gun laws are most in vogue. What we need is to arm every citizen and teach them to shoot and crime would practically disappear overnight." Elmer Keith, Aug. 16, 1968, in letter to C.K. Carroll