View Full Version : Veterans Day

11-11-2015, 02:59 PM
Pray for our Military

"As we set aside this day to honor our veterans and the sacrifices they have made to protect us and our way of life, let us remember that the freedoms we enjoy stem from the dedication of the founders of our nation to enshrine these freedoms in a Constitution which our citizens and their elected leaders are sworn to protect and defend. Our veterans remain the most visible sign of our nation's willingness to accomplish that mission. We honor their service and in so doing strengthen the bond that makes us all Americans."

Roger M. Nikkel
Fastening Systems International, Inc.


11-11-2015, 06:53 PM
I agree ! Back in the day our vets were honored more than today .

11-13-2015, 02:50 PM
It seems as though I am often depressed by the lack of appreciation shown for our veterans and for our country. Then (as God has a way of doing it), I see an expression of appreciation that picks me up. I had one of those experiences last night and had to share it here:

Went to a school program last night. It was my niece's first singing program (3rd and 4th graders). In the audience was a gentleman in his late 90's wearing a WWII Veteran's cap.. At the end of the program, the teacher pointed him out. He received a standing ovation from the crowd, lasting several minutes. The kids presented him and the rest of we veterans with a hand-drawn (by the kids) American Flag. He teared up as the little girl placed it in his hands. Then the rest of us teared up as well and began clapping again. You should have seen the smile on the old soldier's face. Priceless.