View Full Version : Redneck bar-mitzvah

11-08-2015, 01:37 AM
My grandson will be 14 in a couple of days.

To assist him in his passage to manhood, I took him to his first gunshow today. He is already hooked on shooting and has to reload the 9mm ammo that he shoots by the bushel.

I think he likes gun shows too. He is certainly the only one in his class who has ever been to one. Kind of sad actually.152823

11-08-2015, 01:42 AM
similar to my daughters. They kind of passed up the whole pellet gun/22rimfire thing and went into Browning Hi-Powers. I so much wanted them to grow up as I did, and they being around me they went straight into 9mm.
I tried them with informal clay pidgeon shooting, and the shotgun with the shortest length pull was a long tube RIOT gun. So, they was busting clay birds with a riot gun while the buddies all had their bird guns and such.
Aint it cool!!!! A lot of kids don't know what they are missing.

11-08-2015, 01:49 AM
Kids are always cool to the bone, it's too many parents that are stupid to the bone. Some kids can't hang with my grandson because he is around GUNS!!! They might all turn into mass murderers from knowing a kid who shoots. There sure are a lot of hyperventilating fools out there who don't have any business raising kids.

11-08-2015, 11:22 AM
Good on you for spending time with the Grandson! I can't wait until mine are old enough/big enough to shoot or hunt.

11-08-2015, 02:22 PM
To complete his bar mitzvah he must recite the following essential ritual sentence in front of many bored people: Today I am a fountain pen.